Billionaire Nick

Chapter 6: On Her Mind

Chapter 6: On Her Mind 

Caroline Rebekah whistled while eyeing the small basket in my hand the moment I stepped into the room.

"Boss presents?" She smirked.

I pressed my lips into a thin line to stop myself from laughing.

"Yeah.And just so you know, I wasn't dreaming about him in the club.He was really there.And these," I pointed to the basket, "are probably to make up for being rude while hiring me.”

"Sure." She smirked.

"Seriously, Rebekah.It's just chocolates.So relax.They're pretty expensive, but still."

Her smirk was wiped away and she raised a brow.

"Nick Sinclair gave you chocolates?"

"Yeah" Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

"Oh my God!"

Her eyes grew big for a second.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Nick and his chocolates live in a completely different dimension.

He barely shares them with anyone.’ "What?"

I frowned.

"Trust me.If there's anything that manwhore is crazy about more than women, it's his sweets.’ "Oh? And then, another smirk formed on her lips.

"You sure he's just playing boss?"

My mind couldn't help but go back to our encounter in the elevator.

He'd been so close that I could easily shut my eyes and drown myself in his intoxicating aura.

Even if he was just playing with the emergency button, his action stirred something inside me.

Oh God! What is wrong with me? I blinked when Rebekah cleared her throat.

"Uh-let's not think too much about it’ With that, I headed straight for the bathroom, got out of my drenched clothes and changed into a pink t-shirt and black denims.

"Where are you going?"

Rebekah asked when I stepped out of the bathroom.

"Coffee shop, I muttered.

"You still work there?"

She frowned.

"Yeah.Why not?"

"Isn't Sinclair paying you?"

"He will, maybe.

But it's only till his old assistant Penny comes back.

Then I'll go back to interning at Mr.Andrews’ and I won't have a real job until after graduation.

So this coffee shop money is the only constant"

"But you must be so tired right now” I shrugged.

"No, I'm good"

"You know, Care,’ she got up from the bed and engulfed me in a bear hug, "you're the strongest woman I've ever known.

Just know that this time will pass and you will be happy again"

She pulled back and gave me her brightest smile.

I gave her a small nod.

"Thank you, but I'm just tired, Reb.Not in a shitty mood.I don't need a pep talk."

"Well" she frowned, "I'm PMSing, so suck it up"

Chuckling, I waved at her and walked out of the door, pondering over her words.

She said I'll be happy again.

I wanted to believe her but I knew better.

I'll never be the happy girl I used to be.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I made my way to the coffee shop, which was just a few minutes' walk from the campus.

"Look who decided to show up.’ An annoyingly whiny voice rang in my ears the moment I stepped behind the cash counter at the coffee shop.

"Cashy"' I spoke, trying to pull a forced smile on my face.

Her lipstick-smudged full lips lifted into a frown as she pulled the chewing gum out of her mouth, aimed it in a bin with her bare hands and wiped her fingers on her apron.

"Caroline"She gave me a fake smile.

"Owing to your short term memory, it's Cathy"

"Sure" I shrugged.

"Whatever you say, Cashy’ Now, don't blame me for name-calling.She was literally a gold digger— flirting with every guy that stepped into the coffee shop in leathers or business suits while taking their orders.

She would stand so close up to their tables and bend over, showing off her assets, and then apologize for accidentally throwing herself on them.

If I were them, I'd be so embarrassed I would probably never show up here again.

But then, some of them did come back.

She frowned at what I'd just called her and opened her mouth to probably throw some lame insult, but then someone called her name.

She went away, huffing.

I stifled a laugh and picked up a writing pad and pen to take orders.

It was a busy evening as the customers kept coming in so me and the other waitress, Ira, kept serving them.

She was a raven-haired beauty, a year or two younger than me.

She'd been working here since a year ago, right after she graduated from high school, and had been saving up for college ever since.


She handed me a few cents.

"You forgot to collect your tip from table five"

"Thank you."

I smiled at her and she nodded back with a smile, sprinting back to the tables to collect orders.

She was always nice to me.

As I was taking an old customer's half-finished coffee back to the kitchen, something collided with my foot, making me lose my balance as I fell face-first on the floor, spilling all the coffee on my t-shirt.

