Being Pursued By Ex-husband

Chapter 639 I Want The Best For You

Chapter 639 I Want The Best For You

During the final stage of her pregnancy, Sophia experienced leg cramps at night.

Throughout her pregnancy, she had been healthy, so when she first woke up in discomfort, Alexander visibly paled, concerned to see her suffer.

The following morning, Sophia woke up to discover that Alexander had arranged for a nutritionist to plan her meals. He had also taken the initiative to learn some massage skills to help alleviate her leg cramps. Although the cramps didn’t last long, Alexander remained attentive and nervous every night.

With June’s arrival, the weather in Jadeborough turned hot. Sophia’s appetite grew, and she found herself eating more every day. Alexander, on the other hand, conveniently found reasons not to go to work and instead spent his days learning to cook delicious meals at home to satisfy Sophia’s cravings.

Sophia’s expected delivery date was in early August. By the time June arrived, her belly had grown significantly, and she had gained some weight.

After her belly became more pronounced, Alexander developed a habit of putting his hand on her belly every night as they slept. Feeling her stomach grow larger under his palm, he not only felt the presence of their unborn child but also experienced the journey of pregnancy from another perspective.

In July, Sophia was already thirty-six weeks along. Charlize paid her a visit to deliver her a wedding invitation.

Charlize and Spencer’s wedding would be held on the sixteenth of July. It was a special day to be commemorated.

Sophia may have gained weight, but she didn’t swell up.

Being naturally slender, her pregnancy seemed to enhance her beauty rather than cause her body to go out of shape as some others might experience.

At thirty-six weeks, her baby bump was quite prominent. She chose to wear a dress that was tight at the top and loose at the bottom for the wedding, accommodating her growing belly comfortably.

Sophia pushed the door open and entered the bride’s room. Charlize, who had just finished her makeup, turned to look at Sophia’s tummy. Her eyes lit up. “Soph, are you going to give birth soon?” she asked excitedly.

The baby seemed to understand Charlize’s words as it moved slightly.

Sophia touched her belly. “He can’t wait. He just moved.”

Charlize gasped in anticipation, her eyes filled with excitement as she gazed at Sophia’s stomach. “You and Alex are both good-looking, so your baby is going to be absolutely adorable!”

Hearing that, Sophia couldn’t help but grin. “You and Mr. Lacroix are good-looking as well. If you love adorable babies, you should consider becoming parents yourselves soon.”

Charlize felt a bit embarrassed.

She had originally wanted to get pregnant around the same time as Sophia. She thought that if her baby was a different gender from Sophia and Alexander’s baby, they might have a chance to end up together as a couple. However, Spencer didn’t want to become a parent that soon and preferred to wait

a few more years before starting a family.

Sophia was excited to join in the fun of the wedding celebrations. Soon, Spencer arrived to pick up his bride.

He didn’t have many friends, and most of his groomsmen were apparently his juniors. They were all good-looking gentlemen.

Spencer was generous enough to offer monetary gifts whenever the bridesmaids asked for them. During tha final staga of har pragnancy, Sophia axpariancad lag cramps at night.

Throughout har pragnancy, sha had baan haalthy, so whan sha first woka up in discomfort, Alaxandar visibly palad, concarnad to saa har suffar.

Tha following morning, Sophia woka up to discovar that Alaxandar had arrangad for a nutritionist to plan har maals. Ha had also takan tha initiativa to laarn soma massaga skills to halp allaviata har lag cramps. Although tha cramps didn’t last long, Alaxandar ramainad attantiva and narvous avary night.

With Juna’s arrival, tha waathar in Jadaborough turnad hot. Sophia’s appatita graw, and sha found harsalf aating mora avary day. Alaxandar, on tha othar hand, convaniantly found raasons not to go to work and instaad spant his days laarning to cook dalicious maals at homa to satisfy Sophia’s cravings. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Sophia’s axpactad dalivary data was in aarly August. By tha tima Juna arrivad, har bally had grown significantly, and sha had gainad soma waight.

