Baby Daddy Facade

Chapter 44: Hurricane Angelo

Chapter 44: Hurricane Angelo

"Women are from Earth. Men are from Earth. Deal with it." ~ George Carlin.


Raina Williams.

It was almost six pm and my parents were still not here anyways, I told them to be here at seven. Tim was conversing in a conversation about football with Angelo who had Ashley sat on his lap while Grayson typed away on his phone. I was in the kitchen with Cathy just making some few finishing touches to the dishes that we would later serve. Ashton was also playing video games not minding anyone. He had became an addict over the years, it took a while to get him to stop playing whenever he started. I still couldn't believe Angelo was here, when I woke up this morning, I didn't think this is how my day would go but so far everything had been civil and good.

"He loves you."

Cathy said out of the blue making me stare at her in disbelief. I could never get it in my head that Angelo loved me even if he said it with his own mouth. I just- i think I told my body, heart and soul to accept that he could never love me.

"Uhm-" before I could make up a proper sentence without stuttering. The doorbell rang, i immediately ran to get it. It must have been my parents when I opened my heart skipped a beat. I was so happy to say the least...

"Surprise." My brother Kyle opened his arms wide for me. I hugged him, not minding the fact that he was now a walking tree, so much taller than I was. This was my little brother and I simply adored him no matter how old he grew. He will always be the little boy that played video games while I was in Labour at the hospital.

"I thought you said you couldn't make it." I squealed with joy opening the door much wider for him.

"Well that's why I said surprise didn't I?" He said giving me a cocktail grin. "And this is my girlfriend, Lola Salda?a." I gulped down a bit just from hearing that name and I knew Angelo heard it too.

"Lola, this is my big sis Raina, you know the big shot lawyer, I told you about." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't mind him, he always exaggerates. Nice to meet you Lola." I gave her a hug she seemed taken aback. I wanted to be a better sister to all of Kyle's girlfriends, i didn't want to be like Alma Le roux.

I didn't

I could never see myself gaining pleasure from someone else's pain. "Come in guys." I murmured closing the door behind me.

Lola actually looked like a decent girl. She was definitely Latino, i could see from her olive toned skin and dark hair like mine. She was also dressed decently in a dress that looked beautiful on her and sexy but still covered all the essentials.

Due to Kyle playing football since highschool, he had a broader chest. He wasn't the skinny little kid I knew anymore. He was doing his third year of medicine school. I was proud of him infact my parents were even prouder. He was only left with a few years before we could finally call him Dr. Williams.

"Nice to meet you Raina, Uhm i didn't know what the twins would like so I just decided to give them a gift card for toys city." She said in a gentle but shy voice.

"That's so sweet of you, thanks Lola." Saying her name seemed surreal. It just brought old memories. "You guys can take a seat." I gestured at the table in the dining room that had all the feasts like thanks

giving except it included another cake. I always order two cakes one for the party and the other for the family dinner.

My parents soon arrived, i certainly didn't know how they would react to Angelo being here but he was their father so he had a right to be there and there was nothing I could do about it. We all sat on the dinner table, the twins insisted Angelo and I sat on the same side. Angelo blended with my family and friends so well when he wasn't being an arsehole.

It didn't take a fool to realise that my brother, Grayson and my father were very cautious of Angelo. Not that they didn't like him maybe they didn't.

"So Angelo and Raina how do you plan on raising the kids on two separate sides of the country?" My father said clearing his throat. He was my best friend, he knew exactly how I felt. I had told him everything that happened. I could never hide anything from my father. He was one person who was always there to comfort me whenever I felt life wasn't for me.

"Uhm-" Angelo and I both said at the same time.

"Dad so far it has been working out just great." I said quickly gulping down my grape juice.

"The kids hardly see their father." My dad pryed again, I didn't know where this was going.

"Grandpa, Daddy is here to marry mommy." Ashley said making me feel really awkward.

"Not my sister he isn't." Kyle growled under his breath.

