Added into Daddy’s Life

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Mya's P.O.V.

I honestly didn't know what to do. I've been in many situations where I was scared or uncomfortable,

but this...this was different. I never had comfort and security before daddy came along. Now that he's in

my life I just feel safe. I even feel safe around Harry and GG, but none of them were here. I didn't like

that at all. This Andrew guy made me feel a whole bunch of mixed emotions. I felt sad and

nervous...but mostly afraid. I didn't know him and I just felt like anything could happen. But maybe I

was over thinking things.... I mean he hasn't done anything to me yet and daddy said that he was a

good guy. So maybe I should just relax and see how things go....give it a chance.

The man told me that I can call him Drew. Drew and I were sitting on the couch with Aladdin in between

us. I was slightly thankful because Aladdin's body created a wall between Drew and I. My body

shivered uncontrollably. I had to pee so bad but I didn't want him to change me. That was daddy's job

not his. I shifted in discomfort as I felt my bladder become undone. The warm feeling of pee

surrounded me and I felt my control start to drift. Tears welled up in my eyes as I quickly wiped them

away. I twitched as the feeling of discomfort increased. I couldn't hold back any longer. I let out a loud

shriek scaring both Aladdin and Drew.

Aladdin ran to his bed and Drew frowned. "What's the matter with the baby?"

I didn't answer. Tears continued to fall from my eyes as I cried harder. I was so embarrassed. "Don't cry

sweetheart, tell me what's wrong."

I shook my head as I pulled my knees up to my chest. Drew pulled me into his lap and rubbed my back.

I whimpered as the wet diaper squished against against my bum.

"What's wrong sweetheart?"

'Just tell him already Mya' the voice said. I wiped my tears as more fell. I don't want to tell him. He

groaned, 'just do it.'

I burried my face into Drew's chest and cried harder. "I-I pee pee..." I couldn't look at him. My ears were

burning as embarrassment filled my limbs. To my surprise he kissed my forehead, "That's ok hun let's

go get you changed."

He slowly stood and placed me on his hip. I whined point to my paci. He looked at me.... almost like

glaring causing me to shut up instantly. He picked up my paci slowly examining it. "You want this..?" I

nodded slowly. He looked at me then at the paci then back at me. He slowly raised his hand and placed

the paci in between my lips. I started sucking on it immediately. I wasn't sure but I think I saw his

signature smirk...

I gripped him tightly as he went up the stairs and into my room. It's like he knew exactly where to go

and what to was kind a creepy. He laid me on the changing table and lifted my skirt. He looked

up at me then down at my diaper. 'He's scaring me' the voice said. I nodded agreeing with him. He

pulled down my diaper and more tears fell from my eyes. He didn't speak at all. He just focused on

changing me.

Once he was done he stood back and looked me up and down like he was examining what he done.

"You hungry or want a bottle or something?" I nodded as I got excited. "Bottle bottle!!!"

He lifted me off the table and grabbed my hand. "Let's go get you some warm milk."

I was so uncomfortable. He's really nice but there's just something about him....I just don't know what it

is. He never smiled. He smirked from time to time but he never smiled. It really bothered me.....I want

daddy. I pulled the band aid off my neck and placed it in the garbage. I need to scratch it. The ants

started to run again. I whined and twitched. I can't do this anymore. I tried to hold it back but I just can't


I threw myself on the floor and screamed kicking my legs. "I want daddyy!" I continued to kick and

scream as tears clouded my vision. Drew looked at me horrified but then quickly masked it with an

emotionless face. I cried louder causing Aladdin to bark. Drew's pale eyes looked into mine with the

most hatred I've ever seen. I was terrified. 'Whats wrong Mya?' The voice asked. I felt sweat build up

on my forehead. 'I want daddy Jamie. I mean how could he just leave me with this guy?' Jamie sighed,

'just try to make the best of it' I shook my head, what terrible advice. Before I could even speak up...the

unthinkable happened.

Drew yanked me up my my collar and pulled me close to his face. "Now you listen here you little b!tch!!

You and I both know that I don't wanna be here and you're not making it any better for me. So I advise

you shut that

f!cking mouth of yours before I beat the sh!t outta you!!!"

My eyes widened. He glared at me daring me to speak. More tears fell but I shut my mouth without

another word.

He handed me my bottle and sighed, "I'm sorry ok I didn't mean what I said." He lifted me on his hip

and walked over to the couch. "Wanna watch Spongebob?" He asked kissing my cheek. I nodded

drinking my bottle. He sat down placing me on his lap. He grabbed the remote and switched to

Spongebob. Does this guy have mood swings or something?

I giggled as squidward yelled at spongebob for being too loud. I love

squidward but he's always so angry.

We watched this for a little while but then Drew spoke. "You wanna play a game?" I nodded dropping

my bottle into the table. I love games me and daddy play all the time. I like hide and seek and I like

playing tag with Jamie and Aladdin.

"What we gonna play?" I asked smiling happily. This was strange but he paled. "Err um we're gonna

play a special game ok?" I nodded. "Ok um Drew is feeling a little down today and I need you to help

me." I nodded, I wonder what's he hurt? Before I could ask he spoke. I have a little toy that's

been bothering me since I got here. Can you help little princess?" I nodded, daddy always said that I

should help people in need. Drew is mean but he seems really sad about this.

"Ok honey get on the floor on your knees." I quickly got on the floor eager to help him. I didn't want him

hurt. I watched as he unzipped his pants and pulled them down slowly. "Ok baby listen, my toy hurts

and I need you to help me fix it."

I watched as he put his hand into his pants and pulled out something long...almost like a mini baseball


'What is that?' Jamie asked. I shook my head and mumbled, "his toy Jamie, he said it hurts."

"Ok Mya I need to to put you mouth on it and just eat it like a lollipop ok?" I nodded, I love candy!!

I slowly put my mouth around it and cringed at the taste. It didn't taste like candy at all. I tried to pull

away but Drew used his hand to hold me in place. I coughed a little bit continued to force it down.

"Good girl...that's it keep going. Try to get to the whip cream inside ok?" I nodded sucking faster. Whip


Drew groaned. Scared that I hurt him, I pulled back. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you.." Tears welled

up in my eyes but he quickly wiped them away. "No no baby I'm fine it feels great...keep going." I Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

smiled and reattached my mouthing. The toy became very slimy and slippery. I didn't like it but I kept

going. My head was beginning to hurt but I didn't stop. I wanted the whip cream.

I kept sucking until I felt something shoot into the back of my throat. I coughed at the taste. It was

disgusting. It most definitely was not whip cream. It was salty and sticky. It was horrible.

I whined as I felt my stomach churn. This wasn't good. I felt the saliva rising in my throat and I gagged.

I toppled over as everything I ate today came back up splashing onto Drew.

My eyes widened. What have I done??

Drew's pale blue eyes became dark like the ocean and he stood. "What the f!ck!!" He yelled hitting me

in the face with full force. I collapsed on the floor, as I saw stars. Tears fell down my eyes as pain took

over my body. My face felt like it was on fire. He raised his fist and hit me again causing my head to

spin. Everything started to turn black but I shook it off trying to focus. I look up as Drew raised his fist

again. 'RUN!!' Jamie yelled almost deafening me.

I quickly jumped to my feet and ran out the front door.......

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