Baby Daddy Facade

Chapter 40: Now go get your woman.

Chapter 40: Now go get your woman.

"I will be you crying shoulder, I'll be your love suicide, I'll be better when I'm older, I'll be the greatest fan of your life." ~ Edwin McCain.


Angelo Le roux.

"She loves you." Brad said with a cheeky smirk plastered on his face.

"You think so ?" I questioned, as Brad fixed my bow tie, it was finally the big day. The day Yasmine and I had been planning for over five months well she did all the planning, I couldn't care less if the decorations were green, blue, black or silver or if we got married at a circus.

"She is sacrificing her kids happiness for your own happiness. She thinks she is a burden on you and that includes the twins so she is moving away so you have peace. You know what went down last time they were in the same room. She has been on your mind since the bachelors party... are you sure you wanna do this?"

The billionaire question, do I really want to do this? I don't know.

There were four groomsman. Kennedy, Alma's husband. Brad my bestfriend and best man. Aaldrik my cousin who flew all the way from Rotterdam for my wedding day. Leroy also one of my good friends from college back in England.

They were all set and ready to go but was I? I knew today right now was the day Raina was leaving me for good. "Aaldrik, Leroy, Brad, you mind stepping out for a bit. I need to have a word with the man of the day." My father interrupted. He was dressed in a sleek black suit, it suited him like a hand in glove. Suits were obviously his thing. They all nodded and headed out except Brad...

"Brad? what are you waiting for?" I inquired.

"Oh, I'm suppose to leave as well ? damn Mr. Le roux I thought I was part of the family too." He faked being hurt making my father chuckle at how ridiculous he sounded. He was obviously family but seeing as my cousins and my brother in law had went out as well meant he should too. No special treatment here. When the hotel door finally clicked signaling the departure of anyone else in the room.

"Son?" My father set his hand on my shoulder. "Are you ready to finally tie the knot ?" He inquired.

"You make it sound like I have been waiting forever. " We both laughed at my snide comment.

"You haven't ?" He asked on a serious note.

"Seven years only for me to let her go, with my kids." I sighed. "I think I have been waiting long enough only to marry the wrong person."

"There you have your answer." My father replied.

"Dad, how do I know if I'm not making a mistake ?" I asked.

"If it bothers you at night then you are definitely making a mistake." He smirked.

"It does." I thought absent-mindly.

"Father, I'm inlove with Raina." I said without thinking.

"I knew you were from the day, i first introduced you to her back in the office." He chortled.

"Then why did it take me so long to realise it."

"Well us humans always make up excuses for the things we don't want to know or realise. It's human nature to make excuses for not realising the truth that is usually right in front of our eyes." He made clear. "Angelo, your mother and I knew you were inlove with this girl from the very first dinner you

spilled wine all over her dress and stuttered like an idiot but then later claimed it was one of your tricks to get her into bed. What a horrible liar you were..." He mocked with a solemn laugh.

"She was different, it's just-" i stopped briefly. "She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, she had her morals and dignity intact. She was intelligent and got along so well with you and mother unlike anyone else, I was surprised because you never seemed to like anyone that much." I thought so content, everything was finally making sense.

"Well if you must know, i knew she was inlove with you from the very first time... she barged into my office complaining about your inappropriate behavior." My father laughed looking back at the memories. "I knew then and there that she was the one for you. You made her cry by just a somber insult."

"I didn't father I swear, i just said she was fat and her hair needed a cut because it was now too long." I defended myself.

"Well she told me you said she wouldn't get married or go on any dates if she acted like a stuck up English grandmother and also dressed like one with her long sleeved blouses and she needed to get off her high horse." My father replied.

"Okay maybe i might have said the English granny part." I smiled briefly.

"Sorry to interrupt the little moment that I wasn't invited to.." Brad said in mocking tone. "It's time, we need to be there in thirty."

My father squeezed my shoulder giving me a knowing smile then left the room. I stood up but before I could make it out the door.

"Oh darn it the wedding is over isn't it ? Can you atleast end it in style once everyone has seen my bloody fantastic tux. You owe me that much mate." Brad said slinging his arm on my shoulder as we walked towards the Limo.

"Well I guess I could do that but the wedding is still going to go on. I mean she is pregnant isn't she ? I can't just dump her like a hot potato." Brad's playfulness seemed to stop at the mention of the pregnancy. Once sitted in the Limo he cleared his throat and looked towards me, i knew there was something big.

"She isn't pregnant buddy."

My jaw dropped, i couldn't believe she had fooled me like this and beyond anything she played me.

"What about the Ultra-" i was interrupted.

"What I mean was, she was pregnant but she lost it two weeks after. I found her soaked in blood at the apartment when I came to visit you. I took her to the hospital on our way back she begged me not to call or even tell you. She cried and you know how I get when these bloody women cry, she said she would make sure she got pregnant again. She just needed time." Brad said. This explained why I thought she was always hungry for sex when she clearly just wanted to be pregnant again. I felt relieved more than hurt that there was nothing stopping me anymore but I felt hurt that she lost our baby.

"She's a bloody psycho, i tell you mate." Brad said shaking his head.

