Alpha Maximus:The last lycan

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Alpha Maximus

I relay the conversation I had with Alex to Hope, explaining our plan.

‘No! Max! What if something happens to you and you get hurt, or killed?’ She argues.

‘I'm a lycan, not a werewolf. I have the strength of three alphas put together. If I take them out, one

by one, they can’t kill me,’ I explain.

‘What if the pack members attack you?’

‘Hopefully they don’t. If I’m careful enough to not be seen I should be able to take the whole lot on,’

I explain.

‘If it's a large pack?’

‘It won't come to that.’

‘You don't know that!’ She says.

‘Hope, whatever happens to me doesn't matter. What matters is your survival and your safety,’ I


Hope storms off into the bathroom and shuts the door behind her. I hear her crying and it breaks

my heart. I tap on the door.

‘I'm sorry I upset you,’ I say, softly, through the door. She opens the door.

‘Don't you see? You want me to live, but how do I live without you? I love you Maximus. I choose

the same fate as you. If you die, I die,’ she says, wrapping her arms around my waist. I gently tilt her

chin to look at me.

‘You love me?’ I ask, my heart racing one-hundred miles an hour.

‘Yes, I love you, Maximus,’ she says, softly, staring lovingly into my eyes. I caress her face with my

hand, and bring her chin closer to me, and kiss her passionately.

‘I love you, too,’ I reply, and she smiles and her eyes glisten, before she flinches.

‘What's wrong?’ I ask.

‘Storm thinks you’re really sweet and she likes you,’ she says, excitedly.

‘Ask her if she’d like to meet Chaos. He has been trying to talk to her but she hasn't answered,’ I


‘She says she is too scared of Chaos and doesn't want to come out,’ Hope says, sadly.

‘Oh... okay. That's a shame... maybe Storm would like to spend some time with me, then? I'm sure

she’s a fine-looking wolf,’ I offer.

‘She says she is really nervous and doesn't want to get hurt. This is why she hasn’t shifted.’

‘You're my mate, Storm. I will protect you and keep you safe,’ I say, softly, and Hope grins.

‘She says if you stay with her, she will try and shift,’ Hope explains, excited.

‘Here? Or outside?’ Hope asks.

‘I think we should stay here. There are werewolves out hunting us. It's safer. Also, humans can’t

see us in here,’ I explain.

‘Ok. What do I do now?’ Hope asks.

‘It's much easier if you take all your clothes off first,’ I say, with a cheeky grin. Hope giggles and

blushes, and walks to me, undresses, and gives me a sexy wink. She is staring and smiling at me,


‘Damn, babe,’ I say, with a frisky growl. I stand and sit in the middle of the bed and pat my knee for

Hope to come to me.

‘You will be in a bit of pain. Each time you shift it gets easier and quicker. Try not to fight it and you

will shift quicker, okay?’ I explain, and she nods.

‘Let Storm know when you’re ready.’

She and Storm have a chat. I don't want her to feel rushed or scared, so I wait patiently until I hear

the first crack, and Hope cries out.

I pat her back to help soothe the pain, by spreading warm sparks through her.

After about five minutes of shifting, a beautiful white wolf with silver feet and a silver streak on her

forehead stands in front of me.

‘Wow, Storm! You are the most beautiful, most majestic wolf I have ever seen!’ I say, shocked and


She licks my face and rubs herself against me; her tail wagging happily.

‘I’m one lucky lycan, Storm! You’re going to be the envy of every she-wolf in existence,’ I say, and

she is even more excited.

She is so cute and adorable the way she nips and yelps at me, trying to be tough and strong. She

is so sweet and gentle.

We roll around on the ground, play fighting, and I give her belly rubs. Her tongue sticks out,

showing her canines, and how happy she is.

We spend a few hours together and I love every minute of it.

‘Storm,’ I say, she gives me a cute little yap.

‘It would mean so much to Chaos and I, if he could meet you. Even just for a few minutes,’ I say.

Storm whimpers, and hides her head under her paw.

‘What if I shift on the other side of the room and stay there?’ I offer, hoping Chaos behaves and

stays put.

Storm sits up, looks at the other side of the room, and thinks about it; her fluffy tail wags a little. NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

‘Is that a yes?’ I ask, and she does a sweet little woof. I’m excited for Chaos; he has been longing

for this moment.

I strip off my clothes, stand near the wall on the other side of the room, and shift.

Chaos' tail wags excitedly, against the wall; his tongue is out, as he pants, overjoyed by his

stunning wolf mate.

He steps forward.

No Chaos! You need to take it slow! Remember this is her first shift and she is terrified.

Chaos looks at worried Storm and lowers himself onto the ground so he is less intimidating.

‘Mine!’ He declares.

Yes, Chaos; she is yours. But focus on staying calm so you don't scare her. I explain.

Storm sniffs the air and moves closer to the end of the bed, watching Chaos. Her tail wags a little;

she is happy.

Chaos' tongue lolls out even more, and his panting increases as Storm moves closer; he is

drooling and slobbering all over himself.

Gross Chaos! You're sure going to win her over slobbering like that. I say, but he completely

ignores me.

Storm jumps from the bed, gets a little closer to Chaos, sniffs again and looks him up and down.

She is clearly enjoying him; her tongue lolls out and she slobbers everywhere. Chaos leans forward,

and wraps his arms around her, pulling her into his chest. ‘Mine!’ He says, nuzzling his face all over

her. Storm loves it, and she rubs her face all over him, nipping him playfully, and pulling at his ear,

growling to play.

Chaos humours her and lets her win, over and over. He becomes a little playful puppy, in her

presence, instead of a murderous beast. They snuggle on the bed and fall asleep. Hope and I let them


In the morning we shift back into human form, and Hope jumps up on me and wraps her legs

around me, excitedly.

‘I can't believe I shifted! Wolf form feels amazing! And Storm warmed to Chaos straight away. Can

you believe that?’ She squeals.

‘I'm proud of you. You did so well. Storm is incredibly beautiful, just like you,’ I say, staring into her

glistening silver and blue eyes.

Naked, kissing, my excitement grows between my legs; she is irresistible.

‘I want us to, you know, take this to the next level,’ she whispers, desire in her eyes.

‘I want to, as well. More than you know. But we must get dressed and go. Sally is meeting us

today, remember?’ I remind her, and she huffs.

‘I feel your pain, babe, believe me, I do,’ I say, chuckling. She playfully slaps my chest and

unwraps herself from around me. We shower, get dressed into fresh outfits and order a car to take us

into the city to meet Sally.

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