Alpha Niall And His Lost Mate

Chapter 31

Chapter 31


The land of Queens and perfect pinkies, also known as the country that I've come to love over all my years visiting.

For some odd reason, I wasn't even surprised when Clarissa told me that my answers were here, simply because since I was a child and was coming here, I've always acknowledged how much like home it felt. And it wasn't about how hospitable the wolves here were. It was more of an inner peace that made me feel at home.

What are the odds that ten years later, I'm here searching for answers that may lie in the very walls of Emerald Pack's Alpha house?

Still, I should've known that my sense of belonging at Emerald Pack wasn't just because I liked it there. Even though at that time, my wolf wasn't awake in me as yet, she knew this was where our blood lies.

If I was being honest, I was really eager yet anxious about what I'd learn. Will it be good? What if Vampires really do exist, and I'm part Vampire? Yuck. The thought alone gave me shivers.

Deciding not to think about it anymore, I peered beside me to see what Asia was doing. She was just sitting there, staring out the window with a blank expression on her face. She had barely said a word to me after Niall dropped us off at the airport.

We almost missed our flight, since Niall wouldn't let go of me. He squeezed the life out of me, and left my lips tingling from the long kiss he gave me. I could tell that he was second guessing his decision about staying home, and it was Ace, his dad, who managed to get him away from me.

Since then, the only words Asia uttered to me, were to ask me if I wanted biscuits or pretzels. She didn't look annoyed, nor did she seem in a mood. She just wasn't a good travel buddy. Then again, she

wasn't a good buddy at all.

Why did I agree to this again?

Nonetheless, I simply leaned my head against my own window and closed my eyes, knowing we had a very long way to go until we reached the forested areas of England, where Emerald Pack sat.

The driver that Ty sent to pick us up was driving at a moderate speed, so I was anticipating a two hour drive at least. Knowing I didn't want to be awake through all of that, I simply snuggled into my spot and let my eyes droop.

The last thing I felt was a warm fuzzy blanket being draped over my shoulders, before I welcomed the sleep completely.


"Zoey? Zoey, wake up."

"Five minutes Victoria," I mumbled, snuggling more into my warm seat and make-shift bed.

"We're here silly. And I'm not your sister" The voice became much clearer, and I realized that it was Asia. It then occurred to me that we were in England, and I fell asleep on the way to the pack.

I bolted up as if fire was in my chair, as I whipped my head towards the grand Alpha house I hadn't seen in three years. My last visit was when I was fifteen.

Since then, I haven't been back, and I just realized how much I missed here. I also realized that my wolf, who was active in me for the first time ever since I've been visiting the pack, was so tranquil and purring. Almost like a purr that rumbled from my chest when I was around Niall.

"Whoa" Asia gawked as we hopped from the car, and the driver retrieved our bags, since they were just two duffle bags.

"I know" I chuckled at her reaction. Emerald Pack was indeed an 'Emerald'. Being the largest Pack in England, the Alpha house was something to behold. Niall's Alpha house was massive, but this was something else. It almost looked like a castle. Yet, it was so warm and homelike inside.

The doors burst open, and a familiar figure dashed through, running full speed towards us. I braced for impact as I met her half way, and we threw ourselves at each other in a fit of laughter and squeals. I missed her so much, and I haven't really been talking to her much like one time.

"Oh my gosh you're here!" She giggled as she hugged me impossibly tighter.

"I'm here" I confirmed. "I missed you Jody"

"I missed you too, Love. Oh my gosh you're gorgeous." She pulled away so that she was gazing at my face, and I couldn't help but beam brightly at her.

"So are you. I love you hair." I gawked as I twirled my finger around one of her curls. She had hair and skin like mine, but her hair was always something to behold. Whenever she had it loose, she looked like a beautiful lioness goddess. Her hair volume was probably twice as large as mine, but it suited her perfectly.

Her eyes then travelled to my neck as she threw her hands over her lips with a squeal and a mini jumping spree. "Oh my gosh you're marked! I envy you"

I knew she didn't exactly mean she 'envied' me, so I blushed under words when my mind went to my mate.

"Yep. Niall and I are fully mated."

Her eyes then widened as if she just realized something else. "Bloody hell that means you've...How does it feel?" Her eyes held a teenager-like interest gleam, and I suddenly realized that out of all my close friends, I'm the only one who is mated. That makes me the only one who knew what being marked and having sex felt like. My eyes darted to Asia who was still standing off to the side looking awkward.

"I'll tell you everything later. Can we go in now?"

"Of course" she clapped once as her eyes finally landed on Asia. "Oh forgive my manners. Hi I'm Jody Conley. I'm a part of the Beta family. My older brother, Alex, is the Beta" She greeted sweetly.

