Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 71

Chapter 68 – The View?


“So, has Elan’s sage and basil oil been a triumph?” I whispered in Evie’s ear, placing a few butterfly kisses on that wonderfully soft patch of skin at the back of it. It was strange how well such a delicate plant scent paired perfectly with her strong and heady spiced vanilla aroma.

The ice water sloshed up the sides of the roll-top bath when her back arched as I pressed my thumbs in between her shoulder blades, easing her sore muscles.

“It works a treat,” her head fell back onto my chest, tickling my nose with the herb scent of her conditioner.

The potency of her scent was dissipating, decreasing to near enough her pre-heat levels. The burning still lingered in her flesh, though, and her exertions had caught up with her in the form of immensely tight and drained muscles. I thought the more primal state of her heat would have lasted longer, considering she had almost broken us yesterday. And that wasn’t an exaggeration. I was fairly certain she had cracked a rib.

‘She actually cracked three,’ Aasim poked in. ‘It was right as she shoved us back down in that rather spirited session of reverse cowgirl. Which is a feat since she was facing away.’

‘You sound impressed like you want another bout?’

‘You don’t?’ He said it as though it was a dumb question.

‘Maybe without the bone breaking.’

‘Where’s the fun in that,’ he rolled his eyes.

“You know, a girl could get used to this,” Evie sighed when the planes of my hands rounded the smooth curves of her shoulders and my brother worked the soles of her feet, propped up on the lip of the bath.

“You do seem to like a good foot rub,” Badru kissed the pad of her toe.

“As long as it doesn’t end with you in your pit of despair again, drama llama,” although his little breakdown led to his breakthrough, so maybe there was an upside wallowing.

“For your information,” he shot back with a pointed look. “My foot rub got me to third base.”

“And it was that dumb mouth that got you the strikeout,” Evie poked at his lips with the tip of her toe. “So quit while you’re ahead.”

“Your shoulder feel better?” I asked, taking out her hair piled up on her head to rinse out.

“Yeah,” she rolled it, testing for any lingering twinges. “But it still feels like you guys broke it downstairs, though.”

From the puzzled look on my brother’s face and the flash of confusion that flickered through our bond, I knew exactly what my twin was about to say before the words fell from him.

“How can we break something when our lodge doesn’t have a downstairs?”

‘There he goes, right on schedule,’ my wolf shook his head.

Evie reached out, patting him on the head, “I’ll tell you when you’re older.”

The tiny frown and crinkle between his brows told me he was going to need some heavy hints, otherwise, we’d be here till Winter Solstice.

‘For someone whose mind is in the gutter ninety per cent of the time, you can be ridiculously naïve. Where have you spent the last day?’

“Oooh, yeah, that was definitely me,” he smirked, now on the same page as the rest of us.

As they always did when we were aroused or provoked, my twin’s eyes flashed their deep blue colour.

“Ok, I need to ask, what is with the eyes?” Our mate tucked her knees up under her chin.

“We don’t actually know.”

“Our dad says it grows less with every generation, but we don’t know where or when it originated,” I shrugged. “You saw the old canvas in our study. We have the same eyes as our ancestor, so who knows if he was the first or if it dated back further.”

Few people ever noticed it. Generally, the faint burst of luminous colour only occurred when we were either extremely angry or hugely turned on. It was rare for either of us to become angry. Out of the two of us, Badru was most likely to lose his temper, but never to any uncontrollable state. Evie was just about the only person who had ever seen the strange family quirk of our eyes, she was the sole woman who they reacted to.

‘Well, whatever the reason, they’re probably the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen,’ a tinge of pink graced her cheeks, her face half submerged in the water and her mouth blowing tiny bubbles.

I loved little moments like this with her. She would come back swinging at virtually any comment made to her with an equally sharp rebuttal, no matter the recipient. But tiny personal and intimate comments

filled her with a vulnerability. It was funny how she could be simultaneously so outspoken and reticent all at once.

“I can think of a person with prettier,” Badru grinned a dopey smile, resting his chin on his palm. “Especially when they go all grey and angry.”

“So I’ve gathered,” our mate lifted her head again, a slight shiver to her skin and an indiscernible blue ring around her lips. “I think I want to get out.”

She stood, wringing out her drenched hair, yet I could do nothing except stare. The erection that had been plaguing me since I woke up to the dizzying hot vanilla perfume of her heat, the erection that had finally started to ease, was now back with a vengeance.

