Alpha Loren

Chapter 186 Chapter 186

Chapter 186 Chapter 186

I next woke on a slightly damp, hard floor to the sound of a loud engine. I slowly opened my eyes,

squinting from the bright sun, to see a pair of smart shoed feet. I then looked up higher to see Andrea,

still wearing the same suit, and sat controlling the motor of the boat.

He glanced down for a split second before taking his eyes back to the river as if he hadn't noticed me.

I pulled my self into a tight ball and stared passively at the floor of the boat. My head throbbed and

ached with a dull undetermined sense as my situation tried to sink in. It didn't feel real, how could it?

About an hour later, the boat came to a stop. I didn't move a muscle but Andrea took my already

bruised wrist and hauled me onto a jetty.

"Welcome home," he announced as I looked up to see the huge mansion in front of us.

I remained silent as I was lead up a set of stairs to the front door where another suited man awaited us

with a huge rifle slung across his chest.

"Buenas tardes, Señor," he said to Andrea with a nod.

"Chico, this is my new prized possession. Leonardo Loren's Luna," Andrea said pushing me forward

and presenting me.

He looked across to me expressionlessly and scanned my face. He eventually nodded to me too but

said nothing.

"You're in charge of making sure she doesn't get out of this house without my permission," Andrea said

placing his grabbing my arms and shoving me into the house. "Don't fail me," he added in a darker


Andrea pushed me into the large foyer with a grand staircase and huge tall doors. It was dead quiet

and our footsteps echoed around the room.

"This is the first house I ever bought," he said. "My house in Mexico is nice and lavish and comfortable

but this? This is home to me. Perfectly placed in the middle of nowhere, where no one can ever find


He shot me a grin and winked.

"It's nice," I said quietly.

"Come. I will give you a tour," he said taking my hand.

He then showed me every room in the house. It was big and beautiful but at the same time, I hated it.

Every mosaiced floor, every water-colour wall, every huge plump bed, every swanky bathroom. Even

the pool, blue and refreshing, shook me.

"And this is the master bedroom," he said opening the door to the final room.

It was vast. The bed was the biggest yet, the balcony stretched out so far it could have space for its

own pool and the closet was by right another room.

"What do you think of the view?" he asked wrapping his arms around me as I looked over the balcony

into the array of jungle that stretched as far as the eye could see.

"It's refreshing," I replied quietly.

The wild, untamed nature of the jungle also reminded me of all the freedom I didn't have but I wasn't

going to bring that up now.

"Good," he stated. "Now, I have a few questions before I put you to good use."

He then placed a hand on my back and ushered me to a chair.

"Firstly, is there any chance you could be pregnant?" he asked.

"No," I replied after a short pause.

I looked out at the setting sun over the horizon. Andrea's tall silhouette blocked most of the rays

that streaked like golden ribbons but some seeped past him into the room, lighting it up in an amber


"100% sure?" Andrea's deep voice asked snapping me back to reality.

"Yes," I said through gritted teeth.

His face curled into an amused smile.

"An entire week with your Alpha but he hasn't been inside you, huh?" he jeered. "Why's that, Blanca?"

"You already know," I said refusing to look him in my eye. "He killed my brother."

"So you're punishing him by depriving him from what's rightfully his? I'm surprised Leonardo Loren

stands for that," he mused.

"He's a good man. He knows that he doesn't have the right to anything," I snapped maybe with a little

too much spite.

"Not anymore anyway," Andrea replied crouching down in front of me. "You're mine now. And if I want

it, I will get it, understand?"

He cupped my face in my hand. I had little choice but to nod and internally damn him to the fiery pits of


"Next question, how good is your cooking?" he asked standing up again and folding his arms.


"It better be more than mediocre because I have some associates coming for dinner tonight and you're

going to cook for us," he replied. "And then tomorrow I have another job for you."

"What is it?"

"You're going to help me kill someone," he stated. "I've been trying to kill for the past year but tomorrow

night there is a party and he will be there."

I opened my mouth to speak but found myself too overwhelmed.

"Relax babe," he said wrapping his arms around me again. "You only have to distract him, I'll do the


"You're going to kill someone at a party?" I questioned.

"You're right..." he said in thought. "I should definitely bring a spare change of clothes, especially if I get

blood on my shirt or something..."

"You're psychotic," I said.

"You should be into that. Your Alpha is the most notorious pyscho in history," Andrea replied with a sly

smile as he stepped forward and ran a finger down the side of my face. "And you let him do all sorts of

things to you..."

I clenched my jaw and pushed his chest hard, shoving him away from me.

He let out a short laugh and approached me again.

"Take off your shirt," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Take it off," he repeated. "Now."

"Andre- I-" I stuttered.

"You've got some serious making up to do for this," he said pointing to the scratch on his cheek. "Do it

or I'll find some more painful way to make you pay," he added pulling the gun from his belt and tapping

it with his index finger.

I hesitated for a few moments as he stared at me waiting, and I reached for the top button of my shirt.

As slowly as possible, I undid the buttons, Andrea's hungry eyes on me the entire time, until I could

shrug it off my shoulders.

He stepped forward and placed his hands on my waist, admiring my bare skin.

"You have a beautiful body, Blanca," he said. "Lie down."

I stared blankly.

"Get on the bed, Blanca," he ordered as he ran his hands up my sides to my chest.

I tried to push him off me but he caught my flailing arms and threw me down onto the mattress pinning

me there with my wrists. He straddled me, squeezing me tightly between his legs and brought his lips

agonisingly slowly to my ear. I could do nothing but lie still in his unyielding grasp and stare wide-eyed

at the ceiling.

"You've fucked one psycho so why not another?" he whispered.

I looked across and met his darkened eyes. He stared at me for a few short moments in utter

motionless silence. His right eye then twitched just a tiny bit a split second before he delved his hand

down the back of my shorts. Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

I began to protest as he tugged at the lace rim of my panties but he promptly slammed a large hand

over my mouth.

"Unless it's a moan of pleasure, I don't want to fucking hear it," he growled before undoing the button of

my shorts and pushing his hand closer.

He was so heavy and despite my training, unbudgeable. I wondered for a moment how he could be so

strong. He wasn't an Alpha, nor a Beta, nor anything really.

Just a nineteen-year-old rogue with a gun.

I felt a tear drip from my eye as he stopped to take off his shirt.

"Andrea, please-" I begged.

"Shut up," he growled throwing his belt to the ground.

I closed my eyes tightly as his trousers were unbuttoned and he pressed himself against me.

I finally lay still and quiet, my mind no longer able to communicate with my body as fear and pain shut it


"There's a good girl," he whispered.

He placed one hand on my neck and the other continued to pin down my arms.

"There's nothing you can do. Just give in and enjoy it. It's okay, I won't tell the Alpha. I Promise."

Before he could reach to remove my shorts or my underwear, there was a knock at the door.

Andrea looked up and clenched his jaw.

"Que?!" he barked.

"Señor," a voice said before saying something else in Spanish.

Andrea unstraddled me and reached for his shirt as he marched to the door. He opened it halfway to

reveal Chico.

I scrambled for my shirt to cover myself as Chico noticed me on the bed and paused for a slight second

before turning to Andrea and continuing what he was saying.

When he was finished, he bowed his head and Andrea looked momentarily back at me as I stood in the

corner, with my shirt wrapped across my body.

"Make sure she doesn't escape," Andrea grunted before marching out of the room.

Chico nodded, looked at me once again before closing the door and leaving me to redress as I listened

to his pacing footsteps on the other side of the door.

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