Big Bad Wolfie

Chapter 13: 12 - Respect

Chapter 13: 12 - Respect

After dinner — and steeling a few of a friend's champaign glasses because, and I quote, "you need it

more than I do," which I agree with 100% — we're dancing.

If you consider stomping off beat around a ball room floor dancing.

"How are you so well respected around here?" Wolfie narrowed his eyes at me.

It's also turned into more of an interrogation.

I shrugged. "Just by knowing how to get things done and done well I guess."

It's true. I am pretty well respected in this scene. By most, not all. I've worked my but off to get these

high ranking members to see me as their equal. Some of them still haven't gotten the picture, but if

that's the case, I probably don't care about their opinion anyway.

And some really are just better than me and aren't my equal.

That doesn't mean we can't respect each other though.

"Hmm. . ." He hummed.

"Are you sure it's not because you were born with this position and everything that comes with it is

wrapped in a nice little bow for you? You still don't seem that impressive," he scoffed, giving me a once


I laughed heartily. "Y'know, all these jabs your taking at me," it's not the first of the night, and he's

clearly trying to rile me up, "they're basically the equivalent to stabbing a corpse," I informed him.

He looked slightly caught off guard. "That's an interesting analogy."

I shrugged, "I mean really, you're saying them like you expect me to care," I snorted. "It's like stabbing

a corpse and expecting it to stir."

"You are such a weird girl."

"I already told you you haven't seen anything yet," I shook my head.

He sighed, giving up and changing the topic.

"And why do so many people wanna talk to you?"

"Ummm, it might have something to do with the fact I'm just not a douchebag," I mocked with a laugh.

"I swear, you think too highly of me," I shook my head sarcastically.

His eyes narrowed even more. "Mm, I don't know."

I raised an eyebrow. "Of course you don't. How would you?"

"I'm very good at reading people," he informed.

"Ah, sure you are."

You're as clueless as a lost puppy.

"What am I thinking right now?" I challenged him.

He'll never get it.

"How undeniably attractive I am," he stated matter-of-factly, kind of surprising me with the fact he made

a joke.

"Pft, no."

Well now I am.

"My turn," I chirped.

His eyebrows furrowed. "For what?"

"To guess what you're thinking. And then I get to pick your brain with questions like you did mine."

"That's not how this works —"

"That's how I'm telling you it's gonna work."

Before he could whine more about it, I proceeded. "I bet you're thinking about. . . Me."

"Self centered much?"

Says the guy that just called himself undeniably attractive.

"I think you're trying to figure me out. Either that, or you think you already have," I stated.

There was a pause.

"The second one."

I snorted. "Of course. And what have you deduced?"

"You're young —"

"Oh, good one Sherlock."

He glared at me.

I shrugged at him with a smirk.

"You're nieve."

Oh, strike one.

"You just skate through life, not observing what's around you."

Strike two.

"You think you're always right."

. . . Yeah, okay.

"You're all bark no bite."

No, actually, I think that's you.

"Strike three batter, and you're out," I shook my head at him.

He quirked an eyebrow. "You're just in denial."

"Oh, a hundred percent. Just not about any of that."

He looked at me confusedly. I took the opportunity to change the subject.

"Now, on to the most important question. . ." I paused for suspense. "What's your favorite color?" I

asked, trying to sound intense.

"Gray," he answered with an eye roll.

I don't care if he thinks it's frivolous.

"Gray like your tie or gray like your eyes?" I questioned.

". . . My tie."

". . . What's yours?" He inquired.

I let out a grin. Aw, he's interested. "It used to be teal."

Now it's silver, but not like your tie. It's all because of your eyes.

"What is it now?"

"Don't worry about it." The grin grew. "Tell me about your parents," I changed the subject.

His eyebrow raised in hesitation and confusion, but he let out a sigh and told me anyway. "They passed

down the role of alpha to me last year and now just live in the pack house guiding me in the right

direction. They're good people."

"And they lead you in this direction?" I asked with disbelief clearly written across my face.

"Well, actually, this is my first time going against their advise."

Well that explains a lot.

"Really? Wouldn't wanna try it on something a little less extreme first?" I questioned with a quirked


"Well it's working out well enough so far."

"Hm, yeah, don't get used to it."

"Are you threatening me?" He asked, a bit of angry annoyance bubbling behind his words.

Oh, someone's getting cranky.

"Of course not."

He loosened up.

"It's a fair warning."

Oh. the storms are back.

Wow, his mood just changes on a dime now doesn't it?

He checked his watch. "I think that's long enough."

"Wait what — ?"

