Alpha Adryan

Chapter 21: nineteen

Chapter 21: nineteen

Adryan cracks his stiff neck as he feels the soreness leave his body. He has been sitting in his office for

hours, looking through the pack treaties and other Alpha stuff.

This was his second office, which was situated in another one of the buildings. A bit away from the

pack house.

Whenever he stops his work, his mind wanders back to Jade and that night from two months ago.

He had been meaning to talk to her, but it seemed like whenever he even thought about approaching

her something or the other needed his attention.

For instance that morning when he woke up beside her, he had gotten a call from one of the

neighbouring Alpha's asking for his help. Apparently his pack has been attacked by rogues and they

needed immediately medical help and assistance for their injured pack mates among other things.

Even after two months, he wasn't able to approach her. But he had decided now that he was definitely

going to talk to her tomorrow. About them. He had realised that he wanted her. No matter of denial on

his part was going to change the fact that he needed her by his side, as his Luna, and no one was

stopping him.

Feeling thirsty, he sees the bottle of water. He reaches his hand to pick it up. Opening the cap, he was

about to take a sip, but something stops him in his actions.

He stills when he smells the addictive scent of strawberries in the air. His eyebrows scrunch together in

confusion. The scent seemed to be coming from outside the window situated in his office. That was


Why would her scent be lingering outside?!.

And what was she doing staying up this late in the night?!.

Vince kept nagging at him, asking him to follow her scent.

Standing up from his office chair, he moves towards his open window.

His eyes squint with confusion when his eyes meet the back of a figure, running pass that treeline, a

few meters beside his office.

He was able to see a peak of light strawberry blonde hair when the figure turns towards the direction of

his window. A duffel bag clutched in their hands.

The scene that meets his eye makes his wolf and human both go crazy at the same time.

It was her. His mate. Jade.

She was being cautious and alert. Turning back and tilting her head to the side to let her hearing pick

up any sound, and that made him realise something.

She was running away. running away from his pack.

Most of all running away from him.

Vince growls in his mind, Adryan jumps down the window, not caring since it wasn't going to hurt him

much beside earning himself a few scratches. Adding more to the ones already present on his body.

But, that was a story for another time.

He instantly minds links the guards that were on duty. Alerting them.

Guards. Towards the borders. NOW.

Jade runs as fast as she her legs would take her. So far, she was able to remain undetectable. But she

didn't want to take any chances.

She would often turn and try to listen for any noises. Her hearing capability and wolf instincts were the

only thing that was going to help her out until she reached the pack borders.

She has been almost running for about ten minutes, feeling the wind whip her hair around. Her legs

pumping as she runs fast. It was a matter of few minutes before she was out of the pack.

She keeps running but the snapping of a twig to her right alerts of someone's presence.

The faint scent of vanilla reaches her nostrils making her panic. She could feel his wolf running behind

her. He was catching up to her.

A deathly growl from behind her let's her confirm her thoughts.

She doesn't stop though, she runs even when she realises that now other wolves have joined him. Her

lungs burn with the need of oxygen but that doesn't stop her.

She stumbles over the root of a tree, stopping her fast pace. She almost falls but catches herself at the

last minute. This hindrance gave Adryan the advantage of blocking her path by running infront of her.

She could feel his large wolf, that oozed dominance and authority stand before her. Low growls leaving

his throat. She moves back.

She was cornered now. She could feel all of their presence around her. Circling her and preventing her

from escaping further.

Her chest heaves up and down with fear and anxiety. It was a chilly night causing goosebumps to arise

on her skin.

She could feel her heart beating inside her chest. Her hands shake.

There is only one way to escape this now. She can't escape them without doing this. She was standing

alone against the Alpha and warriors of the most strongest pack in the world. She couldn't take them


She takes a deep breath in. Inhaling the scent of nature. Closing her eyes and feeling the energy

crackle around her form slowly at first but later on growing.

Adryan's wolf Vince watches in confusion as Jade stands still, closing her eyes.

What was she doing?!

His questions were answered when he feels the air around them shift. The air that was calm untill now

starts to blow fastly. The wind howling with its force as it circulated around Jade.

He could see the wolf forms of his warriors take a few step back in apprehension. They hadn't felt or

seen something like this before in their life.

Vince keeps his eyes trained on Jade. She opens her eyes after a few seconds. His wolf stills when

they see the sight before them.

Shocks runs throughout his body, when he realises something.

No she couldn't be...

There wasn't one of her kind found in hundred of years...


His eyes widen in realisation.

Her eyes. Her eyes were glowing. Glowing a vibrant green colour.

Vince was in both awe and felt slight fear at the sight. NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

He could see her lips move.

Jade whispers under her breath. The words flowing off her tongue like a second language, because it


"Tellus testor me vires naturae virtutem illuminativam".

Now the air sorround her causing her form to turn blurry, her form was barely visible to Adryan and


Adryan panics when he sees her form disappear.

"Don't let her get away" he mind links the wolves, he feared that she would escape even if he blinked

for a second.

The wolves even though apprehensive of her, takes a step forward and just when they enter the circle

of air around her, they feels an immense force push them back, sending them flying a few meters back,

some wolves colliding into the trees behind them or collapsing onto the ground and falling unconscious.

Adryan's eyes widen in shock further when he sees his unconscious warriors.

Still in wolf form he looks back at Jade, who tries to escape further by running away taking the

advantage of the situation.

Jade manages to escape them, continuing her escape. She runs a few steps only to fall when she feels

a body come crashing into her side, thankfully she falls onto her back making her feel relieved that

nothing harm happened to the baby.

Adryan stills, his wolf sniffing Jade's frame. He continues to sniff around her. She still smelled like

strawberries but there was something a bit different, he didn't know why. It was a distinct scent that

mixed with hers.

His mind travells back to that mutt. The one she had gone out on a date with. Fury finds him fast when

he thought about the possibilities but Vince knew it was something else.

'She's... pregnant, she's carrying our child' .

Vince's eyes snaps towards Jade, the way she had her head bowed in a guilty motion let him know that

she knew, yet she tried running away with his unborn child.

Violet stands up from her crouched position on the ground. She walks backwards, she wasn't far from

the pack border, a few more steps and she was out.

"Stop" Adryan's voice sounds in her mind causing her to freeze in her moments but she continues


Tears brim her eyes, she hated doing this but it wasn't like she had another choice. She had to go.

Vince moves towards Jade, trying to get her to stop and stay. He starts whining when she reaches the

edge of his pack borders, with one final step she was out. He could feel the bond break a bit, like a tiny

crack on the surface.

Vince tries stepping out of the territory but finds himself immobile, he couldn't move beyond the borders

of his pack it was as if an invisible force was stopping him from moving, upon realising the reason

behind his dilemma, he looks at Jade.

"Please, don't go" his voice like a whisper in her mind, filled with pain. Vince was panicking, she was

getting away.

"I'm sorry" she whispers and with a final snap of her fingers Adryan's wolf form falls unconscious on the

ground with a thud.

"I'm so sorry" she whispers into the night and takes off, shifting into her midnight black wolf with white

mixed with her fur. The duffel bag clamped between her jaw.

He knew her secret.

He knew that she was an abomination...

Something that shouldn't exist... atleast anymore.

She was a Hybrid.

Half Witch and Half Werewolf.

But he wouldn't remember her secret, nor the real encounter when he and his warriors wake up. She

was careful enough to wipe out their memories of the past thirty minutes.

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