Alpha Blake

Chapter 16 The Storm Is Coming-1

Chapter 16 The Storm Is Coming-1


I clench my jaw and close my eyes as I grasp the door handle. I know I fucked up, she means the

whole fucking world to me. I should have listened to the elders and thought it out. Tasha came out of

nowhere to me at a time when I was more vulnerable. It doesn't excuse me, but I do regret it.

I don't know what I'm going to have to do to have Selene forgive me. But I'm willing to do whatever

it takes.

"What Tyler?" I say angrily as I open the door. I was really pissed off that I had been interrupted.

"Alpha, first.... calm your damn temper.....second, sorry to bother you. But, we have a lead." My

gamma was outside waiting for us with the information I had asked him to look into. I glanced over

towards Selene, she was gone, I heard the shower running, and I can smell her towards the restroom's


"Meet me in ten minutes downstairs with Liam."

"Yes, Alpha." He says as he turns on his heel and leaves.

I make my way back inside and change quickly into jeans and a T-shirt, placed my combat boots

on. Walking towards the restroom, I push the door open slightly. If I go in there, I definitely will not be

coming out any time soon, not until she forgives me.

"Selene?" I call out to her.

"What do you want Blake?" I hear her sweet voice inside the shower, even when she's pissed off, I

can't help but love her voice.

"I need to step out for a few minutes... wait for me before you fall asleep, please. We need to talk

about this."

"Ok, fine. I'll try and wait for you."

I make my way out and walk towards the car where my gamma is waiting. I open the door and we

drive off as we block everyone from our link and speak through it. We couldn't take any chances with

eavesdroppers lurking around.

Something is definitely wrong. A bad storm is coming. I fear for my pack, but mostly for my allied

packs. They are not as strong and ready to undergo a war or an attack as my pack is.

My jaw cringed with anger as my gamma Liam gives me all the details, Ty sits with his jaw cringed

as he sits in the passengers' seat in front, the details given to us send him in shock from the suspicions

he had.

He shows me pictures of surveillance and documentation providing me with all the necessary proof

I needed to take much-needed steps ahead of what's coming.

I close the folder with the files, placing the pictures inside as well... "Did anyone see you coming

here with these documents or while you were investigating?"

"No Alpha, we kept a low profile as you asked. No one knows about our intervening nor existence

near them."

"How many are we talking about?"

My gamma sighs, taking a long time to let out his breath, running his hands through his face.

"HOW MANY?" My voice was dominant and harsh. He jumped, startled by my sudden wave of


"Uhm... fifty, maybe more Alpha, doesn't seem like they're too menacing Alpha, but.... we've seen

them train from afar. They are good Alpha.... they're really good. If the other packs get attacked, I don't From NôvelDrama.Org.

know if they'll have a fair chance to fight."

I furrow my eyebrows. My hands gripped into fists turning my knuckles white. "I'm afraid their

leader may have something against our Luna. We got word that he may......"

Xander growled, he hates anyone trying to harm our Luna and Hazel, his mate.

"He may what?" I yelled, I was getting frustrated with the whole situation.

"This guy you're talking about Blake... he better not lay a hand on my Luna and Hazel, or I will rip

his head off in one single bite... no one threatens our mate." Xander sneered. He pranced around

angrily, growling.

"He may be seeking for revenge sir."

"These..... so-called undercover leeches he sent..... are they aware we know about them Alpha? It

could be dangerous if they find out we have allies inside their camp. They may-"

"They won't find out..... for now, continue to find information. Be aware of the surroundings. Tighten

the security around our pack territory. Send Chester to quietly look over Selene while I'm not around.....

but tell him to be careful, he makes any mistakes, she'll know. She is far smarter than we think. "

"Yes, Alpha. "

"That's all for now," I say

I open the door to the SUV, followed by Tyler.

He sighs, fixing his sunglasses and running his hands through his face. Taking a long sigh before

turning to me.

"Did you know about her Blake?" He asks.

"I did.... something about her didn't seem right. But I didn't want to say anything until I had it

confirmed. "

"I guess I know why you-"

"Don't even fucking say it, Ty..... all this fucking investigation is just causing me problems between

my wife, and my pack. I feel like my fucking temper is overtaking me all the time. The least I want is to

lose control of myself and turn into those prick alpha's who kill just for joy."

"Oh, believe me.... nobody wants that. Blake, I've seen what you can do. You've gotten better

since our last encounter. You're just as savage as my sister when she tore up Tasha in there man."

I looked over at him, he had a grin on his face. I narrowed my eyebrows and crossed my hands.

"Fuck Ty..... what am I going to do? I can't lose Selene... if that asshole even tries to lay a hand on

her, I will make sure he never sees the light of day ever again."

"You mean the light of the moon?" Ty says.

"Shut up Ty.... you forget who he is??? He's not like any other fucking leech... he's a primordial like

us... he can walk during the day. Nothing can stop this son of a bitch... nothing, except?" I remember

something I read on the old archives my great, great, great grandfather had left written when they

encountered the primordial as well.

"Except what?" Ty asks...

I cleared my throat and glanced towards him.

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