He grabbed his signature place at my neck — Sadly enough, I can tell this is gonna be a habit of his —

and yanked me nearly off my feet. We maneuvered through the people on the dance floor, ignoring all

the weird looks, and got to the car. He threw me in without a word and slammed the door shut.

Wow, definitely cranky. I wonder if this has more to do with what I said at the bar than my comment

while dancing. . .

He then got in the passenger side and waited for Happy to finish coming down the steps behind us.

Once he was inside, "step on it," Wolfie ordered. The driver did just that and took off.

Yeah, definitely more to do with Wolfie's messed up partnership he promised I'd hear more about.

Otherwise he wouldn't be so pissed.

The car ride was silent. When we pulled up to my House territory the first sound heard was Wolfie's

door being swung open. Then his angry footsteps stomping over to my side. Then me being yanked out

and the door slammed behind me in one fluid motion. "Walk!" Wolfie barked. I guess I didn't do it fast

enough for him because his grip moved to a clump of my hair.

"Ah!" I hissed out in pain.

I saw a few concerned faces looking out the windows of their homes. I tried not to make eye contact

with any of them.

His grip didn't loosen. He gave it another yank and I sped up my pace. We stayed like this all the way

through the entrance, up the stairs and down the many corridors. We had left behind Happy and the

driver at the entrance when we first got here. Whenever I would fall behind he'd just give my hair

another tug. Like he does with my neck, but that doesn't set my scalp on fire. "I hope you're happy!

Victor wouldn't even come within ten feet of me the rest of the party! I swear if you messed this up for

me. . ."

He kept it up until we got to "his room" and then flung me inside. He came in behind me and slammed

the door shut.

He stared at me seething for a second.

From my place on the floor, he looked pretty hulking.

I gazed up at him tentatively.

Then he pounced.

Grabbing my forearms and yanking me up, he spun me around to face away from him. Before I knew it

my arms were pinned against my back and my face was smothered by the bed.

"Get it through your thick skull! Your house, is MINE now!" He growled.

I huffed. "Get this through your thick skull!" His grip wasn't tight enough on my wrists to prevent what

happened next. I flung my hand out and grabbed a fist full of his sleeve and pulled. It made him come

crashing from on top of me and gave me more leeway to move. I circled my fingers around his collar

and shoved him across the room, into the corner. The night stand that used to sit there crumbled under

his weight with a loud crash.

I heard rustling downstairs and a mixture of puzzled voices.

I have to stop this now. There's no point. He'll call for backup and I'll be taken down. I've accomplished

my goal — proving a point — and now I'm going to have to let him think he's won to keep things from

getting out of hand.

Which wasn't hard considering his hands were back on me like a flash. My wrist was pinned back to my

back, but this time with an iron grip, and his other hand was on the back of my neck. He shoved me out

on the balcony until the railing was digging into my stomach. "You see all that?!" He bellowed. He

grabbed a fist full of my hair and yanked my head back. Forcing me to look out on my territory. Thank

the goddess I can't see if anyone is looking back at me through their windows. "I'll destroy ALL OF IT, if

you don't do as I say. If you don't cooperate the way I want you to. If you step out of line ONE MORE

TIME, someone is going to die."

He doesn't mean that.


"Do I make myself clear pup?"

I'm not a pup, but I get what he was going for with the insult.

I tried to nod my head, my jaw clenched so hard I'm surprised my teeth didn't break.

He yanked my head back even more. "I didn't hear you! Am I clear!"

I took shallow breaths through gritted teeth. "Crystal."


He pulled me off the railing and back inside without letting up on my wrist or hair. "Here, here's the new

room I had set up for you once I realized how problematic you would be."

He threw me onto the floor in the room across from his and slammed the door shut without another Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.


Oh yeah, I'm the problematic one.


And here we go again.

I climbed off the floor and grimaced when I rubbed my hand across my sore scalp.

Why do they always go for the hair?

Taking a look around the room, I saw it was practically the same set up as the last one. Same bed and

same bolts on the window. Only this time there was a small dresser with only one remaining drawer

across from the bed. I opened the drawer out of curiosity and found a pair of my sweats and a t-shirt

folded inside.

Well okay then. At least now I don't have to sleep in this, but they couldn't have included makeup

wipes? Maybe a comb and a toothbrush too?

I mean, they already went through my closet apparently, why not my bathroom too?

With an eye roll, I changed into the pjs and settled for the makeup I wiped off with my hands and

climbed into bed.

This time I lied down with only one thought initially flying around in my head.

I wonder if he had this room set up right next to his when we were at the gala because I was causing

trouble, or when he discovered we were mates because he wanted me close.

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