Added into Daddy’s Life

Chapter 32

Chapter 32


Mya's P.O.V.

I groaned rubbing my head. I could already feel a headache coming on and my face hurt so bad. Last

night daddy came back in the middle of the night and he seemed so upset. I didn't ask why because I

was afraid of his response and I thought he would get more angry. He came into my room and we

hugged for a little while but then he left me and went into his room. He didn't even let me sleep with him

or get any cuddles.

I stood in my crib and and whimpered. "Jamie I don't feel good." He sat beside me and rubbed my

back. "What's the matter Mya?" I couldn't answer him fast enough. I shut my eyes as I felt my stomach

churn. It rumbled and ached. I felt the saliva in my mouth build up and I knew what was next. I gagged

and next thing I knew, there was vomit everywhere. I started crying, "I'm sorry Jamie *sob* I-I didn't

mean to... I'm so so sorry." He shook his head, "calm down baby it's ok. Don't worry I'll go get daddy."

He swung his leg over the crib with ease and hopped down, walking out of the door. Everything always

came so easy for him.

Daddy walked in soon after, "good morning prin-" his eyes widened as he rushed over to me. "Baby are

you ok?! Why didn't you call me so I could take care of you?!?!" He lifted Aladdin out first making sure

none of my vomit touched his fur. He then reached for me. "I'm sorry daddy.." He shook his head

silencing me, "It's alright baby it's not your fault."

He placed me on my feet and I collapsed. I didn't know what was wrong with me but I couldn't hold

myself up. I felt so weak. My head started spinning and sweat beaded my forehead. "Sleep baby it's

ok.." Jamie whispered. I felt so sleepy. I looked up at daddy but there were three of him. Before I could

speak, i felt my face hit the ground and everything went black....

* * *

I woke up not feeling any better. My head hurt and my palms felt so sweaty. I took in my surroundings, I

was in the living room laying on the couch. I wasn't in the same clothes from this morning and my hair

was put into a ponytail. I looked over and saw daddy typing something on his computer.

I wanted to reach out to him and hug him but my limbs felt so heavy. I tried to sit up but nothing worked.

Fresh sweat slid down the side of my forehead as my lungs began to close in. My head pounded as

flashbacks of master once again came flooding back into my head.


"Good morning number three." Master said smiling down at me. I scratched the left side of my neck

and yawned. "No no no what did we say about scratching the ants."

"U-Um you say leave it because they gonna bite me." He nodded, "exactly...good girl." He pulled me

out of the crib and held me in his arms. I was always separated from the other girls because master

said I was different. I don't know what he meant by that but he said it was for the best.

Master frowned when my butt made contact with his hip. "Did you pee number three?"

I froze. I didn't even realize I peed. I thought I knew how to hold my pee in my sleep. "M-Master I-" he

placed me on my feet and growled. "What the

f!ck Mya!!! I told you that when you have to pee, you need to tell me so that things like this don't

happen." Tears welled up in my eyes as he angrily ripped the sheets out of the crib.

"I'm sorry master I didn't feel it. I'm sorry..."

He didn't answer. He tossed the sheets into the hamper and sighed running his large hand through his


He sighed, "Mya listen to me. Even though I put you in the pull-up, doesn't mean I want you to pee in it.

The point of a pull-up is to just be there in case of accidents but you know how to use the toilet,


I nodded backing away slightly.

"Exactly. We went over how to use the toilet several times. So since you went against what I taught you

I think you know what that means..."

Tears fell from my eyes as my body trembled. "No master *sob* please don't punish me. I'm so sorry.

Please don't." He shook his head and walked closer to me.

"You and I both know that begging only makes it worse..."

He grabbed my wrist harshly and yanked me towards him. "Take your clothes off Mya." My eyes

widened. I tried with all my might to pull away from his tight grasp but nothing worked. My body

twitched as the ants ran faster on my neck. I shook my head back and forth but nothing made them

come off. I couldn't help it...I started scratching.