"Mr. Williams, i hope I can make my wrongs right." Angelo said calmly.

"The only wrongs you need to make right is to see your kids more often other than that there won't be any problem as long as you stay at a distance from my daughter." My father swiftly let out making Grayson nod his head in agreement.

"Honey, i think Angelo and Raina are adults they can decide what they want to do." My mom defended.

"I won't let my daughter be hurt again in front of my eyes." My father hissed wiping the corner of his lips with a napkin.

"Dad, there is nothing going on between us. We are just being civil with each other." I whispered looking down at my plate.

"Uhm Ashley, Ashton and Chloe let me get you ready for bed then you can open your presents." Cathy said standing up from the table. The kids immediately jumped from their seats going upstairs. I gave Cathy a thankful smile. I didn't want the kids to hear anymore of what my father was about to say because I knew he certainly had more to say.

"Do you need help ?" Lola stood up clearing some of the dishes on the table.

"Uh yes thanks." Cathy replied.

"I think I need a smoke, Grayson do you want to join me ?" Tim said awkwardly standing up from his seat.

"I'm not going anywhere." Grayson said stubbornly.

"Grayyyy..." Tim said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Tim go have a smoke." Gray said patting him on his shoulder. Tim hesitantly went out towards the path to the pool area. Now it was only my parents, Kyle, Grayson and Angelo on the table.

"Before we go anywhere, Mr. Le roux what are your intentions with my daughter ?" My father asked. I immediately facepalmed.

"Mr. Williams, i won't lie. I want your daughter back." Angelo said in a polite tone. I could tell he was nervous.

"As if you ever had her." Grayson murmured under his breath and everyone looked at him with a warning glare.

"Okay fine, I will be outside with Tim." He stomped out of the dinning room.

"I want to make things right, i would like to ask for your blessings to-" my father immediately cut him off. I had never seen him so serious and I don't know why Angelo kept saying things like that. I kept asking God to make him shut up and not say anything to make my father even more upset. It scared me how upfront he was about his feelings. Kyle stared blankly at him his knuckles in a fist. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

"You never needed my blessings to make my daughter pregnant did you? Nope, you went right ahead and made her pregnant then left her to take care of it. You never needed my blessing to treat my daughter like waste. No you didn't so I don't see why you need it now." My father said in a very calm voice but his words stung like millions of bees.

"Calm down." My mother whispered rubbing my father's arm.

"You have made my daughter suffer enough and I don't think it's a good idea for the both of you to be involved. I would rather have her single forever than have her go back to what broke her." My dad said in a hurt voice. I knew he was just trying to protect me and nothing else.

"I swear I have honest intentions with her-" before he could even finish what he wanted to say my father hushed him.

"Mr. Le roux you can have any women you want just not my daughter." My father said standing up, dismissing the matter at hand.

"Raina we will be leaving now, you know we have an early conference at church. Would you mind walking me to the car ?" He said normally like nothing had happened.

"Uh yes dad." I stood up quickly. My mom decided to say good bye to the twins before leaving. As we walked towards their car, i grew nervous. Nervous because Kyle was left alone with Angelo... he wasn't the most patient and polite person.

"I just want what's best for you, darling." My father said kissing my temple. "You are still my little girl and I don't want to ever see you get hurt again.." He said with a shaky breath. Was my father about to cry ?

"I know dad but Angelo and i-"

"I can see how much you both are inlove with each other but I'm afraid this will destroy you."

"I'm not-"

"Darling you are inlove with him and so is he... I can see it." I remained quiet.

"He has that look in his eyes that tell me that he is determined to get you back. Whether I approve or not. I just want you to be careful okay? Remember you have made it this past two years without him." He said and I nodded.

My mother soon showed up. "Honey whatever your father is doing it's for your own good okay?" She said in her thick Hispanic accent before giving me a warm hug. We said our good byes and soon they had driven off. I was now left in the driveway, in the cold confused. Just when I thought I had my life together, he just comes and ruins it. Like an unexpected hurricane, Hurricane Angelo.

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