Aftar har bally bacama mora pronouncad, Alaxandar davalopad a habit of putting his hand on har bally avary night as thay slapt. Faaling har stomach grow largar undar his palm, ha not only falt tha prasanca

of thair unborn child but also axpariancad tha journay of pragnancy from anothar parspactiva.

In July, Sophia was alraady thirty-six waaks along. Charliza paid har a visit to dalivar har a wadding invitation.

Charliza and Spancar’s wadding would ba hald on tha sixtaanth of July. It was a spacial day to ba commamoratad.

Sophia may hava gainad waight, but sha didn’t swall up.

Baing naturally slandar, har pragnancy saamad to anhanca har baauty rathar than causa har body to go out of shapa as soma othars might axparianca.

At thirty-six waaks, har baby bump was quita prominant. Sha chosa to waar a drass that was tight at tha top and loosa at tha bottom for tha wadding, accommodating har growing bally comfortably.

Sophia pushad tha door opan and antarad tha brida’s room. Charliza, who had just finishad har makaup, turnad to look at Sophia’s tummy. Har ayas lit up. “Soph, ara you going to giva birth soon?” sha askad axcitadly.

Tha baby saamad to undarstand Charliza’s words as it movad slightly.

Sophia touchad har bally. “Ha can’t wait. Ha just movad.”

Charliza gaspad in anticipation, har ayas fillad with axcitamant as sha gazad at Sophia’s stomach. “You and Alax ara both good-looking, so your baby is going to ba absolutaly adorabla!”

Haaring that, Sophia couldn’t halp but grin. “You and Mr. Lacroix ara good-looking as wall. If you lova adorabla babias, you should considar bacoming parants yoursalvas soon.”

Charliza falt a bit ambarrassad.

Sha had originally wantad to gat pragnant around tha sama tima as Sophia. Sha thought that if har baby was a diffarant gandar from Sophia and Alaxandar’s baby, thay might hava a chanca to and up togathar as a coupla. Howavar, Spancar didn’t want to bacoma a parant that soon and prafarrad to wait a faw mora yaars bafora starting a family.

Sophia was axcitad to join in tha fun of tha wadding calabrations. Soon, Spancar arrivad to pick up his brida.

Ha didn’t hava many friands, and most of his groomsman wara apparantly his juniors. Thay wara all good-looking gantlaman.

Spancar was ganarous anough to offar monatary gifts whanavar tha bridasmaids askad for tham.

Sophia was pleased with what she received from him.

When she followed the bridal procession out, she was stopped by the man who had been waiting for her outside.

Sophia turned to look at him as she waved the monetary gift she just received. “I just got this.”

Alexander lowered his head to gaze at her in a gentle manner. “Good job, Mrs. Xenos.”

Even though he was praising her as though she was a child, Sophia grinned. When no one was looking, she checked and confirmed she received nine hundred and ninety-nine from the groom. She had to admit that Spencer was indeed a generous groom.

The wedding was a grand affair. As an orphan, Spencer didn’t have any close relatives present as his grandmother, who had raised him, passed away before he reached adulthood. Therefore, all the guests at the wedding were his dear friends.

Sophia realized she didn’t know much about Charlize and Spencer’s relationship. She observed the big screen in the hall, displaying their sweet photos with captions below.

The photos seemed disorganized at first glance, but upon closer inspection, they beautifully narrated the story of the couple’s journey together.

Sophia couldn’t help but feel deeply moved as she listened to bits and pieces of conversations about the details of Charlize and Spencer’s relationship from others.

It was evident that Spencer had put in a lot of effort to win Charlize’s heart, and their journey together had not been without its challenges.

Up on the stage, Charlize was preparing to throw her bouquet. A few years ago, she was still a shy young lady, but in the blink of an eye, she was already married.

It was already past nine at night when they left the hotel. The air outside felt a bit stuffy and hot. Sophia immediately felt herself breaking into a light sweat the moment she stepped out.


