Alpha Niall And His Lost Mate

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

"Can I see her?" I asked as soon as I entered the hospital.

They knew who I was talking about so I was immediately ushered to her room. Luka and Levi were already there when I entered, blocking my view to the bed. Luka met my eyes as soon as I entered, and the smile on his face made me know that everything was okay.

I slowly walked further in towards them, and as soon as they stepped away from the bed and I saw her, I felt reassured. The smile that graced her lips when I saw her made me feel way better than I felt since I got that call yesterday.

"Hey" I whispered as soon as I was close enough to her. I kept my voice low as if I was going to hurt her with my tone.

She offered me her famous Victoria smile then wrapped me in her arms. I held onto her for dear life, but just loose enough so I didn't hurt her.

A single tear of joy rolled down my cheek as I heard a light chuckle from her.

"I don't appreciate all this tears shedding for me you know?" She mumbled in my hair, causing me to roll my eyes with a sniffle.

Victoria and her cheery spirit.

"We'll leave you guys for a bit." Luka said as he gently kissed her forehead. "Come on bud. Let's go freshen up and grab some breakfast " He said to Levi as they ventured out.

"Bring me back some food that's not from a hospital! " Victoria called after them, causing me to laugh a bit. She was never a hospital food kind of person. Ironic, since she works here as a pack doctor even though she's the Luna.

"So how have you been Zoey? How's life with your mate? "

"He is so awesome. I think the moon gave me the best mate ever by accident... I'm not complaining though" I blushed sheepishly as she bellowed out a laugh.

"I never wanted anything more for you. " She had that look on her face that told me she had something else coming. "Luka tells me that your heat is tomorrow" She added and I groaned. There it is.

"You and Luka shouldn't have been talking about that in the first place" I scolded with a cringe.

But of course, she just completely ignored me. "Are you going home? "

"What? No. I'm not leaving until you're out of here. You're not a wolf Vic. It takes longer for you to be discharged" I protested sternly. "And before you tell me that you're fine, you should know how stubborn I am"

"So you want to have your heat in a house of eight wolves?" She really got me with one.

I love them all, I really do. But even though the Alpha house is huge and Niall and I could always stay on the other side of the house by ourselves, everyone would still know what's up with me. This is between me and Niall-- And Victoria and Luka it seems.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out." She added casually as if dropping the subject. "By the way... There are some stuff at my old house in the human town that I need. I was bringing some of them home when my accident happened. " She plopped her finger on her chin as if she was thinking, then her face lit up as if she just got the best idea.

"Oh I know. You and Niall can fetch them for me today or, I don't know, tomorrow maybe? "

She shot me an innocent smile while I gave her an unbelievable one of my own.

"And it might take a while so you might wanna carry an overnight bag"

"I get it Victoria" I laughed awkwardly. . "Now stop talking about it"

I totally understood what she was doing. All I needed to do was silently appreciate it. Nothing else.

"Where is that mate of yours anyway? "

I frowned a bit when I remembered that he stayed behind to make a few calls back home to see if things were okay. But he should've been done by now.

"I don't know. He should be here by now.. " I trailed off, deciding to link him instead.

~"Hey where are you?"~

"I'm right here sweetheart" He announced as he entered dramatically.

Just like all week, my wolf got super excited at his presence and magnificent scent. I always craved to be around him, especially now.

"Hey there," he sweetly greeted me with a peck on my lips before greeting Victoria. As always, he was his charming self, making her laugh and smile ever so often.

We spent the next hour with her, and whenever Victoria and I were talking, he would bury his nose in my neck and wrap his arms tightly around my waist.

All in all, I was just happy that she was okay. It made me feel much better and focused on my upcoming heat, that was not only affecting me, but Niall too.

After Luka and Levi returned, I convinced Niall to take a breather. In all honesty, I was dodging the adults at home. Now that Victoria is awake, they'll be more focused and notice the change in my scent.

Of course they all know that it would've happened the day Niall found me. But when it does is totally irrelevant to them. I simply don't want them to know my heat is tomorrow.

"Your scent is irresistible " Niall whispered against my ear as we headed outside.

I faked a hurt face and threw my hand over my chest playfully. "So my scent wasn't always irresistible? "

"Of course it is my sweet mate. Always"


"Here we are," I announced as I pushed the door to Victoria's old house open.

It was the day of my heat and I was more than nervous about it. Victoria told me where to find her keys, so Niall and I left as soon as we could. One, because I couldn't risk anyone finding out. And two, I wanted to get Victoria's things in the car before I was too weak to do anything.

I managed to get away without anyone noticing, since they were all at the hospital when I left. Whenever one of them asked to see me, I would just mindlink them, telling them that I didn't feel well, which wasn't a lie. This heat was really taking a toll on me.

But of course, as we entered Victoria's house, there was nothing but her beautiful furniture in the living room. No boxes, no bags, no nothing. Victoria only used that as an excuse to get Niall and I alone.

That sneaky sneaky sister of mine.

"Uh where are the-"

"There is none. Victoria only said that to get us away from the pa-pack" The stutter was a shock to me, just like the sudden lightness in my head. I stumbled back a bit, and luckily Niall was there to catch me.

"Woah Zoey you're burning up" His face scrunched into worry as he regarded me carefully. He brushed the hair from my face and held me fully in his arms.

He picked me up as if I didn't weigh a thing and brought me to the couch. He cradled me like a baby on his lap to get a better look at me, but I simply gave him a reassuring smile.