I looked up to find Cathy smiling dawn at me triumphantly.

"What even..' I trailed off.

"I hope you'll remember my name next time"

"Hey! Leave her alone."

I heard a voice behind me and then felt a pair of hands on my shoulders, helping me get up from the floor.

She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever.’ And then she disappeared behind the counter.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance and turned around.

"Liat! Psmiled in confusion.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah.I'm fine? I said while eyeing the stain on my t-shirt and then looked up at him.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were on a leave."

Liam worked here as a cashier on a part time basis.

He was this happy-go-lucky guy who had immediately befriended me on the very first day right at the gates of campus, Literally, when he offered to carry my bags up to my dorm.

"I'm not here for my shift."

He rubbed his hands excitedly.

"There's something else"


"Guess it.I stared at him In confusion.

"Come on! You know it"

My eyes grew wide.

"You're setting up your stall at Whiskers Carnival?"

Whiskers Carnival was an annual thing our college hosted.


He pumped his fist in the air excitedly and pulled me in tor hug, practically making me jump in ecstasy along with him.

Het out a laugh.


"Thank you,’ he muttered while pulling back.

"Keep yourself free the day after tomorrow.You're volunteering"

"Hell yeah! Count me in.What's your stall?"

"Yeah, about that."

He pressed his lips into a thin line as he pulled out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and watched me as If waiting for my reaction.

I took it from him and unfolded the small poster in confusion, then looked up at him with a raised brow.

"Seriously? A kissing booth? What the hell were you thinking?"

He sighed.

"Come on, Care.You know that makes the most money.’

"Yeah, but this one's a little different, don't you think? How many girls do you think will show up to kiss a guy?"


he muttered in contusion.

"What guy?"


"Oh, no, no, no" He laughed. "I won't be the one doing it."

"Then who?" I raised a brow.He gave me a cheeky smile.

"Whoa, wait. I let out a laugh.

"When I said I'm free for volunteering, I didn't mean that I'm willing to lock lips with a bunch of guys.’

"But you already promised, Care"

"What? When? I did no such thing.And why don't you ask Rebekah?"

"That poor soul failed her test again and her professor assigned her to the games stall in exchange for some credit"

"Oh no."

Rebekah had studied so hard for that test.

"I'm sorry but I can't do this"’ He sighed.

"Fine.I was counting on you as a friend"


"That's okay.Why would you kiss a few guys to make my stall run successfully?"

He turned around to leave.

I groaned in frustration.

"Fine" I sighed.

He turned to me with wide eyes.


"Don't act so surprised."

I narrowed my eyes.

"You knew I would give in because of your lame ass act."

"Ouch.' He placed his hand over his heart.

"I swear you're more dramatic than Rebekah sometimes."

"Which is why you love us."

He winked while walking towards the door.

"See you the day after next, Caroline"

Releasing a breath, I went to the bathroom to clean my t-shirt but the stain was still visible.

Throughout my shift, me and Cathy the Cashy kept giving each other death glares, more me than her.

She'd ruined a perfectly nice t-shirt of mine.

Finally, it was closing time and we were the only two people left.

I had to do the dishes and she was mopping the floor.

Once I was done and was about to leave, I considered dropping some caramel on the freshly mopped floor but decided against it.

I realized I was missing my bed a bit too much to be wasting precious moments on a fight with her.

The moment I was back inside the dorm, Rebekah looked up.

For the first time, she was studying instead of using her phone.

"What happened?"

She eyed my t-shirt.

I rolled my eyes.

"What do you think?"

"Cashy gave you trouble again?"


"God! That bitch"

"Yeah.That bitch,’’ I muttered while slipping into the bathroom, changing into pajamas and walking out to collapse face-first on my bed.

"You haven't had dinner yet,’ Rebekah pointed out.

I considered going downstairs with my meal card but dismissed the idea.

All I needed was sleep.

"I'm not hungry, I mumbled into the pillow.

"Did you eat anything at coffee shop?"

Rebekah enquired.

"Mm, no" "What? Do you want me to call your aunt and tell her how you're treating yourself? The last thing I want is you getting sick.

Finals are coming up.."

I couldn't remember hearing the rest of it because the next thing I knew was the bright sun shining in my face.