“‘Iilahat, arham (goddess have mercy),” I uttered under my breath, inclining my head up and gazing at the ceiling.

Her scent may have calmed, but her body messed with my mind in more ways than I could count. I dropped my gaze back down, catching the way her wet golden hair clung to her. I watched as the water beaded down her skin, a shimmering lustre remaining behind because of the oil. She glowed, a radiance burning from within and smouldering just underneath the surface. Just like the blaze of defiance and authority that burned in her eyes.

“If you stare any harder, Aste, you’ll start a fire,” Evie snapped my attention back to her face.

“Can you blame him?” Badru wrapped a huge towel around her, rubbing her arms and burying his nose into the bow of her neck. “You should wear this oil as a perfume. It mixes well with you.”

“It really does,” I approached her other side, honing in on the site that called to me. “It’s strange because I would have never thought spiced vanilla and herbs would have gone together.”

“Would you two give me some breathing space?” She shoved us away. “Just when I thought all of us were gaining some self-control.”

She slinked around us and up to the mirror, tucking the towel under her arms and grabbing another to dry her hair.

“Here, let me,” I grabbed the brush from her hand, sectioning off a lock of her hair. I had only gotten to brush it the once and was eager for a replay. “And happy Thanksgiving. Don’t think we forgot.”

“Not exactly the one we planned,” she met my eyes through the mirror with a bitter laugh. “Still better than your mom giving me the stink eye, or our fathers wanting to claw each other across the table.”

“Why don’t we just have our own Thanksgiving here?” My brother pulled the plug of the bath and perched on the edge, folding his arms.

“Uh, we don’t have a turkey?” Our mate reminded him.

“We can mind-link for one to be sent up. We’re Alpha. We ask, we get.” Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

“Ok, rich boy on a power trip,” Evie, as always, was the one to slap Badru, and myself, with a dose of reality. “Spare a thought for the poor person who would have to drive it all the way up here and would have probably been pulled into work when they expected to have the day off.”

“I can run and get it,” I offered. “I’m the fastest in wolf form and I cut through the forest on the way. It won’t take long.”

Her mouth opened quickly and I sensed the smart-mouthed reply. “I’ll make sure it’s well wrapped so I don’t drool all over it.”

“It’s no fun when you steal my words.”

I pressed a kiss to the sweet curve of her neck and headed out on my mission. Stepping out of my sweats at the door, my bare feet crunched in the fresh snow that had fallen. I let Aasim come forward, my limbs quickly twisting into shape and glossy black fur spouting from my skin. The morning sun’s rays shone behind the mountain, casting its shadow on my run back to the pack house.

Nearing the base of the crystal mountain, I felt a shudder of longing ripple through me. At first, I didn’t think much of it, putting it down to the separation from Evie. Only, the feeling grew, going from a simple longing, to highly aroused, to the point where my wolf form felt ready to explode and paint the landscape in a different kind of white.

That asshole!

‘Allaenat ealayk (dammit) Ru! You couldn’t wait?!’

The downside to my twin bond with Badru: I felt everything as though it were my own.


I switched off the hairdryer, satisfied my hair was pretty much dry, and rubbed a handful of finishing oil through the end of my tresses. Throwing on a pair of loose cotton shorts and a t-shirt that smelt of my missing mate, Astennu, I wandered out to the open-plan living space to find Badru serving up toasted chocolate chip brioche bread and fresh strong coffee. While I finished up my breakfast, he busied himself setting and lighting the fire.

I wandered over to the large window that circled the lowered seating area and firepit, draining the last dregs of my coffee and admiring the view of snow twinkling in the early morning light. The warm but empty mug was plucked from my fingers and replaced with solidly muscular arms wrapping themselves around me.

“Some view, ay?”

I could see through the reflection of the glass where his gaze was aimed and it wasn’t the mountainous land his sights were set on.

‘You have to give him credit,’ Evva sighed. ‘He’s a smooth nugget when he turns it on.’

‘You mean when he’s turned on.’ I could feel the huge rod poking me, the remnants of his rut still running rampant.

“It’s pretty decent,” I slowly turned in his arms, rubbing my palms up and down his bare chest. “Except, I’ve told you what I like looking at most.”

The tip of my finger traced the side of his left eye, his irises flashed and pulsated in a riot of deep sapphire colours. I could almost be staring at a clear midnight sky for their vibrancy.