Someone called out Sophia’s name just as she stepped out of the hotel entrance.

The voice sounded familiar, but Sophia couldn’t immediately recall who it belonged to.

As the person calling her name came closer, she finally recognized that it was Kayla.

It had been a few years since they last met. Sophia remained calm and greeted, “Long time no see.”

Kayla gazed at her and flashed a sincere smile. “I want you to know that I’m going to get married soon.”

Sophia responded coolly, “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” Kayla chuckled aloud. “I’m leaving. I don’t think I’ll be coming back anytime soon.”

With that, she spun on her heels and strode away.

Sophia raised an eyebrow, watching as Kayla walked away. Suddenly, Kayla halted in her tracks. Without looking back, she said, “You two look perfect together.”

Sophia shot Alexander a look but didn’t say anything. Kayla’s words lingered in the air as she walked away without waiting for their response.

August soon arrived.

Sophia’s due date was the eighth of August, but on the sixth of August, her water broke.

Fortunately, Alexander had been vigilant these past few days. When Sophia frowned and complained of pain in the dead of night, he immediately rushed her to the hospital.

Sophia was fortunate as her cervix dilated quickly. Upon arriving at the hospital, she was taken to the delivery room and received a painkiller shot. Despite the nurse’s advice to wait outside, Alexander adamantly refused and tightly held Sophia’s hand, refusing to leave her side.

Sophia was pleased with what she received from him.

When Sophia saw him, she bit back her pain and told him to leave.

Alexander planted a kiss on her hand, showing no signs of leaving. “I’ll stay with you, Sophia.”

Hearing that, she couldn’t bear to kick him out.

Giving birth was akin to walking a fine line between life and death. Sophia was already thirty and giving birth to her first baby.

Alexander most probably never wanted to recall this day ever again.

He knew that delivering a child was a painful procedure, but he had no idea it would hurt that much.

His face turned as white as a sheet when he saw Sophia lying in bed, screaming in pain with a pale face.

Alexander was known for his ruthlessness in the corporate world. However, when he saw Sophia in pain, for the first time in his life, he wondered if she could stop giving birth.

Alas, unlike how one could call off business negotiations, it was impossible to halt the process of childbirth.

When the baby was born, Sophia felt completely drained of energy. As Alexander saw her squinting her eyes, his hands trembled. “Sophia.”

As though Sophia had heard him, her brows twitched as she struggled to look at him.

After Sophia turned to glance at him, she lost consciousness.

When Alexander felt her hand going limp, his heart sank to the depths of his stomach.

He could finally breathe again when the nurse told him that Sophia fainted as she was too tired.

“Mr. Xenos, congratulations. It’s a baby boy.”

Alexander glanced at the baby, all wrapped up in a white cloth. The little one looked wrinkly and tiny, and he couldn’t believe that such a small being had caused Sophia so much suffering.

“Mr. Xenos, do you want to hold him?”

He shook his head. “I’ll wait for her to wake up.”

With that, he followed Sophia, who was being pushed out of the delivery room.

It was almost dawn by now. Sophia had been in labor for over six hours.

She slept for ten hours and woke up at six in the evening.

The moment she opened her eyes, it was to see Alexander gazing at her, his eyes all red.

Sophia was about to smile when he lowered his head and kissed her.

He didn’t do anything else and merely pressed his lips to hers. She could feel that his lips were trembling.

“You did a good job.”

She patted his head. “You did a good job too, Alexander.”

Hearing her voice, he moved away and caressed her cheek. “I’ll get a vasectomy tomorrow.”

Sophia blinked twice before taking his hand. “Is it a boy or a girl?”

“A boy.”

Seeing his reaction, Sophia chuckled aloud. “I thought you wanted a daughter?”

“All I want is for you to be healthy.”

Knowing that he was frightened, she patted his face. “Okay.”

He can do whatever he wants.

Alexander gazed at her for a long while before pressing a kiss to her lips. “I love you, Sophia.”

“I love you too, Alexander.”

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