It was only midday and my heat shouldn't have started until the moon was out. For sure I knew something was off about me, and right now more than ever I needed to know why.

"I'm fine. I'm fine" I reassured him as I felt the warmth subside. I assumed that would happen a lot throughout the day from now on. I still dreaded the heat itself, but I felt better knowing Niall was here with me.

"Do you need anything?"

"No it's okay Niall, really. Let's just get settled in" I suggested as I quickly gave him a kiss before I headed to the kitchen to get some water.

I only came here a few times when growing up. Whenever Victoria wanted to get away from the pack life and just spend some time in the human town here, I would always tag along. I always enjoyed settling into the comfy couch, or getting ice cream in town. It felt like home here.

But out of nowhere, a strong scent that wasn't normally there filled my senses. I eyed Niall as he appeared at the entrance of the kitchen and gave him a knowing look.

"Don't you smell that?" I asked as the scent got stronger and stronger.

He looked overly confused at my question, and that's when I remembered that all he wanted to smell was me right now.

"Niall, don't focus on me right now. I'm sure you smell that too" I tried again, but it seemed like he was having a hard time focusing anyways.

It only got stronger and I only got more curious, so I pushed through the back door and into the small backyard. The scent got more distinct as I hit the outside, and that's when I noticed that it was a wolf.

I carefully analysed the trees that spread across the edge of the backyard, knowing that he/she was close. I yelped when I heard a low threatening growl from behind me, but I relaxed when I realized that it was just Niall. At least he finally regained focus.

He immediately took guard in front of me protectively as he prepared himself for whatever would emerge from those trees. From the dept of his growl and his eyes that were now his wolf's amber colour, I knew he was just a glimpse away from shifting. But oddly, my wolf didn't feel threatened. Surprisingly, I felt calm.

"Niall, calm down please" I uttered softly, not wanting to startle him. But of course, I should've known better. He's an Alpha wolf whose mate is in potential danger. There was no calming him down.

Finally, whoever it was appeared in sight, and I saw that it was a girl. I couldn't make her out properly as yet, and Niall was ready for charging. I held onto his forearm in attempts to keep him away from her, not wanting him to scare her off. Slowly, she came into view, and I could get a good look at her.

She seemed just a few years older than me, but she didn't look like other rogues. She looked gentle, calm and definitely not dangerous. Of course, looks are deceiving, but my wolf was still calm.

"Niall, please it's okay" I tried to sooth him again, this time holding tighter onto him. "She isn't dangerous."

"She's a rogue Zoey," he said sternly, still hell bent on attacking the poor girl.

"But she isn't dangerous. Just let me talk to her. I promise I wont leave your side. She somehow found us all the way out here, so don't you wanna know what she wants?" I reasoned, grateful when I saw him back down.

With a sigh, He wrapped a protective arm around my waist and pulled me close. We maintained a good ten feet distance between us and the girl, and I noticed how she hasn't flinched, moved or made a sound since she stopped. There was something oddly familiar about her scent, but I just couldn't put a finger on it.

"Who are you?" I asked loud enough for her to hear.

I expected an answer, but she just eyed Niall before turning her gaze back to mine.

"How did you find me? What do you want with me?" I asked again, eager to get some answers. But just like before, she remained quiet.

I was getting utterly annoyed by her silence, and I couldn't figure her out by just looking.

"Why wont you say anything? Do you want him to leave?" I sighed frustrated, since her eyes darted to Niall ever so often. I was surprised to see that she nodded at my question, so I concluded that she just wanted to talk to me alone. But of course, my mate wouldn't have that.

"No way am I leaving you here with her. I don't trust her" He growled threateningly at her, and weirdly she did the same too before disappearing in the trees.

I huffed in frustration and crossed my arms over my chest before facing my mate with a death glare. "Great now you scared her off." I accused with narrowed eyes.

"She's a rogue Zoey. You expect me to leave you with her?" He defended, apparently not liking the fact that I was upset with him.

"My dad was a rogue, and he wasn't a bad person" I shot back, then something lit my mind. " Of course! My dad was a rogue..."

I avoided Niall's confused look and ran to my room that I stayed in whenever I came here as fast as my already weak legs could take me. Niall was right on my trail as I grabbed my mom's box from my closet. I rummaged through it like a crazy person, but I knew what I knew.

"Zoey, what is it?" Niall asked as he sat beside me on the bed. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

"Her scent. I knew it was different from regular rogues, but it also had something familiar about it. That's when I remembered..." I trailed off as I grabbed my dad's sweater from the box. I keep one here and one back at the Alpha house, since it helped me sleep sometimes as a kid.

I handed it to Niall and gestured for him to take a whiff. "It's my dad's. His scent is all over that thing. That rogue-"

"Her scent is similar to his" He ended for me, and I gave him a nod.

"The two scents are different, but- but... woah there's that --oh my gosh"

I groaned as my body caught on fire again with a shock of pain through my lower abdomen. It was like earlier before, except this time I felt a familiar warmth when Niall caught my arm, initiating skin to skin contact. With every ounce of me, I wanted him. It was sudden but it was also so urgent.

I trailed my hand up his arm and to his cheek where I gently cupped it and brought his face to mine. Our lips connected with perfect sync, and the overwhelming desire I knew too well whenever we kissed rushed onto me ten folds. I couldn't stop it.

And I didn't want to.

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