Alpha Niall And His Lost Mate

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Niall's pov

"Niall wake up!" A voice I knew too well shouted from the door.

"I'm up mom! And you know it" I chuckled as I pulled up from the floor and used a towel to wipe my sweat.

I took a swing of my water as I pulled the door open to see the wonderful woman I called my mom beaming at me.

"Still doing morning workouts in your room son? There's a gym for a reason you know?" She had a teasing glint in her eye, since she already knew what my answer was.

"I only -"

"Yea yea I know" She cut me off, and I secretly rolled my eyes at her as she barged into my room.

"What are you even doing here this early?"

It was seven in the morning and I knew my mom wasn't a morning person. So for her to be here this early, I knew it was something.

She faked a hurt expression and threw her hand over her heart. "My own son doesn't want me in the Alpha house anymore? This has been my home for nineteen years you know?"

I chuckled lightly and placed a kiss on her cheek. "I know mom, and I'm glad you're here. I just don't believe you came all the way from your house to wake me up"

She didn't say anything for a while; she just smirked at me. I knew it couldn't have been anything horrible since she obviously wasn't upset, but the silence was giving me anxiety.

"Mom are you pregnant?"

Her eyes widened at my question before she burst out into laughter. I mean, it's not like it was impossible. She held onto my shoulders as she caught her breath, shaking her head rapidly.

"No no sweetheart. That's not it. Far from it actually" Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

"So what is it?" I asked impatiently, but still calm enough so she didn't assume I was being rude. Alpha or not, I still respected the people who raised me.

"Okay okay. There's this thing later"

"Mom...." I dragged in frustration. "Just say it."

"Roxy, why are you taunting the boy?"

My head snapped to the door at the sound of my dad's voice. Him being here too made me even more curious about what was happening. He had his signature smirk on his lips as he joined us, and I suddenly felt like 12 years old again getting the sex talk.

"I'm sorry Ace. But he's just so cute when he's impatient" She laughed.

"Even when I'm forty you'll think I'm cute" I mumbled, but I wasn't complaining. My mom always treated me like a prince, like I was the best possession that life ever gave to her.

"But-" I interrupted before she started another conversation. "Can someone please tell me what's happening? Is something wrong in the pack?"

I suddenly felt protective at the thought. But if something happened, I would've been the first to know.

"The pack is fine. But I got a call from Luka from Brightwater Pack"

My ears perked up at this, and I was suddenly very interested in whatever conversation he had with Alpha Luka. But it wasn't him who I was interested in.

"They're having a birthday party for a certain someone this evening. And you, my son, have a special invitation" He told me, and my mind could only think of only one person whose party I would've been invited to.

"Is it?" I asked a little too excited, and they both nodded with knowing smiles on their faces.

"Yep Zoey turned eighteen today. And strangely, she just shifted for the first time today" He continued, but my mind wasn't focused. All I could think about was the fact that I could finally see her again.

I'll finally know if she's mine.

The first time I saw her four years ago, was the first time I ever felt connected to a complete stranger. I was only 15, so my wolf wasn't actively living in me as yet, so I didn't know if she was my mate or not. But how could she not be? There's no way I could've been crushing on someone I only saw once for four whole years.

I tried to steal her sweater that day, thinking that when I turned 16 and shifted, the first thing I would've done was get a good whiff of her scent. But then I figured that it was kinda creepy so I let it slide.

When I actually shifted, I begged my dad to take me to Brightwater Pack so that I could know if she was mine, but they suggested that I waited until she shifted since she would've been too young to even come back home with me.

But even after I waited a year and I learnt that she still hadn't shifted, I was too impatient. I wanted her. Wolf or not.

Strangely, I don't know why we never contacted each other. Maybe because none of us were completely sure. I never actually knew the exact date of her birthday, but the fact that she has shifted and will be able to identify me as her mate too was exhilarating.

If she actually is my mate.