I screamed as I felt a hard smack on my bum. "Mya. Take. Your. Clothes. Off. Now." I shook my head

and fell on the floor. I didn't want to take my clothes off. I just didn't want to.

I kicked my legs as he reached for my pants. My foot hit him in his face which only enraged him more.

"You're gonna be very sorry number three..."

With that he yanked me up causing my arm to snap. I screamed as pain shot through my entire arm.

He harshly ripped each piece of clothing off me and scattered them all over the floor.

His eyes raked up and down my naked body and a dark chuckle left his lips. "Let's teach you a little


I cried harder as he pulled my arm. The pain was unbearable. My bone stuck out visibly and my arm

began to turn a purple-blue color. He dragged me into the basement and threw me on the floor.

I saw black spot as my head made contact with the hard pavement on the ground. I felt sleepy and hot.

Thick liquid oozed from my nose as master slapped me harshly. My head pounded as I felt more liquid.

But it wasn't from my nose. I held my painful arm still as I reached my other arm up and scratched the

back of my head.

I let out a scream as pain shot through my brain. I didn't know how much longer I could last.

Master's eyes darkened and he yanked my body up. "Behave while I get you situated.."

My body slumped against his as I heard the familiar sound of the cold chains. Without any hesitation,

he quickly clamped my arms and legs in, making sure my legs were spread far apart.

He removed his belt from his pants and wrapped it around his hand making sure the buckle part was

out. My body trembled as he circled me like a predator.

"Ok number three you know the drill. I'm going to hit you ten times and I don't want you to make a

sound. I will count for you but if I hear one peep out of you we will start over from one. Understand?" I

nodded as my eyes drooped closed.

SMACK, "use your words Mya." I whimpered holding in my cries, "y-yes sir."

He smiled and walked behind me, "least get started." My breath shortened as I tried everything to hold

back my cries.

SMACK "one" master said as he cracked the buckle against my back. My teeth dug into my lips as I

held back cries that desperately wanted to come out.


SMACK, "that's three baby....hang in there."




SMACK, my eyes were drenched in tears. I shut my eyes tightly and clenched my fists. A small gasp

escaped my lips....I froze. I held my breath and hoped with everything I had that he didn't hear me. But

of course my hope was crushed.

"Tsk tsk tsk...princess you were almost done....too bad we have to start over.

Pain took over my body as I tried to pull away from the chains. "Please master noo *sob* please no I'm

sorry please sir.." He chuckled and sighed, "like I said Mya, if you make a noise then we start

over...let's start over..."

He walked behind me again and tightened his grip on the belt. He didn't count out loud and he didn't

stop. I made sure to keep my mouth shut the whole time.











By the time he was finished I was a mess. I broke down as loud sobs escaped my dry mouth. At this

point my body was literally hanging by the chains. "I-I'm sorry m-master." I chocked out trying get my

mind off the pain.

Master stood in front of me and brushed my sweaty hair out of my face. He pecked my cheek. "It's ok

but I'm not done with you yet number three." I shivered as he kissed my neck. "Pl-Please

master....*sob* don't hit me I'm sorry...please no more"

I don't remember much after that but I do remember his fist colliding with my cheek.... NôvelDrama.Org content.


I gasped and sat up quickly. "Daddy!!! Daddy!!!" I yelled as I felt a panic attack coming on.

Daddy came running into the room with my pump in his hand. He sat beside me on the couch as he

pulled me into his lap. "Calm down here its ok. No need to be afraid." He shook my pump and

held it up to my lips. I quickly accepted it and sighed as the medicine spread through my lungs.

Daddy kissed my lips and smiled, what's wrong baby?"

I looked up at him and frowned, his neck and cheeks were so red.

I pressed my hand to his cheek and looked him in the eye, "papa you so red." He nodded and sighed,

"I know baby...daddy is just sad and scared that's all." I frowned, "What's wrong daddy? Why you sad?"

He smiled but it wasn't a happy smile, it was more like a sad smile. "I'm just worried about you princess

that's all."

Worried?....why would he be worried?

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