Alpha Billionaire Series

Secret Baby with Brother’s Best Friend Chapter 18


“Well, it's out there. We just have to wait for the numbers to come rolling back in," Maggie announced.

I met the marketing team in the conference room the morning of the official launch. Maggie looked pleased, as she should have been. They pulled off the outreach launch, updated our website, and created a social media platform all in less than two months, all with an understaffed department. Clients had been responding before the official launch date. Even without supporting numbers, I considered this to have been a successful project.

“I think we need to celebrate,” I said.

“Shouldn't we wait to see what the numbers look like before we celebrate anything?” The new guy, Brian, asked. More than once, he reminded me that he wasn't new to CP Manhattan. He had returned to our employment mid-project and was thrilled to be doing something with a little more substance to it. Apparently, John, as COO, wasn't particularly supportive of marketing efforts in the past. This was interesting to learn from an employee who wasn't afraid to tell me.

“We'll see feedback in as little as twelve hours, but the real impact isn't going to be traceable for weeks. That's when we should start to see inquiries, and then sales increases.”

“I still think you should celebrate a job well done. This was my first time working with the marketing team. I want to say that it was very impressive. I'm taking everyone out to celebrate. Clear your schedules for Thursday night." I spoke.

“We'll also have some initial numbers by then. We should have a reason to celebrate at that point,” Gem said, with a smile. I loved her smile. It did things to me that my body had no right to respond to while I was at work.

“I heard your little project launched,” john said the next time I saw him.

“Little project?” I asked. “Have you not been paying attention? This is the outreach program the board signed off on at the end of last year. We've been working toward this for almost two full quarters.”

“Right. Do you have results yet?”

“It's too soon for results. It just released,” I reminded him.

“Then it's too soon for you to be celebrating. You don't celebrate until you see the numbers. I think you overestimate the impact that marketing and social media have on our client base.”

Ishook my head. “I think you're the one missing the big picture here, John. After all, you're the one who thought marketing was nothing but a bunch of postcard campaigns. There's much more to it than that.”

He shrugged. “Well, we'll let the numbers tell the story. And then you'll change your mind."

I didn’t think I would. We were already getting reports of improvement such as return clients and buyer satisfaction.

The first analytic reports showed positive interactions with our campaign. By Wednesday we were trending on social media in our niche.

“Are you ready to go?” I asked as I walked into Gem's office. The entire marketing department had been surfing on a high since the analytic reports started showing numbers higher than projected. By the time of our celebration, everyone had already been in good spirits for days.

“I thought we were supposed to meet you at the bar?” she asked as she pulled on her coat.

“I wanted to make sure you didn't get lost,” I said with a smile.

“Right, are you personally escorting the entire team or just me?”

“Everyone else has already left," I said with a sweep of my hand, indicating the empty department offices. “So, it's just you. I seem to lose you from time to time, and I couldn't stand for that to happen tonight.”

She smiled with a soft giggle. “Someone's gonna notice that I'm getting extra attention.”

All the extra work leading up to the rollout had interfered with my ability to see Gem outside of work. I made sure I was in her office every morning for updates and for a chance to see her smile. Her smile was better than any of the coffee I'd stopped drinking. But smiles and flirting across a desk were not the same as being able to touch her, kiss her. This celebration marked the end of that.

“You are not getting nearly enough extra attention. If they complain, let them complain, they're jealous.”

“Jealous of who? You or me?”

“Me; I smirked. “Definitely me. You don't smile like that at everyone, do you?”

“I don't know,” she shrugged. “It's my smile."This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

I'stepped in close and helped to pull her coat closed over her ample breasts. I could hear her catch her breath. I felt it too, we were close enough for a kiss. I leaned in.

“That's not merely a smile, Gem, that's something special. And 'm thrilled to be the one it's for," I whispered.

She closed her eyes and licked her lips. Then suddenly she jerked back.

“I believe we have a work event to get to.” Her cheeks were flush, and she stepped out of my grasp.