“See? They only ever flash for you. At least in this context,” the handsome boyish grin played across his lips. I could see his small single dimple better now he had shaved his thick stubble back to a lighter covering.

His lips were drawn to mine like a magnet and I hadn’t a single desire to push him back. The unyielding desperation of my heat was dissolving away, leaving room for something sweeter, slower. I hadn’t had such intimate time alone with either twin like this for quite a while.

I melted into his kiss, my body feeling like soft butter in his hands as his tongue danced with mine. While locked in our embrace, I turned him around, pressing his back to the cool glass. My fingers played with the edge of his long cotton shorts, eager to push them down to free him fully. I had spent so much of my heat gratifying mine and my wolf’s basal urges, I hadn’t taken the time to cherish the more sensual side.

“Ah, now I see. Sending Aste away was all a ruse to have me all to yourself so you didn’t have to split your focus?” Badru’s hand crept up under my t-shirt, caressing the swell of my breast.

“Don’t be getting ahead of yourself,” my breath hitched when his thumb traced over my hardened n****e.

The heightened tingles and sparks of our bond ignited along my skin, rippling throughout my body. My abdomen pitched, twirling with the same motion that danced along my pebbled buds.

My hand disappeared down the front of his shorts, palming his uncontained c**k beading in precum. I knew I had gone down on him over the course of my heat, yet I couldn’t remember the taste of his rut or the feel of him in my mouth.

Badru’s head fell back against the glass, his whole body tensing with a deep inhale and softening with an exhaling groan. While distracted, I dropped to my knees in front of him and shed his shorts from his hips. A half moan, half growl, turned my eyes up, meeting his irises churning in nighttime hues. The roughed pads of his fingers skimmed the curve of my cheek, nuzzling the edges of my face.

Holding his gaze, my thumb swept over his oozing exposed tip, spreading his precum around his velvety girth.

‘You know he’ll feel all this, right?’ Badru arched his full brow at me, a cheeky crooked smile widening on his face. ‘He’s already cursing me out, blaming me.’

‘It’s incentive to hurry up, Aste,’ I reached out to set the record straight of who was leading this.

‘It’s torture, is what,’ he groaned, the longing in his tone as clear as a bell.

‘So run faster.’

‘He’ll probably break the sound barrier now,’ Evva chuckled, eager to play with our other mate once he returned.

I locked my lips around the end of Badru’s weeping head, sucking gently and gliding over the potent musk flowing from him. My eyes never left his, staring up across the deep gold terrain of his muscles, catching the way each dip and bulge glistened with his strain. One of his hands bunched in my hair, twirling the strands around his fingers, the other remained cupping my cheek, his skin trembling with an aching need. Swallowing him as far as I could and pulling back, I traced my tongue across every vein of his feather-soft skin, kissing his rigidity that tightened on each pass of my lips.

When I felt his c**k twitch, his length thickening and signalling his release, he pulled free of my mouth and crashed his lips to mine, spinning us and pinning me to the window. My shirt was lifted clear from my body, his mouth dipping to my breasts to twist a pert bud around his tongue as he quickly shed my shorts faster than I could comprehend.

Just as I was about to pump the brakes, reminding him of the need to still wear some protection, he grabbed up his shorts and fished in the pockets, pulling out a couple of gold packets in his haste.

“Always be prepared, right?” He grinned.

“Wise words.”

He ripped it open and rolled it on, gripping my thighs and lifting me securely around his waist, pressing my back flush with the glass behind. It was an interesting mix of the ice-cold glass and the furnace body of my Alpha pressed to my chest.

Keeping one hand with a firm hold of my ass, his other guided himself to my entrance, thrusting forward and nailing me to the window’s surface. My back arched further against him, my walls gripping every single millimetre of his shaft. A loud cry ripped from my lips and my body shuddered, each thrust of his hips hitting a most sensitive spot till my eyes watered and I saw white lights. He kissed along my jaw,

grunting his exertions in my ear and resting his forehead to mine. Our eyes stared into the deep pools of the other, our fingers entwined above my head.

My toes curled and my thighs clenched around his waist, a cry mixed with a howl hollered from my chest, merging with Badru’s final thrust and growl of release. His forehead fell to my shoulder and I stroked the damp strands of his hair from his temple. His lips sloppily met my own, planting kisses between his pants for oxygen.

“Mine,” I whispered, nuzzling my face with his.

“Forever,” he promised.

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