"The party starts at six, so you have approximately five hours to do whatever work you have here. The drive to Brightwater territory is six hours, so better get to work" My mom said, snapping me out of my daze.

"You guys aren't coming?" I asked, confused.

"Oh dear heavens no. You're big enough to go on your own"

I gave her a pointed look, since she knew quite well that's not why I asked. "I just thought that since you are such good friends with Luka and his Luna"

Dad shrugged as they got up to leave. "We've talked, and I've already informed him that I won't be there. He just wanted you to be there most of all"

I chuckled at the thought. Dad and Luka have always been playing matchmaker from the first time they saw Zoey’s and I first encounter. Luka kept tabs on me through dad, and dad kept tabs on Zoey through him.

"For now you know what to do. Decide who you'll take if you won't travel alone, and since you'll have to stay overnight-"

"I know. Thanks dad." He gave me a curt nod as he and mom turned to leave.

"Oh and Niall?" My eyes found the doorways again where he returned. "I really hope she's yours"

I gave him a genuine smile as I thought about the whole possibility again. "Me too"

As soon as he left, I dove into work and sorting out everything. I was never the person to feel nervous, but this was killing me. I wanted the clock to move faster and the possibility of something going wrong would make my head hurt.

~"I'm going to Brightwater Pack later today. I'll need you guys to take over until I come back"~ I said in the mindlink to my Beta and Gamma, Asia and Jared.


~"Got that"~ They replied immediately, and I smiled at having such wonderful people to work side by side with me.

People thought that we were too young to be running a pack, and the fact that my Beta is a female made them think we were weak. Little do they know that Asia was more than capable and strong. If anybody thought that they could just walk over her, they had another thing coming.

Though Jared was a year younger than me, he too was a very good Gamma. He's been trained to be just that, and he never failed his dad. Overall, we were a strong team, and anybody who feels like they can mess with us has another thing coming.

~"Finally gonna get your girl huh?"~ Jared asked after a while, and I couldn't help but smirk.

"You know it"


"You know what would be funny? If she's actually my mate and not yours"

My jaw clenched for the hundredth time since I've been in the car, and my grip tightened on the steering wheel.

"Shut up Valero. You already made me late. No need to be pushing it" I gritted out, already having enough of my cousin's taunting.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I had a pack emergency. As an Alpha you should understand. You're the one who gave me short notice."

"I called you at eight in the morning. You seemed fine then" I argued back.

He was quiet for a while, until he dared to speak again. "You could've just gone without me. But you love me too much to leave me."

I scoffed at his assumption. "Just shut up and don't piss me off anymore. I'm already four hours late"

He did a zip impression with his hand over his mouth before leaning back against the seat. Deep down I understood why he made us late, but it was eating me alive to think I might not see her tonight.

Valero is my uncle's son, that is, my mom's twin brother's son. We grew up like brother's mostly, and since our packs are side by side, we were never more than thirty minutes away. Uncle Aiden was the Alpha, but he gave the pack to Valero the same time dad stepped down to give our pack to me. He was only a year younger than me, so we were mostly in this thing together.

I can call on him for anything, and the same with me. When I called him today, I knew he wouldn't have denied since for one, he knew how much finding my mate meant to me, and we just had that kinda reliability towards each other.

"Slow down Niall you're gonna kill a squirrel or something!"

"The squirrel won't be the only thing I'll be killing tonight if I miss that party." I snapped back. "What time is it anyways?"

"Uh-... " He hesitated, making me know that it was actually late.

"What time is it?" I asked again with a little more urgency and edge.


"F**k," I cursed under my breath as I raced through the trees. I knew I was close, but instead of being calmer I was getting more and more antsy.

In a few minutes I realized that I was nearing the Alpha house, and I was there in a split minute. I gently picked up the rose I got her, and ensured everything was off before I exited the car. I did my best to put on a calm demeanour, but my chest felt heavy with every step I took.