Asia's eyes widened a bit for some reason. "Conley? Wow" For the first time since we were left alone, Asia beamed. Like genuinely. "That's wow.. Um Asia Beth. I'm-"

"The Beta of Truemoon Pack. I know" Jody smiled. "I take pride in knowing all the high ranking wolf families across the world. Pleasure"

"Pleasure indeed" Asia mumbled, still looking awestruck. I didn't understand why.

We followed Jody towards the entrance, and I felt when Asia nudged me. "You guys look alike" She whispered, though I knew Jody could hear.

I shrugged, since I already knew this. All my life knowing Jody, we've always acknowledged our strange resemblance. We were the same age too, so it never went unnoticed. It then occurred to me that if Emerald Pack is actually where my blood lies, Jody and I could actually be related. In fact, the whole Beta family of Emerald Pack could be my family too.

It made sense. When I was growing up, I always felt drawn to not just the pack, but them too. And from what Clarissa told me, My dad could've been a part of this very Beta family. But, why were our last names different then?

"Zoey I know now why-" Asia was cut off when the huge doubled doors flew open, and we were welcomed with the beautiful foyer that seemed a little different from how I remembered it.

She stiffened, but I didn't get why. I simply followed Jody towards the grand living room area, where we used to sit and play or watch TV as kids.

My eyes immediately landed on Ty and Emma first, as they came to engulf me in hugs. These were Luka's siblings, who are twins, who, coincidentally, found their mates in the same pack some years ago. Ty became Alpha since his mate, Laura, was the only Alpha blood heir. And Emma became the Beta female, since Alex, her mate, was the Beta.

Theodore, the gamma gave me a short hug too. We were never the closest, but I loved him nonetheless. And finally, Alex, my favorite Beta ever, grabbed me in a hug and spun me around.

Being Jody's older brother, he always seemed like an older brother to me too. Even though Luka was the one who taught me basically everything, Alex taught me quite a few things too, like tracking scents in human form. Something happened to his wolf years ago, so he couldn't shift anymore. He had to learn how to do everything in human form. Yet, he was still a great Beta and great person overall.

It actually made me excited to know if they were indeed my blood. That would be so great.

"Welcome Beta Asia," Ty greeted with a huge smile after I exchanged long needed greetings with everyone. But instead of acknowledging Ty, her eyes were trained across the room. We all ogled her in confusion, and I was about to scold her for being this rude, but then we all slowly followed her gaze across the room. Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I was met with a foreign face. I knew he wasn't from here, since he didn't look familiar at all. But what I did notice though, was how he was looking at her the exact same way. A cup of what looked like milk was spilled beside him, as it seemed he was coming from the kitchen. My eyes widened in surprise and excitement when I recognized the moment completely.

This man, whoever he is, was Asia's mate. She found her mate!

A smile spread across my lips as everyone else took notice too. I gripped Jody's arm as we both had an internal party as we watched the beautiful exchange.

I loved to see when two mates found their other half for the first time. It was beautiful. Like the whole world had stopped around you, and only the two of you are existing. As much as Asia and I have never gotten along, I was genuinely happy and excited for her.

"James? Are you okay?" Gamma Theodore asked, finally breaking the silence in the room.

He shook his head as if clearing his thoughts, as his face broke out in a huge grin. In what seemed like two steps, he was across the room and holding her against his chest, with his nose buried in her neck. She seemed shocked at first, but I was relieved when I saw her lips tilt into a smile as she hugged him back.

"Awwwwwe." Jody and I gushed in unison as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"You don't know how long I've been searching for you" He spoke for the first time, and I noticed he had an accent. It wasn't British like everyone else from Emerald Pack, it sounded more Australian.

"That's Theodore's cousin. He came to visit for the weekend. He was going to leave tomorrow" Jody whispered from beside me.

"Is he from Australia?" I asked just to be sure. She nodded.

"He's the youngest of his two brothers in Fullmoon Pack in Australia. He's gamma blood like Theodore. He just turned twenty-five too. I'm actually jealous that he's not my mate."

"Well no wonder they couldn't find each other" I whispered back. "They were literally across the world from each other"

"Well if you look at it on a globe, they were actually pretty close-"

"You get the point!" I whispered shouted, watching as Asia giggled at something he said. For the first time since I knew her, her eyes held so much light. I always knew that all she needed was to find her own mate instead of obsessing over mine.

What are the odds that she happened to come with me on this trip, and James just happened to visit his cousin's Pack for the weekend?

"I can't wait to tell Niall," I told Jody as new found excitement erupted in me. But then, her face fell.

"Oh my gosh. Am I the only one in this room that hasn't found their mate?" She asked, and a series of chuckles went around the room. "Once Zoey leaves, I am travelling the world!" She drew dramatically. "I'm not getting any younger....Congrats by the way you two. So happy for you" She added quickly with a genuine smile at them as she made for the stairs.

