Alpha King’s Lost Luna

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

Chapter 127 Complaints and comfort CAS SANDRA “That ba st ard!” Marley exclaimed angrily as Becky finished the story. Her light green eyes flashed and her nostrils flared ever so slightly as she shook her head. “I know,” I sighed. “It’s unbelievable.” “You know, I was hit on by several men when I visited the city the other day,” Marley continued, and she tucked her dark hair behind her ear. “They were all so arrogant and nasty. I couldn’t believe the way they were treating me. It was as if I was a piece of meat rather than an accomplished doctor.” When she proceeded to mock and mimic the men who’d dared mess with her, Becky finally managed to crac k a smile. It was tiny and fleeting, but the color returned to her tear-stained cheeks. “Look, Becks, Silas is just another jerk,” Marley said, and her tone fell somewhere between serious and soothing. “Honestly, I’m not even sure if I agree with the concept of mates. It all sounds like a made-up fantasy that’s meant to convince women to stay with terrible men because they’re allegedly fated. Moon Goddess knows I wasted enough time with my husband. Even the former Alphal King is guilty of that. When she died, he quickly remarried. He couldn’t keep her safe and then he just… moved on to the next woman.” The room fell into silence, and my friend glanced around at us. Heat spread to my cheeks as she began to realize that no one had anything to say in response. “Hannah?” Marley asked the maid directly. “You agree, right?” The poor girl blinked her large eyes with confusion and then finally nodded slowly. Erika and I exchanged a glance, and my stomach twisted into knots. Marley’s sudden ramblings and denouncing of men had shifted the mood of the room. 川

1/4 entirely. After a long minute of silence, I patted Becky’s shoulder. “Do you want to get some rest” I suggested. “It’s been a long night. Maybe some sleep would put you

at ease.” Becky didn’t respond at first. Her russet eyes were distant, and her lower lip trembled slightly. I knew exactly how the poor girl felt. The idea of a true, fated mate, something every woman longed for, but Becky’s being Silas Moses of all people… that complicated matters completely. Was I didn’t know Silas particularly well, but the reputation of the Moses family only added weight to the situation. I didn’t know how to soothe her. Finding a mate was considered the highest blessing from the Moon Goddess, but finding a mate from such a notorious family in the most regal of Packs in Wegalla… From everything Becky had told us, it seemed that Silas didn’t want Becky as his met. I’m sure the entire Moses clan wanted nothing to do with an ordinary girl who worked in the palace rather than residing there. But if all of this was true, why had Silas taken Becky out to the garden and kissed her so passionately? Maybe Marley was right. He was just another ba stard upper-class werewolf. Becky finally exhaled deeply and raised her eyes to meet nine. “I think Marley’s right,” she said quietly. “This whole mate thing is nothing more. than a cruel joke. I should have just listened to my mother and married a decent guy.” She forced a smile on her face, and I knew that she didn’t mean any of it. Becky had just suffered too much tonight. I understood her feelings completely. I’d spent so many sleepless nights longing and missing Asher just like this. I turned to Erika and Hannah. “Could you prepare a room for Becky upstairs?” I asked the maids. The pair nodded enthusiastically, and without another word, the two rose from their seats ||| 2/4 UJIIVU VII

TUDUJ. “Goodnight, everyone,” she said, and then she turned on her heels and rushed out of the room. As she headed toward the hallway, my heart began to ache. “I’m sorry, Cas sy,” Marley apologized once Becky was gone. “I didn’t mean to lay it on so heavy with Becky. When she started telling her story… I just got so angry thinking about my lousy ex-husband. I didn’t mean to get so upset and ruin her evening. I’m just so hurt by everything, you know? I didn’t want her to go through the same thing I did.” “Don’t worry about it,” I assured her, and I placed my hand on her arm. “I know you’re hurting, Marley. No one can blame you. You’re going through a major life change. Anyone in your position would be upset. I think we just need to let Becky sort through it on her own for a little while. She’s probably feeling really vulnerable at the moment.” Marley nodded. “You’re right. I’m going to go upstairs a. grab her a change of clothes and some water. She needs to get out of that dress and giving her some comfy clothes is the least I can do. Maybe we can make her some tea?” I smiled. “I think that’s a great idea. I’ll get the kettle going. After you get her sone clothes, maybe you should get some sleep as well?” “That was going to be my next plan,” my friend said and she nodded her head thoughtfully. “Thanks, Cas s.” We shared a quick hug, and once Marley left, I went into the other room and started to heat up the kettle. 3/4 Mincu out. I was ge nerves.” “That’s a great idea, Erika replied. I smiled and then leaned on the counter and crossed my arms. “Do you know anything about Silas, Erika?” Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Not much,” she admitted, and her kind eyes grew weary. “Only that he rarely stays in Anemond. Ever since he assumed the position of Beta, he’s been busy attending to troops at the borders. At the very least, I know that he’s better than his sister. He doesn’t talk much, but when he does, he’s polite.” “At least he’s mostly well-mannered,” I noted, and I released a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of my nose between my fingers. “It’s surprising that he’s not just another Adalyn clone.” “Thank the Moon Goddess,” Erika agreed, and then she rested her hand on my arm. “I know you’re worried for her, Cas sandra. You have a big heart and you don’t want her heart to get broken. But Becky is a strong girl, not to mention incredibly intelligent. She’ll weather this storm. She’s just going to need some time.” I nodded. I knew Erika was right. Becky had a good head on her shoulders. But truth be told, I wasn’t just worried about my wonderful friend. I was worried about myself as well.

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