Betrothed To The Mafia Lord

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Luca’s POV

Aria: I need help, immediately.

I rose up to my full height immediately and started to type in a reply immediately. I faintly heard Matilda

informing me that the coffee was ready as she placed it on the counter, a few feet away from where I

was standing but I paid her no attention as I immediately sent the text I had typed down.

Luca: What’s happening???

On getting no reply after a minute, I sent another one over immediately.

Luca: Where the fuck are you?

I dragged my left fingers through my hair and turned around, heading out of the kitchen and heading

towards the door leading outside immediately.

I sent another text as I stepped outside the house and slammed the door close behind me.

Luca: Aria? Fucking reply my texts right now.

“Good morning, Mr Ricci.” Two voices echoed beside me and I glanced sideways to lock gazes with the

two guarded whom I had assigned to Sofia. I nodded my head at them and alighted the small amount

of stairs immediately. My driver was already thankfully waiting for me outside the car and a guard

instantly tugged open the back seat’s door for me and I slid into the car immediately, already typing in

another text for Aria, my head was starting to pound once again.

Luca: C’mon! Where are you?

My mind was already tightening up as so many emotions swamped me up at once, regret was the

leading emotion amongst the other emotions.

Regret that I had failed her when she was little, and might end up failing her again now that she was all

grown up and had reached out to me for help.

Just why didn’t I ask for her friend’s address yesterday?

And now it was either I head over to the Vante’s mafia directly, or head over to one of my warehouses

where one of my security leads can trace her location from my phone through the latest text that had

come in this morning.

“Where to, boss?” The driver had asked without glancing behind me and after contemplating and

weighing the pros and cons, I asked him to drive me over to the warehouse. Sending a quick text over

to the guys at the warehouse to get all the needed equipments ready, l kept on sending Aria texts while

trying hard not to think about anything really bad happening to her.

We arrived at the warehouse and I alighted the car even before it got fully parked and was making my

way into the warehouse immediately. A lot of greetings echoed around me as I made my way into the

warehouse and I nodded my head absentmindedly as I walked deeper into it until I arrived at where I

was looking for.

Letting myself in immediately, I handed my phone over to one of the guys which he quickly connected

to a long wire while the one sitting behind the lots of computers started tapping away, his fingers

moving fast against the keyboard while his eyes never left the screens for a second – the only time his

eyes moved behind his glasses was to glance towards another screen which had on a blank image

with something that looked like a thin white like moving around on the screen.

“Something happened, boss?” One of the three guys that were currently in here asked me and I shook

my head while tugging on the roots of my hair. The one who had asked the question pushed a chair

towards my way and I grabbed it and sinked into it gratefully.

“I’ve almost gotten it… the location is moving, it’s currently moving.” John, the lead guy of the security

team which was based on computers operating and everything that involves it– suddenly said and I

perked up in my seat, staring at the screen to see a red glowing circle that kept moving towards a really

long line.

“This is the person you were looking for, and they’re moving at a really fast speed, which means the

person is either running from you, or the person is being kidnapped…?”

“Fuck!” I mutter loudly and tug on the roots of my hair hard, scrubbing that same hand downwards, over

my face.

“Is it someone you’re after, boss?” I and a few of the guards could go after the person and bring them

to you.” The third guy who had offered me the chair to sit on started to say and I shook my head as a

small sigh escaped my lips, going directly into my palm which was still covering my mouth.

“It’s someone I need to find immediately, some bunch of assholes have most definitely kidnapped her,

which was why she sent me that last text before the phone probably got seized from her.” I said to him,

knowing the rest of the team were all listening in.

“The object has stopped moving, boss, I think they’ve either gotten to their destination or have probably

tossed the phone out of the window… I’m trying to see if there’s a way I can sense exactly where they

are, but the connection is way too weak for me to connect to.” John sighed out, his fingers never

ceasing his movements on the keyboards he has been tapping away on, even before I got here.

“Just give me the location, I am going to follow it and track it down.” I paused and turned towards the

third guy once again, “You’re coming with me, with some equipment which we can use to keep track of

the phone.”

“Alright, boss.” He nodded his head and got to his feet immediately, picking up an iPad from the tons of

iPads lining up neatly in a row, on one part of the table in here. He moved it towards the system and

plugged it to the system john was working on, and then he started to tap on a few buttons on a

touchscreen keyboard, before the details on the screen started duplicating and transferring into the

iPad. I glanced away from what they were doing and stared down at my phone, typing in another text to

Aria and hoping deep down that she was fine.

