Ascension of a Gamma

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Kitchen Introductions

– Anna

“What’s going on?” I asked Lexy when Liam shut the door. It was too early in the morning for either of

them to be coming t o my room. I’m not complaining, just that we were kind of having a moment…

Ah… that was embarrassing. They saw it, didn’t they?

I was worried over nothing. He really did see them then, but he didn’t mind them. I thought for sure he

was going to flip when he saw those scars. If he ever saw the rest… could he handle them just as well?

“Someone’s in a good mood,” Lexy teased. She raised the cover and ta-da, an ice pack, and a


I pouted. “Thought you brought breakfast.”

“I’m not room service,” she said, chuckling. “We just had to get him out. It’s about time you meet Aunty

J. She’s A. the Lead Chef.”



me Head titel

“I’d love to!” I exclaimed. The food here was delicious – I’m sure I could learn a thing or two from Aunty

J. 2)

“I know you would. How’s your ankle?”

“It still hurts to move,” I whined.

Lexy nodded and did the same things Rigel and Liam did yesterday. She helped me walk to the

bathroom to wash up. I’m starting to think I might need crutches and lo and behold, I went out of the

bathroom and Lexy already had one ready for me.

She let me get used to walking with it. It felt a bit weird to have something clipped under an armpit, but

it was better than staying in bed all day. The stairs were the most difficult and scariest part – I was

seriously thinking of having Liam carry m e back later, but my pride wouldn’t allow i t. I was no longer a

kid. I could take care o f myself and these steps wouldn’t stop m e from going in and out of this castle

of a house!

A group of men in suits passed us by on REDMI NOU: Way out. I hadn’t seen anyone wear a AI QUAD

Suit around here – they all wore casual,

JU ALUUTTU mere – uley all wore casual, except for one oddball. “Who are they?” I asked, noticing

that Lexy didn’t pay them any attention.

“Salina’s father is here,” she said. “They should be in a meeting with bro right now. Those are his

‘bodyguards’ if you could call them that.” 23

“Oh,” was all I said as we continued walking, out the gates, and into the little village that we passed by

when I came here. If her father was here, it meant that Liam would have to prove that I’m his second

mate. I’m not entirely sure that Alpha Myron would believe him, but I really hope he does.

“Don’t worry about it,” said Lexy. “Bro can handle them.” 1

I nodded in agreement. I said I trusted him and trust him I will. So, I squashed the anxiety budding on

my chest, something that kept me up late last night. If it wasn’t for his warmth, convincing m e that it’d

be alright, I don’t think I

would’ve slept. REDMI NOTE 9S ALOU AH. we slept together.

It really did happen. I slept with him… even used him as a pillow…

“You smell like Liam,” Lexy said, interrupting my shameful reminiscing.

“N-No, I don’t!” I replied, waving my hand.

She narrowed her eyes at me.

Is she being protective of him now? Does she have a brother complex or something?

“We didn’t do anything, Lexy. I swear it.”

She grinned. “I know. I love seeing you getting flustered is all.”

Goddess, this little brat!

“You guys are mean,” I said, pouting.

“I’m glad you two are getting along. I totally ship you and bro together!” she chirped. 4

I felt like all the energy in my body had been drained just by talking to her. She

could be so blatant at times, it was REDMI Ner:barrassing. I guess this sort of made m

e her older sister, but a little privacy


er older sister, but a little privacy would be really appreciated.

On the bright side, at least I didn’t havet o gain their approval. They’d all been welcoming since day

one, it made me more anxious questioning if the pack would welcome someone like me too. It was

scary to think about. I’d have to prove myself to them, and it was a challenge I was willing to accept.

Down into the village, the pack members were busy going about their day. But the moment we showed

up, it was like time stood still and all they could see… was m e. Their attention was on me. They didn’t

stare, but I could feel numerous pairs of eyes on me.

I tried my best to smile and greet whoever we passed by. They responded with a smile and a simple

“good morning”. Two words, no more and no less.

As we neared a particular building that was set apart from the houses, Lexy

turned to me and smiled. She tightened REDMI her huid on my hand – she must be really

“excited. It was three floors high and the


Cited. It was three floors high and the first floor had glass walls. As we got closer, the inside could be

seen. It was empty.

Before we reached the doors, I stopped. Something didn’t feel right. From the mansion until here, the

feeling stuck. Someone was watching…

“What’s wrong?” Lexy asked, narrowing her eyes at me

I looked behind me, then to our sides. There were only buildings, the woods, and pack members. And

yet, it felt like there were more to it than what I was seeing.

