Beyond the Pack’s Law: My stepsister or nobody else

110: Their Escape

Hayley’s POV

The room was heavy, and the darkness of it clung to damp wood and old fear. Aiden and I slouched against each other, our shackled wrists rubbing from face to torso as the candle flame of hope fluttered in a gust. The cult had us, but we are not them yet.

While my fingers strained against the thick cords binding them, thoughts raced through that panicked mind of mine, looking for a way out. The words of the cult leader threatened to haunt me too, but I shook them off. We needed to concentrate on the getaway before getting back to the pack with our findings.

The door creaked again, and I tensed once more for the cult leader to enter. However, instead, a familiar face came into the room: Ethan. I felt relief and confusion at once. How had he found us?

“Ethan?” Aiden whispered, his voice laced with disbelief.

Ethan pulled away suddenly and had a look of great insistence on his face. I came upon a way to break you out. We don’t have much time.”

He kneeled down on one knee next to us and took out some small blades he used. I rubbed my wrists as the ropes fell away, grateful for that sudden openness. Aidan rose, eyes on his brother.

“How did you get in?” “Are you fucking serious?!” Aiden questioned.

Ethan gave a wry smile. It seems that not everyone around here is as true to the cult as they claim. I paid off a few to turn the other cheek.

We couldn’t afford to linger. Ethan took us down a narrow corridor, in which we were almost enveloped by the stagnant and dim light. There were a hundred shadows out there, and every one of them was a menace, but Ethan was sure-footed on his own turf.

A sign asking if I needed one of the cult members sounded in the distance, reminding us all that we were being stalked. Adrenaline sent us running, my heart pounding with each step. Biohazard went back into fault, and I just twisted as hard as you could, but we had to be fast, quiet, and especially accurate.

Ethan stopped as we approached the exit and briefly looked around him. “Keep close once we step outside. The forest has a trail that will keep us hidden.

We nodded our thanks to his instructions. The door in front had a crack, and moonlight filtered through the opening. She was a couple steps from freedom.

Ethan cracked the door, and we stepped into the courtyard, fresh air rushing along us as we moved out of that familiar, stale cabin. The things undisturbed beneath the series of peaks, surrounding us with a forest that was familiar but knew all those dangers hidden. Cast. Our footfalls traveled nimbly through the soft crinkling of the underbrush. Ethan was silent and certain. Aiden and I followed. Read for any tag indicating a living person was near. The rustling of leaves and the distant cries of something in the night all made my nerves quiver.

For once, as we walked through the forest, I wondered in amazement at Ethan and his ingenious ways. They were separated by years; however, he had stepped up to lead the way when they needed him most.

The labyrinth twisted and turned, and I had to concentrate on the rocks, for they were my lifeline in a world where disorientation would kill me. Ethan, though, was always there beside us to keep the dark at bay and lead the way through twisting trees.

At long last, the forest gave way, and I was able to catch sight of our territory. Having seen it hundreds, if not thousands, of times before, there was hardly anything more comforting at that moment. Thank God, relief hit me as Aiden and I exchanged grateful eyes. We had made it.

By the time we stumbled from those woods, our eyes found first-light in nature’s endless rotation, golden and warm across a still-dark world. It brought me a flicker of hope-the promise of endings and new beginnings.

Ethan halted, spinning back to us. You will have to go tell the elders this information right away. We underestimated how dangerous the cult was.

Aiden nodded, determined. “Thank you, Ethan. We could not have done this without you.

The look in Ethan’s eyes when they softened said everything about the bond of brotherhood. “We’re in this together. But I will keep fighting the cult from inside.

His silhouette swallowed up by the trees, Ethan simply gave one final nod and then disappeared back into the forest. I followed him with my eyes, a lump of thankfulness and appreciation sitting high in my chest. He was a real friend, and in the days ahead, we would need him.

After all, there was a sense of urgency pulling Aiden and me towards the main hall. We had vital intelligence, and every minute counted. We needed to alert the elders; that storm was on its way.

All the old men had gathered in the hall, and when we burst into it, their faces betrayed a deep-seated fear. Elder Marcus was first to his feet; he stood there looking at us with suspicion etched across every feature of his face.

“What happened?” He snapped, urgency clear in his tone.

We’ve been to the cult’s hideout,” I said, breathless. These are going to do something massive, and whoever the cop was, he was likely good at his job, so we have a very concrete reason for saying this.

We spread the documents and maps we had brought, covering everything about what the cult was planning for the council. The elders gathered closer, their expressions growing grim as the weight of what we had found out slowly set in.

The burden of the reveal was clear in her mind, as Elder Lila just barely whispered through a mouth moved not by an overworked throat but by a by a taxed being. Protect the council; true to say, we need to act fast.

Elder Marcus nodded with steel in his heart. We will increase security and put out the word to all other packs. You might have saved our lives with your actions.

For me, a sense of great satisfaction was mixed with apprehension as the elders started planning this. That was a pivotal step, but the fight had only begun. The cult was too strong an enemy, and the spies were in our midst.

Aiden looked back in the rearview mirror with a look of relief and determination in his expression. “We did it, Hayley. We got a lecture and figured out their information.”

I nodded, feeling some of the pressure behind this mission dissipate. Well, the test is still to be considered for real. Ready for whatever they try to throw at us.

We stepped back into the light of the new day together once more, and I felt instantly warm beneath it, as if a cold darkness had drifted away behind us. There was no way we could anticipate what troubles lay along the road.

But we were ready. Ethan would support us and our pack with all of its strengths against the cult. The connection we had through the struggle would show us many new ways, all generations finding their place on mother earth.

When the sun became much higher in the sky, I had a new hope in faith. It was a joint battle, and we would win. They had revealed their hand, and our time to attack, defend, or uphold the world was at play.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

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