Betrothed To The Mafia Lord

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Luca’s POV

I signed as I sank into my seat at the office. After a few seconds of me just sitting and catching my

breath, I stood up and took off my suit jacket before hanging it on the back of my seat. I thumbed open

my first few buttons and sighed out again.

It’s been a really stressful day and the day isn't over yet. I was super thankful the appointments for the

day were over, and that all that’s left for me to do is to create proposals and timetables, a chore which

I’ve been putting off for about a week now.

All in all, the auction was the most stressful of all the appointments today and like I predicted while I

was still there, I had slowly developed a headache as the day slowly went by. It was currently a little bit

after eight in the night and I’ve already had something to eat on the way back from my last appointment

for the day.

Now, all I wanted to do was to go home, take a cold shower and fall asleep… preferably pressed up

against a certain woman who has been occupying my bed for the past few days without any sort of

body contact of any form.

I wasn’t even thinking dirty or sexual at the moment, I just needed to get a deep and long, much

needed sleep, and I was sure it would feel nice to have her small body curled up into my side even

though I’ve never had a body that wasn’t mine, in my bed, apart from my younger brother, while we

were still growing up.

He’d come into my room on some nights, too scared to be able to fall back asleep on his own after

waking up to the sound of our father arguing loudly with someone and threatening the fuck out of them.

I could remember how disgusted and disappointed dad had looked at him on the day he found out his

second son was apparently ‘too girly’ and ‘a cry baby’ that was too soft to act like a man and remain in

strong risky situations like he was supposed to know how to do.

I wonder how Sofia would react if gunshots suddenly echo around the house in the middle of the night.

Would she curl up into my side immediately like she was trying to dig a hole into my skin and hide away

in it? Or would she remain curled into herself, shivering in fear while staring at me with those wide blue

eyes of hers, while fear and terror swim through it.

I had a feeling it was going to be the second option, because knowing how Sofia was, and how she

was always so scared and jumpy around me, I knew she was extremely scared of me, probably due to

all the horrors she has heard about me before she got married to me, which I was sure would make it a

lot hard for her to trust me to that extent.

From the look of things, it was going to take a really long while before we’d be able to get to that stage,

because she was always so tense and worked up around me. I’ve been tempted to ask her the reason

for those reactions a few times but had decided to drop it because I didn’t want to give her a reason to

stress about.

Not like I was ever going to be able to hurt her even if I wanted to, I couldn’t even bring myself to

imagine doing something to her that could make her cry. All I want to do to her is to take her into my

arms and feel the nervousness drain out of her muscles as I stroke my fingers through her dark hair

which feels just as soft as her skin, leaving her slack and relaxed on my laps.

I reached for my phone and the screen lit up immediately the Face ID got automatically scanned over

my face. The time was already at nine, a few minutes past eight , and I still haven’t started what I

wanted to do. By the looks of things, I don’t think I’ll still be able to get any of the work I had planned to

get back to, tonight.

James had headed somewhere else after our last appointment since he didn’t have any work done that

couldn’t wait, but I had decided to come back to the office. Not because the work couldn’t wait,

because the sure way hell could. I was the owner of the company and if I still haven’t gotten a thing

ready even when it was needed, no one was going to question me, no one could.

Except James, that is.

That clown.

I’d have headed home on a normal day, but because I was already married and almost didn’t know how

I was going to act around Sofia, I had silently agreed with myself that I’ll only head home when it’s

almost midnight, by then, I am a hundred percent sure she’d have been fast asleep.

I dragged my fingers through my hair as I felt air whoosh out from my lungs, I was beyond stressed and

wasn’t too sure I’d be coming to the office tomorrow, by the look of things.

But then immediately I remembered that my little wife was going to be around the house throughout

tomorrow, the plans about staying into tomorrow and not coming to work dwindled into nothing,

desolating into thin air almost instantly.

That’s a huge no, no for me. I mean, how would I survive staying at the house tomorrow, knowing she

wears sexy as fuck underwear, knowing her skin was so soft and milky, the urge to lean my head down

and drag my tongue over a spot on her neck, while talking to her yesterday at the hospital and

watching color flood her cheeks every few minutes.

