Chapter 28 Deadly Virus

Chloe Regens

1 month later..

Ken is avoiding me like I’m a deadly virus. After that incident in Tennessee, he went back home alone leaving us. I felt sorry for the others because we went back to New York the next day.

The girls comforted me because that night I was crying. I thought I will never cry but I cried my heart out alone until Rose realized that I’ve been locking myself inside the room.

Since that day, I tried to go to his office but the security already block me. I tried to wait for him after work but he never came out from his office. I tried to call but my number got blocked. I’ve tried to go to his house but it’s useless too.

1 month full he’s avoiding me.. 1 month 12 days 17 hours 12 minutes 17 seconds.

This feeling is 2 times worser than breaking up with Xander. I have 3 years relationship with Xander and not crying after breaking up and now I have no relationship with Ken but crying when he’s avoiding me. Stupid? I know.

“Chloe?” I just realized that I’m spacing out.

“Sorry.. I’m sorry Angel.” I apologized immediately.

“Why don’t you take a break?” She looked at me with a sad expression.

“No no.. I’m fine.” I smiled.

“As your boss, I’m ordering you to take a break. You have work hard all this time and you need a break.”

“I’m fine Angel, seriously.”

“Ken isn’t it?” She asked and I sighed.

“How is he these days?” I asked since her husband is Ken’s best friend.

“Sorry Chloe but I don’t know about his condition.” Angel said.

“Hey don’t be, I’m just asking.” I patted her hand.

“Go home Chloe.. or take a trip back to LA and see your family.”

“Angel I just work for you 1 month, I don’t deserve this.” I said and she shook her head.

“I use your design a lot and you work so hard.. Why can’t I give you a break?”


“Chloe/” Angel looked at me seriously.


“Go home.. take a break, watch netflix or whatever. Try to hit a guy or something.” She smiled and I chuckled.

“Okay fine.. One day, just one day break.” I said.

“Okay deal, fine.” She gave up, I picked my bag and bid my goodbye to her and walked out from her office. I looked up to the sky and see the sky has the same feeling as mine. It’s dark and I know it will rain a few moments after this.

My heart was really broken and I don’t know what do to again. It’s hard to reach Ken now because he completely pushing me away so badly. Even though I don’t see him for awhile, I still like him and the memories with him is still fresh on my mind.

I felt a few rain drops fall on my head but I ignored it. As the time goes by the rain is staring to get heavier and heavier. I walked in the rain and ignoring the fact that it’s cold and freezing because of the wind blows so hard.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“A beautiful girl shouldn’t walk alone in the rain.” I looked up to see a light brown hair guy standing beside me and holding an umbrella.

“I’m fine, you can go.” I said weakly.

“Your face is pale.. here hold this for a sec.” He gave me his big umbrella, he took off his jacket and then wrapping it around me.

“Thanks but I don-”

“I’m Conard Renov, yours?” He cut me and he held the umbrella again.

“Chloe, Chloe Regens.”

“Wanna grab a cup of coffee to warm our body?” He asked and I turned to him. He smiled to me and he seemed nice.

“Starbucks?” I asked.

“If you like that, let’s go.” He said and Starbuck is just 2 blocks away.

“Umm Conard thankyou.. for this and this.” I pointed at the umbrella and his jacket.

“No problem Chloe, don’t walk in the rain again. You might catch a cold.” He smiled sweetly.

“Yeah.. Thanks for the reminder.” I said.

“Uhmm.. are you free this friday?” He asked and I turned to him raising my eyebrows.

“There’s my friends birthday party and I was hoping if you want to be my date?” He asked.


“Is it too fast? Look I didn’t mean to-”

“Okay.” I cut him.


“In two days.” He said and I nodded.

“Let’s get in first, what do you want to drink?” He asked as we entered the starbucks.

“Hot chocolate.” I said.

“Okay hot chocolate coming right up.” He smiled and I chuckled. I sat on one of the empty tables and looked outside the window. It’s raining heavily.

After a few minutes pass, Conard brought my hot chocolate and he gave it to me. He drank a hot cappuccino and a sandwich.

“Thankyou Conard.” I said once again and he looked at me.

“Hey it’s fine and besides I was passing by when I saw you were drench. I’m quite lucky I’m helping a beautiful woman like you.” He smirked and I chuckled.

“You’re going to work?” I asked as I pointed to his bag.

“Nahh just went to a meeting and that’s all for my schedule today.” He said.

“Ohh.. if you have work you can go.” I said.

“No.. so can I have your phone number?” He asked, giving me his phone and I nodded. I put my phone number to his phone.

“I’ll call you Chloe.” He said smiling.

“Will wait Conard.. so where do you work?” I asked as I sipped my hot choco.

“Building next behind this.”

“Oh I see.” I nodded my head.

“How about you?”

“I’m working as a designer.” I said.

With that I talked with Conard for a few hours..

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