Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 58

Chapter 58 – Yes Sir?


“You!” Konstantin snarled, growing rigid at the stairway.

An equal glare formed on my dad’s face. He remembered, alright.

“What the hell is that rogue doing here?!” He thundered, pointing an accusatory finger in Konstantin’s direction.

This wasn’t a confrontation that was about to wait. NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“Prishju!” Our mate’s newly acquainted father roared and charged down the hallway.

“Konstantin, stop!” Both Astennu and I called in unison, rushing after him before this escalated any further.

Neither Baniti, my twin nor myself were fans of what our father had done, but we certainly didn’t want to see him hurt. I caught Konstantin’s arm as he reached out to grab the collar of our father’s shirt and Astennu grabbed our father’s wrist before he could rear back his fist in retaliation.

“You stole my daughter! Pizdobol!” Konstantin continued to roar over my shoulder, blond hair sprouting along his skin.

It took all my strength to hold the man back and I was losing the struggle. Strong was an understatement. Wolves were at their prime from their 50’s through to their 70’s, right about the age Konstantin appeared to be.

“Stole?! Like I would hand over a child to a f*****g rogue!” The veins on my father’s temple pulsated and his aura flared, straining against my brother’s grip.

“Dad? Don’t do it like this,” Evie pushed back against Konstatin’s chest, her gentle but firm words the only thing he responded to.

His entire face softened, meeting her pleading eyes. His arm grew slack in my grasp and I tentatively let go, coiled and ready to jump in should tempers flare once more. My father shook free of my twin, keeping his enraged glare squarely on Konstantin.

“Isaac? What on earth is going on?” Our mother rushed from the direction of our dad’s study.

Goddess above, because this situation wasn’t tense enough?

“Qamar, get back,” our father thrust her behind him, shielding her away.

“Goddess’s sake, dad!” Astennu snapped. “Is that really necessary?”

He spoke too soon. The silent vibrations I could feel signalled to us both that more were on their way. Our father had summoned guards. Two appeared at his back and two behind me, where I stood with my mate between our fathers.

But I needn’t have worried.

“Back down!” Evie commanded, eying each guard in turn.

They shrunk back instinctively, obeying their future Luna, wide-eyed at her vicious snarl.

She needed no aura to command. She and Evva exuded a natural authority, and it was the hottest thing I had ever witnessed.

‘There’s my queen,’ Baniti panted.

Evie caught my admiring stare and smirk, blushing through her authoritative expression.

‘Would you focus!’ Astennu mind-linked me with a glare.

‘Don’t bother lying like you’re not turned on as well,’ I scoffed.

‘Of course I am! But there’s something else a little more pressing, like our fathers wanting to rip each other to pieces.’

The only pressing for me, was pressing in my pants and aimed solely at our mate, inappropriately so in front of her father.

“Whatever this is, can we move it to somewhere more private?” Our mother intervened, her voice smaller than normal.

She tried to hide it, behind her stoic mask she always placed in front of the pack, but I could see how she avoided looking in Konstantin’s direction. She was scared of him.

Our mother was always the reserved kind, though she was never shy in her affections towards Astennu or me. We were endlessly doted upon growing up, and even now as adults, in her own way. I knew she disliked rogues, for her own obvious reasons, and I knew she still held her fears. Until now, I had never seen my mother show those fears, and it twisted something deep inside me. Astennu had noticed too and, suddenly, neither of us could criticise our father’s reaction, not entirely at least.

If Evie had shown her distress in a similar fashion to a stranger turning up on our doorstep, could I or my brother say we wouldn’t have responded with an excessive response?

“In my office, now,” our dad grumbled lowly, dismissing the guards, but never taking his eyes off Konstantin.

“And you shall tell me why you kept my daughter from me,” Konstantin challenged right back, shoving forward.

Astennu, Evie and I were once again caught in the middle, pushing both men back. My twin managed to get our father to back down, following behind to the office, leaving our mate and me to trail behind with Konstantin.

I wasn’t sure what he was muttering under his breath. The only words I picked up with any clarity were “zasranec” and “svolotch”. I didn’t need to understand the language to know whatever he was muttering was Russian for ‘pissed off’.

As soon as the door was closed, our father whirled on us. “At what point were you going to tell me that you were allowing a rogue to just sail through our pack!”

“I don’t know, dad,” I answered sardonically. “Probably around the time we asked you if there was anything else about Evie we needed to know and you conveniently left out the part where you knew her father came looking for her!”

“And how the hell was I to know that was true?” He jabbed a finger in Konstantin’s direction. “He shows up, with a fresh silver scar running down his face, days after we find a she-wolf attacked and mauled, and I’m expected to believe he had nothing to do with it? That he wasn’t the one she was running from?”