I couldn't keep my hands off her on the elevator ride down. I wanted handfuls of supple flesh, but too many other people getting on and off the elevator prevented me from crushing her body against me. I consoled myself by placing my hand on the small of her back and holding her arm as she stepped through the doors of the building.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Bria suggested a little place up here. It's nice.” She pointed toward a building up ahead.

When we arrived, everyone was already crowded into a booth and the first round of drinks had already been ordered.

“You couldn't wait for us?” I asked.

Maggie held up her glass. “We have a good reason to celebrate tonight. The numbers coming in have been fantastic”

“I know, that's why we're here."

Maggie stood and changed seats leaving an opening for Gem and me to squeeze into. The fit was tight, but since Gem was pressed against me, I wasn't going to complain.

Gem squeezed into the booth

“And get this,” she continued, “we're seeing an increase in inquiries from a demographic we had overlooked before. The outreach campaign is working. We're reaching potential new customers. The sheer fact that we're reaching a new client base is massive.”

I agreed. These were the kinds of figures that made businessmen like me happy.

“We should have gone to a place that had a dance floor. I feel like dancing” Maggie said.

Brian pointed to the other side of the bar. “Can't dance but they have darts you want to go for around?”

“Yes!” She and Brian scooted out of the booth and took their drinks with them.

“Darts sound like a good idea,” Matt said. “I think I'm gonna join them. Coming?”

He looked from Bria to Gem, and then me.

I shrugged.

Bria took a long look at Gem, and then at me before saying, “Sure, I'll be right there."

I'stood, letting Gem up so Bria could slide out of the booth. The next thing I knew Gem and I were the only two left.

“I guess we're on drink watch,” she said with a sigh.

“What's that supposed to mean?”

“That means I make sure everybody's drinks are safe while they go play their games.’

Bria suddenly appeared at the side of the table and reached forward. “Sorry, forgot my beer” She grabbed two of the drinks that were left on the table and left as quickly as she had appeared.

“I guess there are no more drinks for you to watch," I said. “What are you going to do now?”

Gem shifted away from me in the booth. “I'm going to pretend that I'm not overly attracted to you and that your hand isn't sliding up my thigh right now.”

Isat pressed next to her as if we were still crowded into the booth. Her thigh was soft and warm. She squirmed under my fingers.

“Mr. Campbell, this is a work event” she said as my hand continued under her skirt.

“Everyone from work is on the other side of the bar," I said.

“Chase,” she scolded me.

“Come on, Gem. It's only us right now.” I leaned toward her so that I could caress her ear with my lips.

“I know. And that's a problem.” She leaned toward me and lifted her hips so that my fingers brushed over the fabric of her panties, between her legs.

“Why? Don't you like this?”

Her breathing grew rapid. “Because at any moment, it won't be just us. And people from work will be here. That would be embarrassing”

“Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?” I asked.

“No, but I shouldn't flaunt that I'm dating the boss."

“Oh, are you dating the boss? Is that what's happening?”

My fingers found the edge of her underwear and skimmed over the flesh on the other side.

I couldn't read her expression. And then I started laughing.

“We're dating. I'm not seeing anybody else. And I know you aren't” I slid my fingers between her folds, she was slick. I smirked, satisfied that she was turned on.

“Is this our mutually exclusive conversation?” she asked around gasps.

I leaned my mouth to her ear again. “Absolutely. I don't want you to think I finger fuck just anyone in public’

Islid my hand away from her. She whimpered. I looked into her eyes as I licked her juices off my finger. “Imagine what I'd do to you if this wasn't a work event, and we were alone."

She leaned her head back against the booth with a groan.

“Come home with me tonight,’ I demanded.

“I can't”

“Why can't I get you alone Gem?”

“There's a good reason for that Chase. Come on,” she pleaded.

“I know I've met her. She's adorable. What can we do to change things up? How do I get to have you in my arms all night? I'll buy a crib so she can spend the night too. She can have her own room.”

“You were ready to stop seeing me altogether because I had a daughter and now, you're buying baby furniture?”

“Unless you're willing to invite me over to your place, which I know you're not. You live with your mother, right? How do I get a sleepover with my two favorite girls?”

She shifted and opened her eyes, looking at me. “Have you thought about maybe taking a weekend trip somewhere

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