Big Bad Wolfie

Chapter 87: Epilogue

Chapter 87: Epilogue

"Maria, it's been two months, you need to address them."

"I know Marco, but we all just finished healing from the fight. I just need some time to wrap my head

around things," I rubbed my eyes to try and get rid of the headache behind them. The paperwork in

front of me making my head spin.

"Time's up," Rosie came into the room looking a little frantic.

"What?" I frowned.

"People are outside demanding for Jason to be handed over to them or for some kind of consequences

to be dealt because of all the trouble he caused," she explained quickly.

"Goddess, can't they just be patient? We just ended a war that started nearly a decade ago and they've

gotta find something else to be mad about so fast?" I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Welcome to leadership," Marco grinned, all of us knowing this is what I signed up for.

I waved him off. "Yeah yeah. Where's Wolfie? I need to talk to him about this." Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

"He's outside trying not to get torn apart by angry vampires," Rosie responded.


That idiot.

I ran downstairs to the second floor balcony.

"What are you doing out here?!"

"They were asking for me," Wolfie shrugged stupidly.

"Goddess, if they asked for your head, would you give it to them?"

"They already have, and I decided to decline."

I facepalmed myself.

"I tried to tell him," Happy shook his head.

"You shouldn't be out here either, genius," I pushed past the both of them to confront the crowd of

pissed off people.

"Hey! Everyone! Can I please have your attention!" I hollered over the angry yelling and cursing of

Wolfie's name. "Please! I just need to--"

"EVERYBODY SHUT THE H3LL UP!" Rose came onto the balcony after us.

The angry mob went silent.

She gave me a nod.

"Thank you, Rosie," I sighed. "Now," I addressed the crowd. "I'm gonna level with you all. Jason has

made a lot of mistakes, like. . . a lot, and he will be held accountable for them, but I think it's important

to realize how much he did for me and this house after he realized how much of a dumb@ss he was


A series of grumbles and growls came from the crowd at that, and Wolfie just shrunk behind me.

"You all haven't been there to see all of it, but he's held himself accountable and promises to continue

to for his mistakes," I continued.

"Kill him!"

"Let him rot in jail!"

"Goddess, they really don't like you," I mumbled under my breath to Wolfie.

he just pouted like a sad dog.

"I promise we'll—"

"You should have left him for the hybrid king!"

"How selfish and inconsiderate are you people?!" Brandon suddenly yelled from beside Rosie after I

was interrupted.

Jeez, now it's a party, apparently.

The mob fell into stunned silence at his outburst, one again.

"Goddess, I know he's a jerk, but he's Maria's mate for crying out loud! You all are yelling for him to be

murdered or thrown in jail. Do you have any idea what that would do to you House mistress?!" Brandon

hollered, a look of anger dawning his face. "I know you're angry, and you have a right to be, but

imagine how she feels!" He pointed a finger at me. "She had so many obstacles in the way finding love

in her mate, something that's been given so freely to the rest of us."

I started feeling tears prickle at my eyes at his words, but there's no way I'm letting them fall.

"You think you're angry? Hurt? Imagine if you're mate did this to you."

The crowd stayed silent and Wolfie shrunk further back into the house.

Away from me.

I grabbed his arm and yanked him back into my side.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Brandon responded to the hanging heads and closed lips below him. "If

Jason has managed to convince her to forgive him, h3ll, even I'm coming around to the guy, I think you

all can at least find the patience and mercy to give her time before any sort of punishment is decided


The mob started seeming a little less mob like, and a little more forgiving.

"D@mn, I'm kinda good at public speaking, huh?" Brandon commented to me under his breath.

I just chuckled and whispered, "Thanks."

"What has he done to redeem himself, huh!?" One last mob member yelled.

To my surprise, without missing a beat, a warrior in the back responded, "He saved my life!"

Everyone turned to him.

". . . During the battle. I was left for dead. I would have died if he didn't help me to shelter."

Another warrior spoke up. "He stopped a hybrid from ripping my head off."

And another. "He killed the hybrid that killed my son."

And me. "He saved my life too," this brought their attention back up to the balcony.

"And ours," Brandon gestured at himself and Rose.

"Right," she agreed. "It may have only been after he realized Maria had left to do it all on her own, but

he showed up eventually!"