Luca: I'm coming for you, I swear it.


“Has the phone moved from its former position?” I asked the kid named Victor, the third guy in the

security team which I had ordered to come along with me. I hadn’t been the one to hire him, as well as

sixty percent of the people that worked, James did most of those and supervised them perfectly to not

need my involvement at all.

The kid shook his head before glancing up from the iPad he had been staring intently at since we made

our way into the car and he had taken the space beside me in the back seat. “Unfortunately, it hasn’t.

It’s still in the same spot it has been in, for the past five minutes.”

I silently nodded my head at him and forced my hands to stay still on my thighs when the urge to tug on

the roots of my hair frustratingly and to scrub my hand over my face started to get way too much. At

this point, it was getting too hard to not think about all the bad, unfortunate things that might have

happened to Aria, or that was going to happen to her.

The car started moving, driving extremely fast like I had ordered and we had been following the

address on the iPad, but it was so freaking far, making me start to consider the fact that what if she was

currently being held hostage in his mafia while he had ordered his men to take her phone along with

them along the way once they were really far from around here, before dropping it on the side of the


I moved my hands over my pants material, drying of the sweat that had gathered on it while the cold air

of the air conditioner drifted into my body through the first two buttons which I had unbuttoned back in

the warehouse. My head was starting to pound again, to my disappointment and I lifted my fingers and

massaged it against my temple, knowing that the fact that I didn’t remember to make use of the tablets

which I had made use of last night, this morning again– was going to affect me, like it was current doing


“The phone moved– it moved a little,” Victor suddenly called out and I quickly glanced sideways to

stare at him, watching the screen confusingly for long seconds before turning his face towards me and

pointing at the iPad’s screen.

“I could have sworn that it moved a minute ago, like someone moved it or something… are you sure

the person you’re looking for isn’t somewhere sleeping, with their phone turned off and lying

motionlessly beside them.”

I stared at him quietly without saying a thing and he turned back towards the iPad’s screen almost

immediately when I didn’t say a thing, leavin me to my own thoughts once again.

I fished out my phone from my pocket and unlocked the phone with my automatic face identification

and would open my messages in hopes of seeing a reply from Aria, only to be greeted with a ton of my

unanswered messages.

“Look at this screen, boss. It’s fucking moving, it wasn’t moving in that fast as fuck pace which we had

found it in, but in a small pace which was too slow to attract any panic whatsoever.

I glanced straight at the screen which Victor currently had a few feet away from my face and indeed,

the object was starting to get away from its position where it was in before, and was slowly moving

towards another position entirely.

“Let’s just follow this trail and everything around it to wherever it leads us to.” I said to victor who

nodded his head immediately before leaning towards the front of the car from the space in the front

seats, and said something to the driver who nodded his head in and stretched his hand backwards –

and victor handed him the iPad which he handed to the bodyguard sitting in the second front seat. The

bodyguard plugged the phone into the cord of the car and they finally connected the GPS to the trail

while I watched them absentmindedly, since I was trying really hard to not think about anything bad that

might have happened to Aria.

A beep unexpectedly sounded from my phone and I jolted a little as I picked it from my thigh and

watched as it opened to reveal to me that the text hadn't been from Aria like I had expected and hoped

at first, but from james.

James: Don’t tell me you’re still asleep at this moment, it’s already past one in the afternoon.

I shook my head as a small sigh escaped my lips and quickly ghosted my fingers over my shoulders

and the back of my throat to massage into some parts of my muscles that were starting to hurt again as


Now wasn’t the time, James.

Another text came in after a few more minutes and I didn’t need to confirm first to know that it was from

James himself, I didn’t want to give in and check but I was almost starting to go crazy and needed

something to focus my mind on.

I opened the message and wasn’t surprised about the whole context of the text. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

James: Now, just why would you leave me on delivered? I get that today is your day off, but I am

suffering here in the office while you sleep in and get nasty with your little wife.

I contemplated sending him a quick reply for him to shut the hell up and chill until I give him a call later

today, but the sharp breath victor took beside me made me jerk my head up and stare at him– before

following his gaze which was focused outside the car’s window.

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