"Where are my manners" Asia giggled shyly as James held her against his side. "I'm Beta Asia from the Truemoon Pack. Thank you for welcoming me into your pack and home" James gazed at her in admiration at that, and I just knew they both were already whipped.

The mate bond. It does that to you.

"Oh that's completely fine Beta Asia. We understand" Ty dismissed as he shook her hand. "Welcome to Emerald Pack. If you need anything, ask any of us or even Zoey. She knows the place well"

That led her eyes to me, as if she just remembered that I was here. But what shocked me, was how happy she looked at me as she bit her lip and pointed at James.

"I found my mate" She mouthed to me in excitement.

I giggled a little with a nod. "I know" I mouthed back, actually welcoming the 'girl' moment we just sorta had. Maybe this trip was for the best after all. I didn't need to be besties with the woman, but getting along would be nice.

So far, the start of our trip has been good. I wouldn't start asking anything or searching for anything until tomorrow for sure. Jody promised she'd help me, and Ty assured me that he'd help anywhere he can too. But for now, I'm sure we all could accept that the moment needed to be preserved.

Asia found her mate. How magnificent.


"No way" My mate gasped on my IPad screen. I beamed at his expression as I nodded.

"Yes way!" She found him. He's from Australia and he was visiting Gamma Theodore for the weekend. Isn't that great?"

"That's really great," he agreed, looking genuinely happy for his friend. "Jared is happy for her too"

I rolled my eyes, knowing that he must've mindlinked Jared as soon as I told him. As if right on time, Jared busted through Niall's door, looking excited as he sat beside Niall.

"She found him for real?" He asked, and I nodded with a laugh. I guess she had been too busy with her mate to call them.

"But you guys have to act surprised when she tells you. I just couldn't hold it in!"

"That's really great," Jared sighed in content. "Damn I need to find my mate" He then mumbled, causing Niall and I to laugh.

Just then, a knock sounded on my door and her scent filled my senses. "Shit she's outside" I threw the IPad under my pillow as my door opened, and I acted like I was on my phone as she walked in.

"Asia. What's up" I asked in my 'act natural' voice. She chuckled a little as she closed the distance and sat on my bed.

"You told Niall didn't you" She asked, though her eyes were swimming in amusement.

I scoffed." Whaaaat no" I lied, even though I was a terrible liar.

"Zoey are you there? Is that Asia?" My pillow asked in Jared's voice, and I mentally face palmed as Asia just stared at where I threw the device under the pillow. Knowing the jig was up, I retrieved it and held it up so that they could see her.

"Congrats Asia!" Jared beamed, before looking back to me. "Sorry Zoey."

I simply rolled my eyes as they exchanged greetings and congrats.

"Okay I'll talk to you later Niall."

He pouted, but he simply nodded in understanding. I missed him too. "Okay baby. Call me before you go to bed. I love you."

"I love you too," I blew him a kiss before hanging up, not before I heard Jared mumble 'I am so single' first.

I turned all my attention to the woman in front of me, and for the first time ever, she looked shy. She fiddled with her hands a bit before meeting my eyes with her big blue ones.

"I um. I had a lot of time to think, and not only after I discovered that James was my mate. But on the plane and the drive here. I realize now that I wasn't fair with you from the very beginning, and I'm


To say I was shocked was an understatement. I knew something was different about her for a few days, but this? Asia apologized to ME?

"And I know now what you must've been feeling all those days when you just arrived. I was a bitch." She laughed a little, causing me to join in.

"You kinda were" Yep. Blunt Zoey. However, she didn't look insulted as she continued.

"Anyways. I just wanted to apologize. And I know it's probably a bit hypocritical to be doing this now when I actually found my mate, but I understand now what it feels like. What I thought I felt for Niall is nothing like this. Oh my gosh Zoey James is so awesome" Her voice rose a little as she beamed at me and gripped my hand. I could understand, so I simply chuckled with a nod.

"I told you that the mate bond is special. I'm sure it took everything in you to step away from him for a minute to talk to me. And I appreciate that. I'm sure we can put it all behind us"

She nodded, looking relieved. "I would like that. Thanks for understanding."

"Anytime" It was still a bit strained between us, but I believed that overtime it would become easier. Maybe we could even become friends. "Go back to him," I laughed. "I can see that you're itching to"

In fact, I could smell his scent a few feet away from my door, as if he couldn't wait either. She giggled as she jumped from the bed.

"See you. And oh Zoey, whatever you're searching for, it is here. Trust me" She looked like she knew something that I didn't, and I then remembered that she was about to tell me something before we entered the house earlier today. But before I could ask her, she was gone.

With a sigh and a simple shrug, I decided to call Niall back and talk to him until I fell asleep. Whatever truth that I will discover, had to wait until morning.

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