Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 42

Chapter 42 – Want To Play A Game?


“I wanna go back to training with Tamlyn. There’s only one of her!”

I was exhausted. The rest of the class had left a few hours ago, leaving my mates and me alone. I had noticed Finley had vanished not long into the session. Beta Kate had tried to go after him, to bring him back, but her return alone told of her failure to convince him.

I had sparred mainly with Badru as he was the best with defensive holds. Astennu was better with offensive attacks, and goddess, was he fast. I realised how stupid my idea was to run away when I first discovered they were my mates. Even if I’d had a wolf form, I would never have gotten far.

“Why aren’t either of you tired?!” I propped myself up on my elbows.

For some reason, it angered me that all they had was a sheen of sweat across their skin… their glistening golden skin ripped, defined, and none of it for show. It was one thing feeling each of those muscles in bed, it was another feeling the true strength lying coiled deep within.

“Don’t worry. Once you shift, your stamina and strength will increase,” Astennu offered his hand for me to stand. “You’ll notice the difference pretty much straight away.”

Feeling just his hand upon mine stirred all the memories from our training. How those hands had skimmed my arms, making minor corrections to my punches, and gripped my hips, bettering my stances. I knew he had let me land a few easy blows, smiling down at me with approval, his large palm lingering over my stomach to keep me close for as long as possible.

And Badru? I could practically feel my face heating at our display. Not that I should have expected anything else. We had gone through several counter-pins, all with a particular theme involving my thighs in some form or another. Each time, a tiny groan left his lips and his erection had brushed me on multiple occasions.

My legs felt a little like jelly, strained from exertion and I winced, knowing my baking plans may have to wait for the following day. I had wanted to make something for Lucy, a little pick-me-up sweet treat. She loved chocolate and cherries, and life always seemed more bearable with sugar.

“What’s up?” Badru frowned, sensing my shift in mood.

“It’s nothing. I wanted to bake is all…” I squealed suddenly as Astennu unexpectedly lifted me bridal style. “What’re you doing?!”

“Carrying you, what’s it look like?” He pecked my lips. “You can order us around and we’ll help you make whatever you want.”

He began walking to the door and I hadn’t even put a coat on.

“Don’t worry, I’ll grab all our things,” Badru huffed behind us.

“Before you whirl me away,” I tapped the man handler’s shoulder. “Can I put my hoodie on first?” And I secretly loved how Badru’s face lit up when I called it ‘mine’, the tiny hint of his dimple showing under his facial hair.

My head was barely through the hole before Astennu was snatching me up again, eager to make up for his lack of tussling.

“So where to, mi’ lady?” He grinned.

“There’s no way I’m baking in your kitchen, so pack kitchens I guess?”

I had gotten out of having any sort of run-in with Janet, the head housekeeper, ever since the twins returned home. I had not been so fortunate this afternoon, although I was met with a far less hostile reception this time. She welcomed the Alphas and offered me a somewhat tight-lipped smile that Evva commented looked akin to trapped gas.

I scrambled out of Astennu’s arms, seeing the stares and teasing smiles of the other Omegas, flailing ungainly in my haste. The kitchens were busy setting up for dinner service, pizza from the smells whirling around, but the little prep kitchen to the side was free.

I chuckled to myself, sliding my hand on the granite worktop. “This is where me and Lucy planned the menu for your birthday/welcome home party. I made that apple custard dessert for you in here.”

“You mean, where you made those slices of heaven,” Badru smoothly wrapped his arms around my waist. The pair of them were taking every opportunity going to smother me now our status as mates was out, regardless of how many eyes were on us.

“Will you behave? And find me some damn flour!” I reached around and smacked the back of his head.

‘I love it when you discipline me,’ his grip tightened before he let me go and slapped my behind to wander in search of said flour.

The heat that pooled in my lower stomach was immediate and I clenched my thighs in hopes neither mate smelt me.

