Billionaire Baby Daddy



"I've eaten so much chocolates. This isn't healthy." I complain to Amelia as I open another bar. Harry bought a box of chocolate after losing a bet on COD. I promised I would one day beat him after him always winning and taunting me. When we had our throwbacks we talked about it and I challenged him. And now, I'm enjoying my victory with his girlfriend.

"I have to go to work in an hour." Amelia groans. I laugh at her as she gets her things and leaves me. Alone. Being alone isn't good for me since I think about unnecessary things and one of them being an engaged man. Going to C and S had helped me. I wasn't so bored and so idle. "What to do. What to do." I wonder as I head to my room to look for something to read but my steps are halted by the doorbell.

I ignore the many questions that have started forming in my head. "Not Sydney. Not Sydney. Not Sy... "

"Sydney Kings!" His face holds no emotion. He is in his black suit with a black shirt and he looks so tasty. "What are you doing here?" I don't fully open the door for him.

"We need to talk." I roll my eyes. "Do you only know that phrase Mr Kings?" I open the door wider for him.

He looks around the house, studying it. "I really don't want to talk to you Kings. We have nothing to talk about and I can't afford going to the hospital again because of someone who doesn't care that he made someone sick."

Sydney only looks at me with a blank expression which is so creepy. His eyes move to my tummy and I instinctively place my hands on it.

"I need your help." I blink. What? I never expected that. "Have a seat Isabella." His voice is lower as he tells me though I still roll my eyes. He's in my house but still orders me. I continue standing.

"Can I get you something to drink Mr Kings?" He has to know I'm in charge here and he seems to get the message since his eyes light up with amusement for a second.

"Water. Very cold water." I nod and get him a water bottle from the fridge.

Help? The Sydney Kings needs help from me, Isabella Styles. But why? Guess I'll have to wait till he tells me.

I sit on the chair opposite him and look at him as he drinks the water. Water flows in his mouth as if it has been commanded and I watch his as if he's a specimen. That is until his eyes dart to mine and I look away so fast as my cheeks become so hot. Watching Sydney drink water is like watching a live advert. He does it so perfectly and as much as I now seem like a creep, I utilize the smallest time I have with him to look at this walking sex god.

"You left me at the hospital." I try to blame him.

"I had very important things to do Isabella." Sydney looks so stressed and I don't know how to take this. He's always so composed and intimidating and that's what I'm used to. At the same time it feels so good to see him this way. Showing me that he's human too.

Not seeing Sydney at the hospital was kinda disappointing but I never took it to heart so when he tells me this I don't bother asking him further.

"So what help does the mighty Sydney want from me?" I decide to not beat around the bush anymore.

"Was Bianca here?" I furrow my eyebrows. What has Bianca coming here have to do with me helping him?

"Yes. Two days ago." I tell him.

"We need to leave. We can't talk here." He's making this sound so mysterious and some fear starts creeping in. "I'll tell you later. I know somewhere we can go."

"Are you trying to abduct me. You really are sounding so mysterious." I raise an eyebrow.

"You have to trust me Izzy." I look at Sydney and he sure looks so desperate but people are actors. They know how to show you what they want. Should I trust him?

"I'll go get my purse." I tell Sydney and he only nods. I go to my room and text Harry.

Bella: I'm leaving with Sydney to a place I don't know. My GPS is on. I'll text you when I'll be back.

Harry: I don't know if you should leave with him Bella. But take care. Call me incase of anything. ANYTHING ISABELLA.

I ensure the GPS is on then put the phone back into the purse. Sydney hasn't done anything to earn the tiniest bit of my trust and he sounds so mysterious. Call me paranoid but I'd rather be prepared for anything.

I find Sydney waiting in the car and I join him after ensuring the house is under lock and key. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

"So, Harry... " I know he wants me to explain who he is but I act dumb.

"Harry. What about Harry?" I love how Sydney drives his car so fast and it being a sports car makes it so smooth.

"As far as I know, you don't have siblings. Is he your..."

"Boyfriend?" I complete for him. "I've seen and heard so many qualities about you Kings but being nosey, that's a first." Sydney only laughs at this.

"Perhaps you heard curious?" His tone is slightly playful and I like it.

"So Sydney is curious about me. Yaay, Lucky me." I say in a girly tone making Sydney roll his eyes.

"I have to know since I need you to do something." And that's how the playful talk ends.

"No. He's my best friend. And in a way a brother. He's sort of my soulmate." I don't know why I just said that but Sydney shows no emotions but the car accelerates and his grip tightens.

"So tell me about this soulmate of yours." Sydney says soulmate in a mocking way which makes my blood boil.

"Well excuse me Sydney but if you have something against Harry just say it. I won't let you mock or disrespect him." My voice is stern and it reminds me of when I was in the office.

"Okay, okay. Why do you consider Harry your soulmate?" I gape at him.

"When I was adopted, we didn't really like each other but our tastes were the same and they brought us together. Harry was there for me all the time. My dad who adopted me loved me but to him, I was a replacement to his dead daughter. I shared all my laughter and tears with Harry. He knows everything about me as I him. To me Harry is everything I wished for in a family." A tear drops and I swiftly wipe it. Stupid hormones.

"Enough with the touchy stuff. I'm so curious to know what you need me for." I turn to Sydney who seems so lost in thought.

"Curiosity killed the cat." He's back to playful. Is this guy bipolar? He's serious for a minute then not serious the next.

"Well, I'm not a cat if that's what you're implying." I decide to play along. "I'm a tigress though." I wink at him and Sydney laughs. Holy Shit! Sydney laughed! That sentence even seems so wrong.

"Cute." He says in a whisper.

"Okay, tell me who's this and what have you done to Sydney Kings?"

"You prefer when I'm in my sexy business mood?" I roll my eyes. The egomaniac is back.

Sydney stops at a beautiful cottage and I look at it in amazement. "Wow!"

"Welcome to my humble abode. I bought it four months ago." He looks at me with intensity then at my slightly swollen tummy. My eyes widen.

"You bought this after we..."

"Yeah. The day after. Actually I bought it for you." No words come to mind and I only stare at Sydney. What?

"Let's get in and talk." Still dumbfounded, I follow him. The inside looks so cozy and what I'd really like. It's so beautiful.

"You thought I would have agreed to keep the baby because you bought me a house?" I somehow feel anger rise within me. And hurt.

"No. I would have given it to you after you had agreed to the agreement."

"Compensation for taking away the baby?"

"I would have talked to you to marry me for a year. This is where I wanted you to live when you were pregnant. But it would have been yours after the divorce."

"Why did you bring me here Sydney?"

"Nobody knows about this place. We can talk with no worries here."

"What about my place?"

"Precautions. I think Bianca bugged your house." With this I feel nauseous.

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