Be Careful When You Bite Me

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

“You sleep a lot,” Xavier said, munching on a piece of bread.

I thought that vampires don’t eat?

“Leave her alone, she had a long day,” Asia chimed in, sliding a plate with eggs, bacon and fruit my

way,” eat up.”

“Good morning,” I replied tiredly, munching on a piece of bacon,” thank you for washing my clothes and


Asia’s smile lit up the entire room almost as much as the sun did,” my pleasure, I’m going to miss you

when you’re gone.”

I nodded, suddenly losing my appetite,” I’ll miss you too.”

The drive back to the castle was silent. The tension made the air thick and I could tell it came from

Damon’s confusion towards how I acted last night. I couldn’t keep up the act, I didn’t know how to, and

so I remained silent for the entire ride.

When the car finally reached the main gates of the castle, my eyes flashed with pictures of the hard

cold pavement walls of the cell Damon had put me in. I swallowed back my fear and reminded myself

of the plan.

I turned towards Damon as the car stopped in front of the back entrance,” thank you for bringing me


He examined my face for a couple of seconds with a thoughtful look on his face,” Asia says you’re

welcome to go back whenever you please.”

I smiled,” thank her for me.”

I stepped out of the car and into the castle, memories flooding me like a waves of misery. I didn’t wait

for Damon, instead I marched up, back to the room I thought I wouldn’t have to see again.

I jumped into the covers and sobbed uncontrollably for a couple of hours until I head my door open.

I sat up abruptly and demanded,” who is it?”

To my surprise, in walked in Isabelle and Seth.

“Look who’s back,” she greeted, the expression on her face clearly amused,” I didn’t think I’d get to see

you again.”

I almost wanted to groan out loud at this point. I was sick and tired of people like Seth and Isabelle Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

making my life here worse then it already was.

“I guess you couldn’t find someone to help you out after all,” Seth chimed in.

“What do you want,” I demanded, my voice steadier than I had predicted.

Isabelle came face to face with me, her finger nail dragging down my neck,” I know you told him.”

I felt myself swallow and realized she was talking about telling Damon.

I stayed silent.

“I know I said I’d drain you and feed you to the wolves, but I’ve got a much worse fate planned out for


“Are you going to have Matheos and Elisabeth drain me instead?”

Hatred slithered through her cold gaze as she muttered through gritted teeth,” you wish.” She pushed

back on my neck hard enough to send me falling back against the mattress. I heard the door shut as

they existed.

I felt the hot tears begin to stream down my face and wondered if that had meant that Damon believed

me. I crawled under the mattered and went over ways that I would be able to get out of here before

Isabelle could hurt me. I fell asleep and the last image on my mind was Isabelle’s cold and evil stare.

I woke up screaming and grabbed my throat to make sure I wasn’t bleeding. I looked down at my arms

and fingers to see nothing but pale and clear skin. I fumbled with the covered to expose my body but

there was no blood. The door flung open and in marched in Damon.

“What’s wrong?” His voice was abrupt and worried,” you were screaming are you alright?”

I tried to calm down my breathing in order to utter out some words but it took a couple of seconds,” I-I

had a nightmare.”

He sat on the bed besides me and stoked my hair back,” that’s okay, you’re alright.”

I nodded, still breathing hard. My neck still felt sore from the dream I had. I brought my fingers up again

to massage it.

“What was the dream about?” Damon asked, his voice soft. He still stoked my hair back.

“Someone was trying to kill me, I couldn’t tell who, I think it was Elizabeth and Matheos.”

Damon brought the sheets up to cover my legs,” they won’t hurt you Holly, the outside of the castle is

guarded, no one can come in without my permission.”

I nodded and thought if I should tell him that it wasn’t who was outside the castle that scared me as

much as who was inside of it.

Damon stood up,” I’m going down to the village tomorrow, you should get some sleep.”

“Wait,” I stopped him,” why are you going to the village?”

“I have to run some errands-“

“Can I come? Please?”


“There’s not much for me to do here, I don’t want to stay alone.”

He sighed out loud but nodded,” alright, get some please.”

“Damon,” I mumbled, my head on the pillow. I debated my next sentence and figured it was worth a

shot. I was desperate and this was the only thing I had right now that could dig me out of this hole,” can

you stay with me, until I sleep.”

I kept my eyes shut mainly because I didn’t want to witness the no doubt cringe worthy look on his

face. To my surprise, he only took a couple of seconds before replying with,” yes, I can do that.”

I felt the bed sink as he sat beside me.

“Stroke my hair,” it felt comforting when he did it the first time and I began to yearn for the feeling again.

I felt his fingers playing with the tips of my hairs and drifted into a comfortable sleep.

Chapter 16

The morning rolled around quickly and I woke up to realize Damon had left. I tried to dismiss the

uncomfortable feeling of disappointment and was hit with the sudden sense of déjà vu when I caught

sight of the breakfast tray on my dresser. I nibbled on the sandwich after taking quick shower and

changing into a fresh pair of pants and t-shirt. I grabbed Luna’s phone that I had stashed under the

mattress and turned it on.

3 missed calls.

The calls where all made from the same number who I could only assume was Luna. I called the

number back and waited as it rung.

“Hello,” I recognized the voice immediately.

“Luna, it’s Holly.”

“Holly, are you back at the castle.”

I sighed,” yes, I’m getting ready to go out into the village now.”

“His fruit shop is on 23rd avenue. Have him meet you tonight at 8pm at the castle gates with a fruit

delivery, don’t tell him out loud just hand him a note or something.”

“What happens when he comes to the gate tonight?”

“Nothing, not yet, just call me, I’d like to talk to him.”

“And then? What will happen after that?”

“Call me tomorrow morning and I’ll let you know the plan. I’m still trying to get some details sorted out

with a couple friends in Oakridge.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to you soon.”



“Thank you.”

Just as I was about to hand up, she spoke again,” Holly!”


“Ask for strawberries...he’ll understand.”

I smiled gently although she couldn’t see,” no problem.”

I made sure to turn off the phone again so it doesn’t ring whilst I’m with Damon.

I searched my dressers for a pen and a pencil and skribbled down a note.


I’m Holly, a friend of Luna’s.

Meet me at the castle gates

tonight at 8 with a fruit delivery.

I read over the note a couple times and decided it was as good as it was going to get.

I ran out into the hallway and began to make my way upstairs to Damon’s room. When I had finally

reached the door, I couldn’t help the flashback of the last time I was here. I had witness him and

Isabelle in a very compromised position.

I heard the sudden muffled voices of two people arguing and leaned down to be eye level with the

small envelope slit. I pulled down to reveal about half of an inch of sight but could hardly see anything.

In the far corner I could make two figures.

“I was the fool that didn’t see it coming, and you took advantage of that,” I recognized the voice

immediately as Damon’s.

“I don’t know what she told you, but it was clearly to create a wedge between us Damon, she’s a

human, a foreigner, listen to yourself,” this was with no doubt, Isabelle faking her way into yet another

conversation with Damon.

“A foreigner that had nothing to gain from telling me the truth. You and Seth want my place on the

throne and that’s going to happen over my dead body-“

“Damon please, listen to me, that pathetic girl likes you, she was jealous-“

“And you thought that if Seth couldn’t have the throne, you’d at least have me hooked, either way you’d

be Queen, I must admit I underestimated you, but you’re a worse then those slimy cousins of


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