Auctioned By The Ceo

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Her lack of height was another bone of contention, but before she could as much swing around to glare

at James, Logan intervened.

“Need I remind you of our rules on sexual harassment, Mr. Herringey? Ms. Watson would be perfectly

within her rights to lodge a complaint.”

Hannah barely bit back her gasp of astonishment, while James turned a very unbecoming shade of


“I didn’t mean anything, and … well, she has come up with this idea, so what’s a man to think other


"Other than that Hannah made a perfectly valid, and I have to say a unique, proposal in aid of a very

good cause." Logan interrupted the other man, and it was beyond gratifying to see James squirm in his

seat. Beads of perspiration gathered on his forehead, and he visibly swallowed. Served the little weasel

right. Every woman in the

firm knew to stay out of reach of his wandering hands. It was good to know that those days seemed to

be over under the new CEO. "That was what you were going to say, right, James?"

The head of finance opened and shut his mouth in a very good impression of a fish out of water, and

then settled for a tight nod.

“Yes, of course, sir, but you can’t seriously think this a valid proposal. Such an event would leave us

running at huge deficit, and—”

“Enough!” That one word sliced through the air with the force of a whip, and everyone jumped,

especially as it was accompanied by Logan’s fist pounding the conference table. He closed his eyes,

took a deep breath in, and then addressed Hannah again, as though he hadn’t just scared them all half

to death. The rumors about his temper were true then, and that should really kill any attraction she felt

to him dead right there. Having grown up with the threat of violence hanging over her and her sister,

thanks to her mum’s string of abusive boyfriends, Hannah shied away from any male prone to a


“Forgive me, do you need a moment to…” Logan waved in the general direction of her chest, and

Hannah fought the immediate blush which crept into her cheeks. Damn her fair skin.

"Yes, thank you." She mumbled the words and, turning her back onto the room, hastily fixed the button

back in place. Monique rolled her eyes when Hannah turned back around, not that she had any chance

to respond to the other woman's silent sneer because Logan continued.

"Like Ms. Watson quite correctly pointed out, sometimes you need to invest to gain the later benefits. Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

With the government's drive to raise awareness of the rising issue of domestic violence, this is a timely

and worthwhile proposal that I am happy to support. Hannah, you will be project manager for this.

Monique, you will be her assistant. James, I expect that you will make available the necessary funds to

ensure this event is a great success."

He paused, looked around the room and smiled. When his dark gaze landed on her, Hannah had to

remind herself to keep on breathing.

“I’m counting on you to make this a success.”

"Yes, sir." Try as she might she couldn't project her voice past a breathy whisper, and his smile

deepened, turning sinful. Hannah’s traitorous body reacted like a puppet on a string. Her nipples firmed

and pushed against the confines of her cotton bra, and she squeezed her thighs together to relieve the

ache between her legs. Lord help her, if he ever truly turned on the charm, she would be putty in his

hands. No doubt he knew his way around a woman's body, and judging by his darkening gaze he knew

exactly what effect he was having on her. Damn the man and her wayward libido.

He reached under the table as though he was adjusting himself, and that thought did absolutely nothing

to calm down the rapid beat of her heart.

“Very well then, go. Make it happen, all of you.”

Hannah didn’t need to be told twice. She legged it away from him and the sinful temptation her boss

represented, as fast as her wobbly legs could carry her.

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