My father's house has never been as busy as it is today.

There are servants walking helter-skelter along the corridors and in and out if rooms trying to get one or two things ready.

I didn't know the party was going to be to his grand.I had expected a little party with just a few close friends and relatives but it seemed like the entire pack has been invited.

"Now all this only makes me more nervous" I tell my mentor.

Right now I'm in my dressing room with other servants making sure I look good for today's party.

"Alpha Noah is coming, that's why your father made everything so extraordinary"

"I see..." I say nodding.

"That's not all what's bothering you, is it?" He inquires and I heave out a heavy sigh of frustration.

"Is it really worth it?"

"How do you mean?"

"I mean, rejecting your very own mate, just so you could be with someone else, is it really worth it?"

"For me, it's not"

"Me too.Tell me what exactly it is to be Luna"

"Being Luna, is equivalent to being queen.You rule along side the Alpha and everyone in the entire pack fears you just as much as they fear the Alpha.It is indeed a great position to hold, a position that

comes with great power and responsibility.Responsibility that not any kind of female werewolf can handle"

"I see.." I say nodding yet again.

Now I realize why my sister is so desperate to be with Alpha Noah.

She wants to be Luna someday.

She wants to rule, but again, is all that worth rejecting the man destined for her? The door creaks open and she walks in looking all dolled up and pretty as usual.

Laura is gorgeous, she's confident, strong willed, brave and will no doubt make a good Luna.I totally understand why Alpha Noah is so attracted to her.

She has got the qualities of a Luna and will make a good one when they get married, but they will never be able to change the fact that she is not the true Luna of the pack.

"Look at my little sister looking all gorgeous and pretty"

She coos as she holds my chin in her hands and smiles.

"Are you ready for your big day?"

"Yes I Am" I reply with a confident smile.

"Come on then, everyone else is waiting for you and guess what?"

"If it's about Alpha Noah, Arthur already told me he's coming and I look forward to seeing my Alpha and my sister's lover"

"Cat's got my tongue.Come on sis"

She helps me sit up from the chair and I briefly examine my reflection in the mirror.I look okay and I really do hope that when I find my mate, he will be impressed with my looks.

Laura leads me out of the dressing room and we both take the long west wing corridor that leads to the staircase.

My heart is beating so fast that I'm scared it will hop out of my chest. Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

This is the first time I'll be meeting so many strange people and I don't know what to expect.

When we arrive at the staircase, I almost faint when I see the multitude that are in the living room that now looks like a banquet hall.

Almost everyone is engaged in a low tuned conversation and I can hardly make out what anyone is saying.

I can't wait to go down there and mingle with them.

"Father invited the entire pack"


"One of the perks of having a rich father, grand birthday parties at your disposal"

She jokes and I chuckle.

I see my father walk out from the crowd and stand by the end of the staircase with a tiny smile plastered on his face.

It's been more than a month since I last saw him and I miss him so much.

You see, my father and I do not have the best father- daughter relationship.

My father doesn't really like me and I know it's because my mother died during my birth.

Whenever he got mad at me for making a mistake, he would use that very fact to make me feel bad.

Locking me up for the first eighteen years of my life has been his idea all along.

He claims that he doesn't want me hurting another person again.That's also the reason why he got Author to be my mentor, to teach me how to control my strength.

"Ladies and gentlemen" He speaks up and everyone goes silent as they turn to look at him.

"I present to you Kiara Logan, my youngest daughter who I kept hidden all these years so she would learn how to control her strength.Come on sweetheart"

My father urges with his right hand stretched upwards, ready to receive me.

The moment hesitate, Laura gives me a gentle nudge with her elbow and I take my first step down.

"You can do this"

She whispers in my ear and that gives me more courage to start walking down.

I almost trip when the entire hall erupts in applause.I really didn't expect such a grand entrance.I walk down the long staircase and take me father's outstretched palm and he kisses the back of my hand.

One of the servants serve me a glass of champagne.

"Cheers, to my daughter's long awaited freedom"


The guests say I unison and cheer each other' s glasses.My father turns to face and I swallow dryly.

"This is what you've always wanted right?" He asks with his usual stern tone.


"Go ahead and live your life, just make sure not to kill anyone again.I have done part as a father, it's now left for you to choose your path." Then he leaves.

One minute he acts like he's very proud to have me as a daughter and the next minute, he acts like I'm his worse nightmare.

How are others going to like me when my very own father does not like me? "You look exactly like your mother Kiara, so elegant and charming"

A middle aged woman compliments and I smile politely at her.

"Thank you very much ma'am"

"Bless you my child"

Then she goes back into the crowd.

The next one hour goes by me introducing myself and getting compliments about how much ! look and talk like my mother which gets me very excited because I never got to meet her.

I only saw her on picture.

She seemed to be very popular and loved when she was alive because so far, everyone has been saying only positive things about her.

"Our mate isn't here" My wolf, Myla indicates.

I never let her out because she is extremely fierce and short tempered.

Once out, it's very easy for her to take over me and I don't want that happening ever, except when necessary.

She's one of the reasons why I'm so powerful and it's necessary for me to always have her under control that's why I always lock her in.I let her out today so she can help locate our mate.

Arthur once told me that the moment I meet my mate, I will know him and he will know me because big the instant connection we will have.

He also said the first thing to indicate my mates presence will be a very sweet strange smell that I will perceive around him.

Ever since I got into this hall, I have been waiting to get that smell to no avail.I wonder where my mate is.

"Patience Myla, he might still be on his way" I reply her with my mind and she purrs as she locks herself out.

It's better that way.


Someone calls from behind and when I turn around, I see Laura rushing towards me with a guy by her side whom I presume should be Alpha Noah.


"How are you enjoying your party?"

"So far, so good, it's okay"


"And I presume this is Alpha Noah"

I assume and they both look at me in awe and then burst into laughter.What exactly did I say that was funny?

"Of course not silly, if this was Alpha Noah, there won't be such rowdiness in the hall and you certainly won't be staring into his eyes the way you are right now" She explains and I nod.

"Oh...I see.So who is this?"

"This is Clark, our cousin.He is the only son of dad's only sister, Aunt Cassandra"

"Nice to meet you Clark"

I say extending my hand for a handshake.

"Silly girl, come here!"

He holds my hand and pulls me into his arms and engulfs me in a big bear hug.

''The last time I saw you, you were just a few hours old.You have grown into a stunning young woman sis.I'm proud of you"

"Thanks Clark"

"For nothing, and also, if anyone gives you a hard time, just let me know okay, I'l] beat them to pup!"

"Sure" I say with a sweet smile "So, where is Alpha Noah, isn't he going to come?"

"He will, just later, he's caught up some work at his office"

"Okay, I can't wait to see him"

"He looks forward to seeing you too"

"Come on sis, give me a tour around this mansion.You have lived here for eighteen years.You most know the entire environment inside out"

"Justly thought, rightly said.Come on"

I motion him to follow me and he does.I really look forward to getting to know all these people more.

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