‘Fat chance,’ Evva snorted, catching how both of them froze for a split second. I hated that neither said a word, leaving the s****l tension to hang in the air like a balloon about to pop. Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

I decided on cherry brownies, as they were easy to mix, quick to bake and tasted amazing. True to their word, Astennu and Badru brought me everything I needed with a little direction here and there on where things were located.

“What’s with the weird look Janet gave you?” Badru asked, turning from the oven having placed the baking pan in the centre.

I rolled my eyes, “she hates me. Says I’ve got an attitude problem,” not exactly a lie or an exaggeration. “Actually, she’s someone who you need to straighten out when you take over. She’s a raging b***h to the whole staff. You need someone more nurturing.”

“Someone like Lucy?”Astennu mused aloud.

“I always thought she would make the best option, but I think she’s still set on culinary school.”

“Maybe after then?” Badru took the barstool next to me, spinning it to face me.

“You really need to look into her though, Janet, that is,” I clarified. “I’m pretty sure she might be stealing.”

“Stealing?” Astennu straightened, a look of outrage flashed his eyes a darker shade of blue.

“I think it’s just petty stuff from the laundry. Dumbasses that don’t check their pockets and leave money behind. Doesn’t mean that they deserve to have it taken from them,” I grumbled, playing with imaginary lines across the counter with my index finger.

“Have you ever told anyone?” Badru leant forward, resting his forearms against his knees.

I gave him a pointed look. One that spoke volumes with its silence that even he would understand.

“You did and you were ignored,” he heaved a heavy sigh.

“I don’t have any proof…” I shrugged. “Just an inkling.”

“We believe you,” Astennu rubbed warm circles on my lower back, his large palm, like his presence, a comforting blanket of security.

The oven dinged and I made my way over with a folded tea towel to remove the baking pan; I never liked using oven mitts as they were too thick to feel what I was doing. The scent of rich chocolate and sweet tangy cherries chased away the unpleasantries.

“I’ll make you a promise,” I shook my head at the quite literal drooling faces of my mates. “You give me our home, I’ll bake anything you want and as much as you want.”

The two shared some strange knowing look, not divulging whatever secret they had going.

“Deal,” they said in unison.

Once they were cooled, a warrior taking up his duty at the heat facility came to pick the brownies up, called over by the twins. As a thank you for delivering the package, I cut him a square off, as well as one for Astennu and Badru in secret and wrapped in wax paper. I wasn’t in any mood to eat in the dining hall, having had enough stares and whispers in training. And neither did I want to be running the risk of crossing paths with their mother, just yet, in their home. I knew it would have to happen at some point. Whether either of us liked it or not, our lives would always be joined; avoidance wouldn’t be an option for long. Not that I wasn’t about to try and avoid her like the plague for as long as conceivable. So instead of doing the brave thing of grabbing dinner in my mates’ home and sitting like some queen at their table, staring down the reigning Luna if and when she came home, I went to my safe place. My bedroom.

I would work my way up to ‘queen confidence’ gradually.

The twins did go home though, to shower and change, while I grabbed some dinner for us. I took a couple of large boxes and served up three of the whole pizzas, not giving a damn to Janet’s disapproving glare. There was a ton of pizza made, three would barely put in a dent. She wouldn’t dare say s**t anymore. I would have loved to stay a little longer to make sure she behaved, but I was in desperate need of a shower too.

Back in my room, I sat the pizza boxes over my radiator to keep warm and messaged Catalina that some treats would be arriving for her and Lucy soon. Chocolate made everything better, at least for a little while. Lucy was still sleeping, her only real affliction thus far. She had experienced nothing much worse than the symptoms one would expect in an unmated she-wolf. Her symptoms were even receding and, with any luck, she would only need one more day away. Catalina’s heat had begun in the night, but she was barely feeling anything.

Just as I was rinsing my conditioner out, my body began to tingle of its own accord, signalling one thing. My mates were approaching. No sooner had I wrung my hair, that I heard my door open and close, having already given them the code.

