Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Chapter 642 How Dare You

Chapter 642 How Dare You

"Welcome home, brother!"

The words Hanley uttered were still the same as Moore arrived into the Bai family's house.

But for some reason, the tone and the implication were much more hostile than ever before.

"I have already told you, Hanley. Things don't go too well for people who hide under masks and their

true forms are latent. It's not only you who welcomes me in this house, but everyone else as well. Now,

I can clearly see that you are surprised. But is it a good surprise, or a bad one? I really can't tell..."

Moore whispered in Hanley's ears, clearly indicating that he was aware of the hostility that still lay


In response, Hanley could be seen gnashing his teeth. "Moore, I won't deny that you are extremely

brave for being gutsy enough to challenge me. But remember, you've broken your promise to me and

you are going to pay for this. You may be brave, but stupid is what I call you!"

Hanley's threat would have scared anyone but Moore seemed at ease. He stepped back a little and

looked at him with a smile as he calmly replied, "I am looking forward to it. I can't wait!"

"How dare you make fun of me!" Hailey's face had gotten a very crimson shade of red now and he was

unable to respond due to his anger.

Moore simply patted him on the shoulder and turned around with a big smile on his face. Clearly, his

happiness was totally unconnected to Hanley's.

Catching a look of Moore, Zed, Jean, and Avery rushed towards him with a concerned look on their


They hadn't expected that Moore would accept Gary to be his father at the party. And for some time,

Jean and Avery were even afraid that he had done so under Gary's threat.

However, Moore shook his head slightly and gave them a big smile, as he gestured slightly towards

Zed, who immediately got his hint. He stopped Jean and Avery midway who were rushing towards

Moore really fast.

"I think whatever Moore did tonight was by his own will, so we don't need to worry!" Zed told the two of


"How is that possible?" They were confused. "We all know how much Moore hates the Bai family," Jean

immediately asked.

"The way I see it, he had erected a wall or a shell around him after the incident that happened to him

during his childhood. It was just a child's way of protecting himself from a bad memory. Today, it looks

like he found a different story of his past; one that broke the wall or the shell, entering into his mind,"

Zed sighed.

"Are you discussing the possibility that Gary might not have abandoned Moore?"

Jean asked in surprise.

"That's not entirely impossible..." Avery was the one who answered the question when she saw the

smile on Moore's face. Nodding towards him, she continued, "Look, Moore wouldn't have done

anything against his will. And there's no way that he would smile when he doesn't feel like it. I am sure

of it. I think Zed's right about this."

"All right then, ladies. We really should stop guessing into the air. I am sure Moore will tell us all about it

later on," Zed said and broke up the huddle.

On the other side of the room, Moore was busy dealing with his newly found families.

Everyone was there to welcome him and congratulate him for coming back home, and they pushed

Hanley completely out of the picture as they surrounded Moore.

Jean was about to laugh at Hanley's embarrassment when a sudden thought came into her mind and

her smile froze. 'Hanley has already bared his claws and failed to make any den. But Edna hasn't.' She

started to look for Edna.

Surprisingly, Edna wasn't showing any dangerous signs and was acting completely normal. Standing

right next to Gary with a big smile, she seemed unaffected by Moore's return and was chatting casually

with the people around her.

Jean sighed. Edna was scarier than she expected. She had no idea how Moore was going to deal with

this family in the future, but she knew that it wasn't going to be easy.

The party was getting noisy, but Jean, Zed and Avery were not interested in the celebrations.

It took a while for the crowd to drift off. Moore finally got free of the crowd around him and said

something to Gary

who nodded and said something back. Then, Moore nodded in response too and walked towards his


Zed and Jean smiled and waited for him to come over but

Avery hurried towards him first.

"Moore!" Avery called out his name.

Moore gave her a nod. He held her hand and continued to walk towards Zed and Jean.

"Sorry for making you wait..." he apologized soon as he reached over.

"It's not a big deal Moore, but..." Zed said and shook his head, "you'd better explain to us what the hell

is going on over here!"

Jean nodded very quickly and added, "Right! What's with the sudden change of your attitude to Gary?

We're so worried. We were afraid he was threatening you..." She nodded in the direction Gary was


"Don't be! Look at me! I am fine!" Moore replied with a big smile and continued, "Just follow me! I will

tell you everything you want to know."

He led the three of them upstairs.

Zed and Jean looked at each other in confusion and followed him.

"Why are we here? Are you going to tell us yet another story about your childhood?" Jean took a shot

in the air.

"Pretty much that is why!"

Moore invited them to sit back and relaxed as he sighed deeply and explained, "The story is really

simple. Edna is the daughter of the mayor of the city. My father had been framed by someone, and the

mayor was the only person who could save him. So to save my father, my grandfather had no choice

but ask Gary to marry the mayor's daughter. The mayor didn't like the idea that Edna would become a

stepmother, so my grandfather faked my identity and sent me away to Chicago with my father's best


"What? Your grandfather was the one who planned the whole thing! He was such a bad man! How can

a man sacrifice his grandchild for the sake of his son?" Jean was shocked beyond reckoning.

"He was not as bad as you think, Jean. He didn't have much choice at the time, and he just did what he

could. I think sending me to Chicago was not much of a sacrifice. I had a good education there. He had

always cared about me deeply when I was young and had never made me feel unwelcome or

unloved," Moore replied.

"Is that why you decided to return to the Bai family?" Zed asked.

"Partly why..." Moore replied shortly. Then he continued, "Another reason is that the Bai family is in a

big trouble. It..."

The office door was flung open, which interrupted Moore's story.

Hanley walked into the room with rage. He pointed his finger at Moore and yelled, "Moore! Do you have

any idea what you have done? You said you would rather die than return here. You betrayed your own

words at the party. You are not my family! And I strongly advise you to give up the dream of staying

here. You will be flung out really soon."

"Hanley! You can hate me as much as you like. I did betray my words, and I really don't have an

excuse for that," Moore replied as he stood up.

"You!" Hanley was furious beyond words and his eyes were on fire. He stared at Moore and roared,

"No matter what I say, you are going to go against me, aren't you? Fine then! I will make you regret!

Let's see who gets to laugh in the end."

Hanley was rushing out the door but

Moore didn't want him to leave in such a rage and stopped him, "But I have to tell you something too."

"I don't want to hear anything from you! You are a liar and a cheater!" Hanley replied furiously.

"What I am going to tell you is the reason I chose to stay in the Bai family. I suggest you to hear me out.

It won't take too long," Moore replied in a calm voice. He walked over to Hanley and stood behind him.

Jean looked at him in confusion. She didn't know what Moore wanted.

The only thing she knew was that Moore did everything for a reason.

From what he had just said, it seemed like the reason he stayed in the family was very important to All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Hanley too.

Hanley turned around and gave Moore an unfriendly look and madly replied, "You'd better make the

time count, or else you're going to regret it."

"Hey! Watch your tone!" Avery didn't really know how he was going to make Moore regret, but she

assumed it was not going to be nice from his expression.

"Who the hell are you to step into my business?" Hanley rolled his eyes and asked with a loud voice.

"You just threatened my boyfriend. So it is my business too now!" Avery was not scared by his words.

She calmly walked over to Moore's side and sneered at Hanley.

"His girlfriend? There is no place for you to stick your nose in," Hanley sneered at Avery.


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