Another random person piped up, "I still think he should be thrown in jail!"

Rosie shoved herself between us so she was leaning over the rail. "Goddess, What do you people

have against Maria getting laid!"

I gasped at the sudden change in topic. "Rose!"

Brandon and Happy covered their mouths to hide their chuckles, and Wolfie choked on his own spit.

She reached over the rail dramatically. "I just don't want my best friend to die a virgin! Is that too much

to ask?!"

I screamed and covered my face. "Brandon!"

"C'mon Rose," he chuckled and dragged his mate back into the house.

Now flustered, I followed, shoving Happy and Wolfie in with me and slamming the doors on the now

subdued crowd.

*six months later*

"So when am I getting grand babies?"

I choked on my drink.

"Mom!" Wolfie Hollered.

Jaz, Wolfie's little sister, started laughing her butt off.

"What? Your mate just turned 19. It's the perfect time to start."

My eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets, but I tried to laugh off the awkwardness.

Wolfie and I have talked about this. We'll be waiting a while to get started on that sort of thing. At least

until neither of us are kids ourselves. I still need adult supervision to do my taxes.

Not to mention the nightmares, panic attacks, and bouts of depression. . .

But aside from that, the only problem is breaking the news to her gently.

"I don't know Luna —"

"I told you, it's Christine," she corrected me sternly for the ten billionth time.

"Christine," I amended. "The House just came around to Wolfie, and all the chaos surrounding the

hybrid hunting is about to be in full force. I don't know if now would be the right time."

"Yeah, I wanna be able to bask in the glory of the hybrids' end without any distractions," Wolfie turned

to me. "From afar," he tacked on because he knows my stance on that whole thing.

No one in my life is going near it.

I rolled my eyes at he and his Wolf's violent fantasies.

"But so help me, if I ever lay eyes on one again, it's gonna wish it was never born."

"Jason, you have to stop saying stuff like that," I shook my head.

"Why?! They've done so much to hurt you, to hurt all of us!"

"I know but —"

"But nothing! I hate hybrids, and nothing is going to change that." He said with finality and plopped into

his chair around the coffee table.

I sighed, making eye contact with Christine and Jaz. The only other people here that have more than

two brain cells to rub together, apparently.

"Well then, have I got some very bad news for you," I shook my head.

"What?" He said.

I stared at him, watching the gears turn in his head.

"Holy sh*t."

"Yeah. Greetings from your vampire mate, Wolfie," I did a mocking wave.

After that, we all sat in silence as he absorbed the information.

I don't blame him for being in denial about it. The hybrids have taken a lot from him. His brother and

many of his warriors.

I didn't even realize it either (Well, I realized, I just did my thing and shoved it deep deep down) until

after we started. . . Getting closer.

Really close.

Then it was impossible to deny.

Even though it's been right in front of us this whole time.

But we both need to work on how we talk about hybrids from now on. Our child will be one, after all.

"The Moon Goddess sure does have a twisted sense of humor, doesn't she?" Wolfie whispered.

I smiled sadly and rubbed his shoulder. "Yeah."

"But who better to raise them than people who know what their capable of?" I asked gently.

He sighed and embraced me tightly.

"It's gonna be really hard."

I nodded in agreement. "But we've got time, and have already been through so much. I know we can

do it."

He inhaled my scent and grunted in agreement.

"Speaking of doing it."

"Goddess! Are you ever not thinking about sex?!" Jaz questioned while putting her hand over her

mouth to keep from vomiting.

"It's his instincts telling him to fill the cradle he robbed with Maria as a mate." Christine joked about our

slight age gap with a mischievous grin.

"Christine!" I gasped.

Wolfie threw me over his shoulder.

"Ah! Jason!" I screamed mixed with a laugh that was impossible to repress.

"I'm not even that much older than her!" Wolfie yelled behind him as he ran up the stairs with me.

I screeched out a laugh.

We plopped onto the mattress with a clear mission in mind but got distracted by a re-run of Doctor Who

on TV, so we spent the rest of the night cuddling and eating popcorn and donuts.

I really really love this man.

And to think, he went from the Big Bad Wolfie to the big old teddy bear sitting next to me in right around

a year.

Maybe things really will be alright.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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