I could hear that the party was going on in the back, but I spotted Luka standing near the entrance when I arrived.

"You've made it" He smiled as I shook his hand.

"Yea. Really sorry for being late but-"

"I know. Ace called me when he got your message earlier tonight" I nodded once as he turned to Valero who was standing next to me.

"Alpha Valero. Welcome to my pack" Luka greeted.

They curtly shook hands and exchanged greetings, and I respected how much he treated us with respect, despite our age difference. Shortly after we walked through the house, where I saw Luna

Victoria heading towards the back. She turned abruptly when she heard us, then smiled brightly as she embraced me warmly.

"I'm so glad you made it! Zoey was so bummed when she thought you weren't coming. They are singing to her now but come on; she'll still be glad to see you"

She started to pull me to the backdoor as my mind wandered over what she just said.

"She knew I was coming?" I asked, just to be sure.

"Yes of course" She replied, never slowing her pace.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought. She knew I was coming and she wanted me here. Maybe I wasn't the only one with these feelings. Maybe she wanted me too. The wonderful scent in the house didn't go unnoticed by me either, and I knew from then that it only meant one thing.

"Who would like to cut the cake with Zoey?" The woman I recognized as the Gamma female asked once I stepped onto the backdoor porch, and that's when I saw her.

She was still so damn beautiful, just like I remembered. And to think, I was only seeing her profile. My wolf got restless in my head as I took another step towards her.

"I would like to cut the cake with the birthday queen" I said loud enough for her to hear. She whipped around quickly at the sound of my voice, and the moment we met eyes my legs got weak.

She looked both shocked and delighted as I took slow steps towards her. I wasn't trying to taunt her or put on a show, but I really couldn't have moved any faster on weak legs. She watched me expectantly as I got closer to her, and I could see that she had just the same reaction to everything as me.

I wanted to hug her so badly, just to have my arms around her. I wanted to stare into those mesmerising eyes all day and night. I wanted to run my hands over those alluring smooth shoulders

that she had exposed, and trace them down to every perfect curve of her body.

Damn, her body was so perfect. Her hips curved in the right places at the right angles, and her legs were long and smooth; perfect for all the caressing they'll receive from yours truly. Her hair was still as luxurious as the first time I saw her, except now it was a little longer, and my fingers itched to run through those perfect curls. And her neck, God her neck looked so welcoming, and I had to fight hard not to claim her right there and then.

My mate. Zoey is my mate. I freaking knew it.

"Hi again beautiful" I whispered, once I was only inches away from her. Neither of us even care about the hundreds of pack members who were watching, because in that moment it was just us.

She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I smiled sweetly at her as I moved a curl behind her ear.

"I knew you were mine from the moment I saw you four years ago" I told her as I placed the rose in her hand.

She peered at me before looking at the flower, and the most beautiful smile I had ever seen sketched its way on her plump lips.

"A white rose " She uttered, her smile never faltering "White roses symbolizes-"

"New beginnings" I finished for her, as she met my eyes again.

"Thank you" She said in the sweetest voice, and I knew right then that I was whipped.

"Shall we?" I asked as calmly. I picked up the knife and held her hand under mine without breaking eye contact.

The immediate rush of fire that rippled through my body made me want to do more than just hold her hand, and the almost inaudible moan that I heard escape her lips made me know that it wasn't me alone who felt it.

I lifted both our hands and placed the knife into the cake, then slowly guided it down until it hit the bottom. It was then that I heard a series of cheers erupting through the crowd, and that was when we broke eye contact to look at them.

I could see that they weren't just cheering for another birthday for Zoey, since it wasn't hard to guess what obviously just happened.

"Happy birthday Zoey" I said, this time I made the bold move by wrapping my arms around her waist. She fitted so perfectly in my arms.

"You made it happy" She answered with an equally genuine smile. I pulled her even closer so she could see the truth in my eyes as I uttered my next words.

"And I'll always make you happy. I promise."

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