Groaning, I tossed over my pillow to cover my eyes.

"Caroline" I heard Rebekah's voice say.

"Caroline, wake up."

She shook me roughly until I snapped my eyes open and glared at her.


"Look at this."

She walked over to the window and I frowned.

Confused, I scrambled out of the bed and sauntered across the room in a lazy manner to get to the window.

A matte black Bugatti Veyron was right in the middle of the campus parking area.

I blinked and rubbed my eyes to see clearly, instantly recognizing that car from yesterday.

What the hell was Nick Sinclair doing here? Suddenly, the tinted car window rolled down and my boss sat there in all his glory, hair styled back and a pair of shades shielding his eyes.

Then, out of nowhere, his finger pulled the shades down and his eyes locked straight with mine, like he already knew where my dorm was.

Is this real? "Oh my God? Rebekah muttered and I turned around.

She was holding my phone.

There was a message from Nick Sinclair.

I'll be there to pick you up today.

8 a.m.

Dress casual.

What the hell? I looked at the time.

It was 8"30 a.m.

Guess I overslept.

Wouldn't have been surprised if he was pissed.

"Dress casual? Hm.’ Rebekah smirked.

"Caroline Stewart, are you about to go on a date with your boss?"

No way! Nick My phone buzzed again.

Let a man sleep, dammit! My fingers probed the nightstand for my phone and I brought it up to my ear.

"Wakey, wakey"’ a voice spoke from the other end.

Rubbing my eyes, I looked at the contact and frowned.

"What the fuck do you want, Blake?"

I snapped.

"Nothing! Just wanted to show you something"

"No thanks.Not interested"

"Oh, believe me, Nick.You will be very interested once you see this"I sighed.

"Cut to the chase."

"Alright.I'm sending you a picture in 3...2..""

My phone buzzed with a notification.

"1.Now.’ He chuckled.

I gave a weird look at the phone.

What was wrong with him? I waited for the picture to load and once it did, I felt my anger poison my blood.

It was a picture of Caroline in some cafe hugging that guy, Liam.

They both were smiling and seemed so happy.

They were practically clinging to each other.

Dammit! Did she like him? How could she? "I believe I have your interest now" Blake said.

My jaw clenched in anger and I let out a breath before speaking.

"Have you been stalking her?"

I was trying so hard to keep my anger at bay.

He let out a laugh.

"You think I have the time for that?"

"Where did you get this from?"

"That's for me to know and for you to...well, not know" "Don’t test me, Blake? I snapped.

"Jeez, calm down! Why is it bothering you so much?"

I narrowed my eyes for a moment.

"It's not bothering me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes.-I'm just worried that you are stalking my employee’’

"Relax."He chuckled."I know the coffee shop owner.He was printing out some happy moments captured on the surveillance camera for his daughter's school project.

He just showed me the project"

"Wait! That picture's going in 4 damned school project?"

"Not anymore.Since I took it away."I sighed.

"Didn't I tell you about these two yesterday?"I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Told me what?"

"Like, how they're meant to be together?"

"You said no such thing, Blake."

"But I'm saying it now.Look at how he went to visit her in the middle of her shift."

"Shift? Garoline works there?"

I frowned.

"You didn't know Uhaul, Nick? Do belter tescarch on your crush next time’ My eyes grew wide and I let out a laugh.

"My what?"I scoffed.

"Your crush."

"Isn't it a bit too early in the morning to get drunk, Blake? Want me to come over so I can kick your ass sober for work?"

He burst out laughing."Why do you sound so vexed, Nick?"

I took in a deep breath.

"Because it's early morning and you're pissing me off.So now I'm going to hang up.Bye, asshole."

I hung up.

Looking down at the picture, I couldn't help but ponder over Blake's words.

They're meant to be together.

What if they really loved each other? They did look...happy.

Sighing, I threw my phone away on the bed and leaned against the headboard.

Maybe I should just let them be— NO! If she really loved him, then why was I on her mind all day? Didn't she confess that when she was drunk in that club? I had to find out.

I needed to know if she was affected by me at all.

And so, without wasting any time, I sent her a text that I was going to pick her up.

Going to my blocked list of numbers, I unblocked the number I didn't think I was going to need again.

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