Baby With The Billionaire

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Jade POV

I would have never said to such a proposal but I needed the money and my brother's debt was a


Just too much to handle.

All Josh does is fall for the wrong girls and then their boyfriends' try to kill him. At the end of the fights,

he usually ends up breaking windows, damaging cars and many other things. He just didn't think about

all his actions before he acts.

I was tired of being my brother's keeper. I earn a good amount of money for my salary but all of it goes

to expenses and his dues. Josh decided to drop out of college and work as an artist. Although his

paintings are great, he is still an amateur. He doesn't really make a lot of money when he sells them

but supported him.

I didn't want to push him in a job that he doesn't like, I want him to do something that he loves and he's

convinced that painting is what he loves, so all I can do is motivate him to continue.

The proposal wasn't that bad at all either, I'll get the money and I always get to be a part of my child's


When growing up I thought my life would set out differently. I taught that I'd meet Mr. Right when I was

in college but I didn't. I didn't even have a boyfriend, didn't have the time for one. The only thing on my

mind was to pass all exams and coursework so that my brother could have a better life.

Mr. Right didn't come and I wasn't exactly looking for him either. When my best friend Cassie invites me

to clubs and parties with her, I immediately decline her offer. I hated all the excitement that comes with

being in a room filled with drunk adults who weren't thinking straight.

No, that wasn't my type of scene. I like sitting down reading a good Nicolas Sparks book which I'd

ended up crying to while eating my brother's leftover ice-cream.

Yep, that's pretty much my life and I loved it, except for the paying of bills and the stresses that come

with going to the police station as early as three in the morning to pick up my brother.

Since Kyle decides to help with the debts, I hope it opens Josh's eyes. I've done all I can to care for

him but it seemed like he only slaps me in the face with his behaviour. Yes, he's is good looking, with

dark hair and blue eyes that all the girls seem to go wild for.

Girls that have boyfriends, go for.

I've made the decision not to tell Josh about my plan because he would want me to refuse the offer but

I won't. All the stress that came with paying all these bills was just too much for me.

I couldn't handle it.

A baby, that's all.

I'll be having a baby.

Babies are born every day. It's normal for a twenty-six-year-old to have a baby. Kyle will be there. He

told me he plans on being there all through the way. I won't be alone, which is good.

We've also decided that we'll continue to have sex until the child is conceived.

I will be having sex regularly!

Hell! I'm still a virgin but I haven't told him that.

He doesn't need to know. I'm still curious to know how all that will happen.

Having sex, Is it painfully? Is it fun? Will I like it? Will I like it with him?

While Working for Dale's Corp, I've heard many rumours that he's spelt with all of his PA's and then fire

them. That he was so tired of changing so regularly that he lands on Dane who has now been working

for him for years.

I didn't know if those rumours are true, but come on! What do you expect when the man was a six feet

three inches tall hunk with board shoulders, straight nose and beautiful hazel eyes.

Damn! He is breathtaking to look at. Even his abs that I've caught sight of in various magazines. He is

beyond beautiful.

I never thought about doing those stuff with my boss but, Come on! Who wouldn't? The man looks like

a god.

Superman has nothing on him!

I sigh and grab the hair band to catch my hair up in a ponytail. Kyle is going to come to my apartment

at six pm shape and it was five minutes to six. He told me to wear something comfortable, although we

won't be wearing much.

Yes, today is the night I lose my virginity to my boss. My boss who thinks I'm perfect to have his child,

his heir.

I honestly don't know how to feel, I'm nervous, shy and excited at the same time. Nervous because it's

gonna be my first time, shy because he's gonna be seeing me naked and excited because I get to

touch his rock hard abs.

Yes, the abs that I've dreaming about ever since I saw them in a magazine on Dane's desk.

Delicious, that's what he is.

And he'll be all mine tonight.

I am glad that I'm going to lose my virginity to a hunk What I'm sad about is that I won't lose my virginity

to someone I love, but I don't think I'll regret it. How can I when the man had sexy written all over him!