I wanted to suck skin into my mouth and dig my nose into the side of my throat, to sniff her smell and

kiss it softly. She’d always smelled nice, I knew that particular information about her from the time I had

grasped her chin on the bed, on our wedding night and jerked her face sideways to ghost my lips over

the skin on her throat.

My, my, my… I wanted to choke her so bad, the strong urge to do exactly that to her was making it

more risky to spend even a few minutes with her and watch her stutter and flutter her eyelids every few

minutes like she was in the throes of an intense shower of pleasure.

It was still quite unusual to me, because one moment, I really disliked the thought of doing anything

sexual to her because she looked so small, compared to people I’ve been with. It wasn’t like I wasn’t

attracted to her from the very start… Hell, when I had unveiled her face and tugged her face upwards

to press my lips against her and seal our marriage, my breath had hitched in my throat.

I had asked James to make some enquiries for me, a day before the marriage and he had said she

was as beautiful as a doll, but he wasn’t too sure if I’d like what I’d get because of how she was built. I

had demanded of him to tell me what she looked like immediately, but he ignored me throughout, telling

me that it was going to be a surprise to me, a good one at that. Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

And when our eyes had locked, the moment I unveiled her face, I knew at that very moment that

despite how beautiful she looked, I wasn’t going to like what I got. And she proved my point when fear

was always crossing her face every moment. I was still planning on going with the flow and trying to

understand her since she had only just clocked eighteen years a few months ago, and must be scared

asf about the thought of marrying a man way older than you.

My stomach had dropped into my stomach completely when I had tried to initiate something sexual on

our wedding night, because as expected, we were supposed to consummate our marriage that night,

and I figured she knew as well because she changed out of her wedding gown, into something I knew

was sexy, before covering it with a robe and coming out of the bathroom quaking in fear. I had been

able to overlook that bit, but then she had bursted out crying, some moments later, making me hate

myself for even attempting to come unto someone this small, despite the fact that she was already over


And so I decided to stay clear of touching her or even breathing near her from that moment, a little

thankful that she was staying completely off the middle of the bed and clinging to her side of the bed,

which made our bodies never ever mistakenly touch each other on the bed.

And then I had gone ahead and dug my fingers into her panties without realizing it, which made me

wonder if she had later figured out the fact that Someone’s hands that weren't hers nor the house

keeper’s, had ran through it. Ever since that moment, my mind had one way or the other tried to make

me imagine her in any of those silky pieces of lingeries.

And to worsen it even more, James had talked about some things about how reactions would be

unhinged and purely on instinct, and ever since then, all that had been able to visit my mind the

moment I lose a little control over it, was about Sofia… over and over again.

I had been absent mindedly expecting a call from one of Sofia’s guards throughout the day, to indicate

that Sofia’s arm injury pains has indeed worsened and that they’d be visiting the hospital, because I’d

been unable to not think about her and how she was fairing with the pains and if she was doing alright.

The daily tab about Sofia came into my phone around two pm in the afternoon and I had been in an

important meeting by then, when the text came in. But that didn’t stop me from unlocking my phone

beneath the desk and going through the tab.

Ethan had been the one to deliver the tab today and it was the most brisk one I’ve gotten from them

since the first day they became her bodyguards.

“Mrs Ricci’s arm didn’t hurt like it did yesterday, but it still hurt nevertheless this morning. Along the line,

after she ate breakfast and made use of her drugs, the pain reduced drastically. Once she woke up

after a long nap which she decided to take on the couch in the sitting room, she informed us that the

pain was starting to come back. She ate a little thing and made use of her afternoon dosage, it kicked

in after a few minutes and the pain reduced once again.

She’s doing quite alright and isn’t staying all by herself compared to the way she used to do at first.”


I placed the phone on my thigh in the meeting once I was done reading and glanced up, only to see

James looking into my phone, which made me realize that he had read every word of the tab I had just

received, moments ago.


I stood up from my seat and stretched a little, I didn’t know if I needed to fuck someone or just needed

my dick sucked. My balls feels heavy as fuck and I was also tired as hell. My hookups with a few girls

in which I alternated in between, we’re starting to get quite boring to me.

It was a good thing that I’d never planned on starting anything serious with those girls at the beginning,

that would have made things so messed up and complicated… not like I could even develop any real

feelings for any of those girls even if I wanted to.

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