“I would sooner die!” Konstantin balled his fists. The only thing holding him back, again, being his daughter. “Heather was my life,” his voice broke, fighting against his tears. “It was her Alpha. He accepted no wolf leaving pack. He hunted her, us.”

“A mad Alpha after you? All the more reason to hand a newborn pup over.”

“Evgeniya was mine. My child. You stole her from me! She was all I had left.”

“Hardly a winning argument for raising a pup,” our father ridiculed, crossing his arms over his chest. “What exactly would a rogue like you have given her?”

Konstantin grew silent, a deep shame clouding his eyes when he looked away and downwards. His jaw ticked, wanting to formulate a response, an argument, but he had none. His nostrils flared at his tension and his guilt exhaled through them.

Hearing that word thrown back as an insult, ‘rogue’. The venom my father placed behind it was like an ice bucket of remorse poured down my spine. I had said the same thing to Evie, four years ago… my own mate. Throwing a status in her face she had no control over, just as Konstantin had no control over what had happened to him.

A soft hand gripped my own, Evie, a small smile curling on her lips as she shook her head at me, discreetly.

‘We’re moving past that bullshit. Don’t start being a nugget on me now.’

‘She’s right, Ru.’ my brother nudged me. ‘The difference is you’ve learned from your mistakes. It’s about time our dad starts seeing his.’

“I would have had more than I had here,” Evie squared up, boldly. “I would have had a father, a parent. I would have grown up knowing what I was.”

“Ignorance and intolerance isn’t a defence here, dad,” Astennu laid a hand of support on Konstantin’s shoulder.

“We spoke to him for all but two minutes and we knew he was telling the truth,” I stood at his other side.

“A two-minute conversation is truly all the evidence you need to be convinced of a person’s motives?” Our father stubbornly dug in his heels. “You only know now, because her wolf has emerged to confirm.

And if I had handed Evie over, you would have never met.”

‘Fate would have brought us back together,’ Baniti nodded, assuring us both. ‘I don’t know how or in what way or when, but it would’ve.’

I stared my father down. “What you should have done was let him stay here and given him a home with his pup.”

He scoffed, averting from my gaze.

“When we take over,” Astennu indicated between us and Evie. “This stance is changing. Nothing like this will ever happen again.”

Our dad’s jaw flexed and ticked wildly. Whatever it was he wanted to say, straining to let loose, he kept to himself.

“I have no more patience for this,” Konstantin suddenly announced, heading towards the door, muttering under his breath. “Poshol nahuj.”

“We were not done here!” My father shouted behind his back, a completely futile exercise.

“And yet, I leave,” Konstantin completely ignored any aura exuded to compel him to submit. “Evgeniya, come,” he added softly, leaving the room.

‘Go get him settled,’ our mother shocked us by mind-linking for the first time, actually offering to help. ‘I’ll talk to your father… all of this fighting needs to end.’

The three of us caught up with Konstantin in the hallway, muttering about needing to run, to break his wolf loose. Neither of us were sure that was a bright idea currently. Letting such a strong lycan wolf free when he was enraged could lead to something damning. As wolves, running our frustrations

unchained, kept our animals’ sanity. But when they were blinded by rage, giving them a form where they could take control could lead to as much disaster as it could relieve.

“Konstantin, I’m sorry this happened so aggressively and it’s probably not helped your view of packs. But I think right now, what might be best is we show you your room, like we were going to,” Astennu held his arm out, indicating the stairs.

“We can get some food sent up for you too,” I added. ‘And you can talk to Evie. She’s been in the dark her whole life. She really needs to know.’

His face instantly softened, gazing down at his daughter and raising his hand to cup her cheek.

“Very well,” he began his ascent of the stairs, only to stop and turn around. “Young Alphas shall come too.”

“Don’t you want some time with your daughter, alone?” Astennu’s brows shot up in surprise. I had thought the same, but selfishly, I wanted to intrude and hear Konstantin’s story for myself.

“You are her mates. This means you are family too. So, you will come,” he repeated in a firmer tone.

‘I’m gonna do as he says because he’s slightly terrifying,’ I mind-linked my nour el-ain. ‘I’m starting to see where you get it from.’

I was infinitely more attracted to Evie’s brand of demanding dominance.

‘Although, had that been you storming out, you would have probably walked into a closet again,’ I teased as we climbed the stairs.

She playfully punched me in my arm for my comment, that adorable scowl stretched across her pretty lips that made my wolf go nutty. I caught her hand and quickly kissed it, nipping at her palm with a devilish grin.

Without turning his head from following Astennu, Konstantin’s voice dropped an even deeper octave. “You will behave yourself around my daughter, volchonok (little wolf).”

“Yes sir,” I almost wanted to facepalm myself for my knee-jerk response.

‘Don’t worry, we’ll misbehave thoroughly when he’s not around,’ Baniti pawed, flashing me images of what our alone time could be.

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