Someone… was hiding… somewhere.


“Shh… we’re being watched,” I whispered, pushing her gently towards the building. “How often do

rogues get this deep into the territory?”

I doubted he or she or they, were rogues. The pack should’ve noticed their scent. If

not rogues, then… spies? AQUAD CAMERA

“How did you know?” shrieked Lexy. I

turned to shush her, but she was staring a t me instead, wide-eyed and grinning.

My eyebrows furrowed.

“Can you guys show yourselves, please? She has you figured out!” she shouted at the woods.

From behind the trees, three people showed themselves.

A blue-eyed woman had her hair in a long Dutch braid, her body’s voluptuousness showing despite the

combat uniform. She lazily let a handgun swing on one hand, a finger on the trigger guard.

Beside her was another woman who had the handles of two swords peeking from her back, her black

hair straight and short, the ends tickling the jawline of a diamond-shaped face.

A man stayed a distance behind them. While both women looked to be in their

early twenties, he looked to be in his

early thirties. A long scar curved just REDunder his right eye, catching my Al Qattention. His narrowed

gaze made his

burly figure more intimidating.

They all wore a hardened expression on their faces, almost scowling when Lexy laughed mockingly.

“She’s wary,” he said.

The women smiled brightly.

They stopped in front of me then got down on one knee.

“We fail you, Luna,” he said. “If you can sense us so easily, then surely, the enemies can.”

“Come on, Ty. Loosen up!” said Lexy, skipping over to him. She placed an elbow on top of his shoulder

and leaned into it coolly.

Who are they?

As if sensing my confusion, Ty spoke.” Luna, we are members of the Delta Unit, a special unit under

the leadership of Head Gamma Rigel. The Alpha has ordered us t o keep you safe.”

You mean babysit. REDMI NOTE 95

i sighed. ERA


The attack must’ve gotten to him.

I had to talk to him about this. I couldn’t g o around wandering in the territory with warriors looking after

me. I wasn’t a kid who needed babysitting!

“Calm down, Anna,” said Lexy, nudging my side. “Mr. Serious is Ty, the sexy lady i s Nalia, and the

other sexy lady is Sabri.”

“It is an honor, Luna,” said Nalia.

“We will conceal ourselves better from now on,” added Sabri.

“Thank you… but… uhm… you can just call me ‘Anna,” I replied. “And… please stop with the kneeling


Lexy chuckled as they all got to their feet.

“Would you like to join us for breakfast?” asked Lexy.

Sabri smiled softly. “Thanks, Lexy, but we’re on duty.”

“We’re fine, Lexy,” said Nalia.

Lexy crossed her arms but still smiled at



Ty’s gaze softened. His lips curled

slightly into a smirk.

“We’ll see you around, Luna,” he said coolly.

“Anna,” I corrected, then I smiled at him. “Don’t push yourself too hard, tough


With a short chuckle, he turned and walked away. Nalia and Sabri returned m y smile, slightly nodding

before following him.

“He likes you,” Lexy teased.

“What makes you think that?” I asked, amused.

Ty oozed testosterone with his burly built and full beard. While intimidating, it tugged on a woman’s

need to feel... protected

Liam crossed my mind, interrupting. That man had a way of sneaking into my thoughts.

This day just keeps getting better!

“Ty lives with the humans. He looks REDMI NScary but that softie adopted a human CO AI QUAD

daughter,” Lexy divulged.

Appearances can be deceiving.

“Breakfast is about to be served and we’re the first ones here!” said Lexy.

She pushed open the door for me. “This i s where the pack dines – breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks. It’s

open twenty four seven for everyone. It’s usually self serve in the evenings though.”

There were long tables with neat table settings and, on a countertop, jars of candies and chocolates.

On a table were three microwaves, an electric kettle, a coffee maker, and a water dispenser. I haven’t

had coffee for a long, long time.

On the other side of the counter were covered cakes on cake stands and other baked goods like

cupcakes on a three-tier glass server. A smaller table was in front o fit and backed against the wall, a

dish cabinet and beside it, a freezer.

“We eat a lot. So, the Omegas always make sure to stock up on food and drinks, from savory to sweet,

you name it,” she explained. I was in awe. My old pack

didn’t have this. Someone always had to b CO A 6 in the kitchen to attend to anyone.


Everything was well-provided for. No one had to wait for food to be served in between meals. And they

were disciplined enough to serve themselves.