"Why tell me now ?" I asked.

"So that you can leave without any regrets." He gave me a pat on my shoulder.


I was standing at the altar with the priest and my grooms man. It had nearly been fifteen minutes. The bridesmaids made their way and I couldn't wait for it to get over with. Brad stood proud flaunting his suit

for the camera's, of course i told her not to bring the media here but she did and it's her own mistake if you ask me. If it had been private no one would know that I left her on the alter-

Some moments later the piano started, the bridesmaids walked in they all looked elegantly graceful. Finally Yasmine Bruyne walked down the aisle by herself. She looked beautiful, i don't want to lie but it also didn't help that my heart was elsewhere. She gave me a small smile but I couldn't return it after such betrayal. I knew she knew that something was wrong but just kept going. When she finally got to the altar. The priest was about to talk when I whispered. "Yasmine I can't don't this anymore."

"I know you can't." She faked a smile. "But you will suck it up because we have a baby coming soon." She gritted her teeth.

"Are you insane what baby? You lost my baby !" I growled under my breath. To the church it would look like we were smiling with joy and happiness when we were actually ready to rip each other's heads off.

"Fucking Brad, i knew I should have stabbed him for good." She murmured to herself. Did she stab my bestfriend? Excuse me but what? Is that why he didn't tell me anything. Knowing Brad, he could never keep anything from me.

"She's psycho, mate." I remembered Brad's words in the Limo.

"I can't do this, I'm tired of wasting my time." I whispered to her horrified face.


My mother and father quickly ran towards me. "Now go and get your woman, Angelo." They said at the same time. It seemed they had been waiting for this for a long time.

"That's what I intend to do." I ran down the altar once my father had handed me the cars keys to his Range Rover. He would never let anyone drive it not even my mother but I was surprised when he handed me the kisses.

"ANGELO FUCKING LE ROUX COME BACK HERE. COME BACK HERE YOU BASTARD !!!! JUST BETTER COME BACK, I WILL DO ANYTHING. HELL I WILL EVEN GIVE YOU TWINS AS WELL PLEASE JUST COME BACK." Yaya yelled as her friends immediately went to comfort her. Her Mascara was running with the tears, she looked like Bridezilla. There were gasp and cheers audible in the crowd. Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

As I drove toward LAX, Los Angeles International Airport still in my tux, my gut told me I was doing the right thing. I had a feeling this was going to make me happy, this was me manning up. It only took forty- three minutes and I was there.

I ran to the terminals, looked around everywhere. I was getting frustrated so I threw my bow tie down and opened a few buttons so I could breath.

When I finally saw her, I was glad I ran up to her. "Raina." She turned around it wasn't her. "Uhm sorry excuse me." I kept looking and roaming around like a chicken that had lost its head. I asked around about the most recent flights to New York then I finally found her, she was sitting alone with her and the kids luggage. It seemed her boyfriend had went off with the kids which was perfect so I could talk to her alone.

"Raina ?" I said out of breath. She looked shocked, her cheeks crimson red. She wasn't expecting this, with her phone in hand.. she immediately put it away. Her eyes couldn't believe it. She knew what I was about to say.

"Raina I'm fucking in love with you. I'm sorry it took me the whole fucking seven years and sluts in between to realise that you were the one. I have caused you so much pain and grief only because I

didn't want to commit. I was so immature and stupid but one I'm certain for sure is I'm inlove with you and I want to be with you and raise our kids together. From the day that I met you, i can't imagine, being without you in my life. Lola you make me happy, you have always made me happy and I took that for granted. I'm sorry, I'm an arsehole I don't deserve you. You deserve the world not what little I have to offer but God knows if you give me a chance I will try by all means and give you the love that you deserve, the attention that you deserve. I love you Lola and God knows it feels good to say it out loud." I was talking so fast until I ran out of breath, her beautiful brown eyes were streaming with tears.

After a few moments she finally spoke and I dreaded the words that came out of her mouth. The knocked all the air that was inside my lungs. "Angelo, I'm fluttered but no."

I felt dizzy because the only part of the sentence I understood clearly was 'NO'. "It's a bit too late don't you think. I'm content with starting over we can't change anything as off now." She wiped her tears. I didn't even realise we were starting to have an audience.

Her boyfriend and the twins finally returned with coffee. "Daddy." They both hugged me but I was still too heartbroken to function.

"Uhm babies, Daddy came to say good bye." She mumbled quickly wiping her tears off.

"Uhm yeah." I muttered.

I said my goodbyes to the twins, this wasn't how it was suppose to turn out but anyways, I deserved it and I had to deal with it. The pain I had caused her and countless times, i made her feel unworthy of my love. I was stupid.

The last words I whispered in her ear as I hugged her were. "I won't stop trying, i promise I will win you back...Lola." With that she was gone out of my sight but I didn't know for how long all I knew was it takes time and I was going to wait.

My dress shirt not tucked in and my first four buttons open. Sweat on my forehead. I went home a heartbroken man. Too much had happened today and I wondered if I will ever see her again maybe in another lifetime because in this one I had really messed up.

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