Okay, Jade Stop exaggerating!

My phone started to ring from where it was on the nightstand, I went and grab and hold of it and

answered it without looking at the caller ID.


"Hey, It's me, Kyle. I'm here."

"Okay, I'll be there soon." He told me to call him Kyle outside the office. I didn't mind, nothing is wrong

with his last name but it just sounds professional. Am I going to call the man I lost my virginity to Mr.

Dale all my life?

No, I will not.

I hurriedly grab my purse and made my way out of the little studio which I shared with Josh, who was

going be home, little did he know that I won't be home either. I smiled to myself.

I sounded kinky like I was about to do something naughty but I'm not. I'm older than eighteen, I'm legal

as a duck.

Really? A duck, Jade

I laughed, I'm so crazy. I'm wondering why just a decent rich player like Kyle wants me to have his


Does he want his heir to be mad as I am?

I walked out of my studio and made it to his car, which he was standing outside of, leaning on the hood.

He looked different, he wore jeans and a grey T-shirt, he wasn't wearing his usual Armani suits. He

looked like a regular guy.

He opened the passenger door for me and I smile at him and mumble thanks, which he didn't respond All content is © N0velDrama.Org.


The drive to his condo was a silent one. There were so many things going through my mind about sex

and Kyle seem to be in deep thought himself since he was looking straight ahead at the traffic.

After ten minutes we reached his apartment. We came out of the car and I followed behind him. I

remembered coming here waiting for Dane once but I never entered the building but I could tell inside

was beautiful but the outside's design.

We waited on the elevator in silence, when it came we entered. The air still fulls of silence until Kyle


"Have you eaten?"

I nod my head. "Yes, I have. Thanks. Have you?"

He nods, "Yes, I have."

I had no idea what to talk about.


He didn't want to start a conversation so why should I?

When we reached his level the elevator doors opened and revealed his condo. It was then I realize the

elevator was a private one.

"You can look around. I'll be back soon." He strode away, leaving me alone to survey the place.

I walk around looking at the well furnish furniture. It was spacious and have couches laying in the

centre. I walked until I found the kitchen. I fall in love with the decor instantly.

The kitchen wasn't big, it was medium, enough for a single man. The kitchen is in an L shaped layout.

Everything furnished in wood. Very manly. Not exactly my style but it was beautiful.

I turned my eyes away from the kitchen when I heard my name being called in a low whisper.

As Kyle walks up to me in slow strides, I close my eyes.

He is too good to look at, his hair swept across his face a little, his muscles peeping out of the T-shirt

and his hazels was staring at me with something different, lust.

I quickly closed my eyes.

He stopped and I felt his presence in front of me. I inhale his scent. He smelled like Hawaiian Breeze,

silky and muscular.

Gosh, Jade. He hasn't even touched you yet.

"Open your eyes." He commanded, without needing to be told twice I opened my eyes.

He lifted his left hands and started to move my hair from my face and place it behind my ear. He looked

down at me and smile.

"Are you ready? "

"Ready as I'll ever be." With those words said, he crashed his lips onto mine.

Seconds after I find myself responding to the most mind-blowing kiss I've ever experience. I held on to

this T-shirt, afraid if I let go the kiss might end.

As I clung to his T-shirt, he brought his hands around my waist holding me up against him.

"Damn!" he said against my lip. He continued to my neck.

I moaned in pleasure as he leaves love bits on my skin. I didn't mind at all. I've never had a hickey


It felt so good that I arched my back to give him more access.

My black hit the wall in a tad. He chuckles, "Sorry." Then he continues his assault.

He pulled away from me, we started in each other's eyes. He was panting.

Why did he stop?

As if he read my mind, he answers "Don't worry, darling. I'm not leaving you. But I don't think it's very

hygienic or healthy to have sex in the kitchen."

I almost forgot that I was back against the kitchen wall. I blush with embarrassment.

Before I could talk, I felt myself being swept of in bridal style. He carried me to down the hall to his


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