It was a lot of load off the Omegas’ backs. Werewolves eat a ton. Working in the kitchens was a

burdensome task.

I can’t wait to meet Aunty J!

“See that?” she said, pointing to a door under the stairs that lead to the second floor. “It leads to the

cellar. It’s strictly for adults only, obviously. Anyone who takes out a bottle or barrel fills up a sheet. That

way, the Omegas know if a certain inventory’s running low.”


“The Gammas drink often… for whatever reason. They’ll take out a barrel of beer from time to time,

sometimes two. We have other types of alcohol if you don’t drink beer.”

I don’t really drink any type of alcohol.

O REDMAnd you’re alright with it?” Back at my CO A Qud packs, drinking was… regulated.

“Anything here is for everyone. No restrictions except for the children – we obliviously can’t have them

drinking alcohol,” she said, laughing. “Those jars used to be empty before the day was over. Now, even

the children have learned that they won’t run out of treats and the Omegas only have to restock


“Lexy, this is all so amazing!” I exclaimed

“Come on. The kitchen’s this way,” she said, leading me behind the counter and past the double doors.

On the other side of those doors was another world. The Omegas glanced at us and nodded curtly.

Everyone was busy with something, be it cooking, chopping u p something, doing the dishes. And one

voice cut through the noises – she wore a chef’s uniform in the pack’s motif colors. Her hair was neatly

tied to a bun and covered with a hairnet, and she was pinning her hat as she walked over to us.

She had beautiful green eyes. They reminded me of Rigel’s.


\Wiping her hands on her apron, she

walked over to us with a look that wasn’ti n any way welcoming. “Lexy,” she said dryly. “What can I do

for you today?”

Her gaze was fixated on Lexy, uninterested in what either of us would say. Lexy didn’t seem to mind.

“Aunty J, this is Anna. She’s bro’s mate,” she chirped.

She eyed me up and down, judging me accordingly. “I heard,” she said, then dismissed me as she

talked to Lexy.” Sarina’s replacement. The Alpha’s tastes had gotten… less flavorful.”

“Excuse me?”

“She’s his mate, Aunty J,” said Lexy.“ Please don’t be like this.”

Aunty J scoffed at her. “Rigel told me what the Alpha plans to do. Aren’t you supposed to be stopping

him right now?” Her lips pulled to a knowing smirk seeing Lexy’s brows furrow a little. “You don’t know,

do you?”

She frowned when Lexy shook her head. I didn’t like this. Liam hadn’t told Lexy


CO Al Quâ anything?

“Breakfast should be ready in ten. But seeing as you’re already here, feel free to serve yourselves. You

know your way around.” With that, she turned around and disappeared into the workstations.

I’d never seen her before my entire life, but my presence already offended her. I understand that I

wasn’t Sarina, but she didn’t have to phrase it like that. Surely, I wasn’t just a replacement, even if I

was, i n her words, less flavorful. I could accept that.

“Don’t take it to heart,” Lexy said, smiling. “She’s strict on everyone, including Rigel.”

Then it dawned on me. Her eyes – she was his Mom!

I simply nodded and followed her around. Everyone I met here knew more than me. I wish I knew at

least half these things. Somehow, it had something to do with Sarina – she must’ve been a great Luna.

Talk about setting the bars high.

I wasn’t particularly good at anything. I

didn’t even know what it takes to be a O REDMI

AI QUA Liina But I have no intention of

1. ha. But I have no intention of surpassing her – it was neither a contest nor a self-serving position.

Hopefully, it’d suffice for my insufficiency.

I took the other tray from Lexy and we sat on one end of a long table. Thoughts clouded my mind, and

with her silence, she was too. The food was really good, but the taste wasn’t as enjoyable with the


When we were almost finished with dessert – strawberry Shortcake, I noticed her eyes glaze over as

she talked to someone via a mind-link. I was still curious what that felt like – to hear the voice in my

head and reply in the same manner. What was it like to hear different voices at once? That’d be pretty

annoying and would immediately give me a headache, I was sure of it, but the more I see them use the

link, its impression on m e deepened. And I’m reminded time and time again that I was different from


I finished my slice and waited. Her eyes resumed to normal a few minutes later, and she looked at me


What?” I asked. Something was wrong AI QUAD Les Her smile was gone as she narrowed

REDMI NOTES Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.


what I asked. Something was wrong here. Her smile was gone as she narrowed her eyes at me.

“Bro called,” she said quietly. “They want to see you.”

I don’t think I want to know who she

MeantNOTE 9S



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