‘You need some help drying off?’ And I didn’t need to see his face to know Badru wore a tiny smirk at his masquerading offer of ‘help’.

‘Shut up and eat your damn pizza,’ I snapped, not wanting to acknowledge just how tempted I was to accept.

‘If you’re worried about space, we can dry you down out here?’ Of course the other one was in on the mind-link.

I yanked my shorts up and pulled my silver hoodie on, shoving it over my navel with one hand as I snatched the door open with the other. The first sight to greet me were both my mates, with their teasing grins. Although Badru had, in fact, begun eating a slice.

“Do either of you ever think about anything else?” I tried to muster my most serious tone.

“Other than showering you with every bit of attention possible? Not really,” Astennu answered immediately, the soft look in his eyes melting the deep blue of his iris.

I couldn’t help but take in their figures, each wearing a tight t-shirt. Astennu wore sweatpants, and Badru wore shorts. And how certain things hung, I was doubtful either was wearing underwear underneath.

‘I’m beginning to wonder whether you think about anything else?’ Evva giggled to herself, causing a heat to rise in my cheeks.

Astennu pulled me down to the floor with him, sitting me between his legs and running something through my wet hair.

“What’re you do-hmph!” A savoury taste filled my mouth, sweet, creamy and a faint flavour of salt.

“Shut up and eat your damn pizza,” Badru grinned, grabbing another slice and eating half of it with a single bite.

He had just shoved food in my mouth… I didn’t know whether to do as I was told, or slap him across the cheek with the slice.

‘I vote slap him, because it’s funny when he’s aroused,’ Evva chanted.

“I’m just brushing your hair. It’s all tangled and it’s kinda always been my favourite thing about you,” Astennu tilted my chin up, to peer into my eyes from upside down and kiss my forehead.

I slowly chewed my slice. They always did this, the rage one inspired, usually Badru, the other soothed, usually Astennu. It was only when they wanted to gang up on me that they both turned teasing.

“My nour el-ain isn’t wearing any panties,” Badru almost made me choke with his abrupt words.

His head was tilted to the side, staring at the edge of my shorts. I was sitting cross-legged between Astennu’s thighs. He could see straight up to the maker’s name. I snapped my legs closed, a deep red

mortification spreading through my chest, neck and face.

Astennu stopped, placing the brush down at my side. “It’s ok ammar, neither are we,” he whispered against my jaw, peppering kisses, and lightly ground his groin against my ass to prove his point, confirming what I suspected.

I pushed away, grabbed a slice and, in one smooth motion, rammed it into his mouth. “You can eat your damn pizza too!”

I wasn’t quite sure why I was so embarrassed. They had seen and felt everything; there was nothing my figure had left to hide from them. Astennu wasn’t the least bit phased, chuckling and biting into his food. He wiped the sauce from his cheek with the pad of his thumb and kept my eye as he licked it off, as though he knew how tempted I was to trail my tongue to do it for him. Badru immediately wrapped his arm around my waist to pull me to his lap, now that I was released from his twin.

“What’s this?” Astennu picked up the brownies, wrapped in wax paper. “It smells like chocolate.”

I unwrapped the little surprises, handing one to each of them.

“Where’s yours?” Badru took a bite, groaning as the taste melted against his tongue. “Goddess, these might be the best brownies I’ve ever had.”

“I just cut one each for you two. I didn’t want to take too much,” eye contact all of a sudden seemed a difficult task to undertake.

‘Wow, is being cute and nice so alien for you?’ Evva snickered.

‘Like you’re some f*****g ray of sunshine!’ I griped back.

“You can’t make something this good and not have some,” Astennu broke his in half, thrusting it in my hand, as did Badru.

“I’ve had it before and I can make it anyti-hmph,” a chunk was shoved in my mouth.

“Evie, shut up and eat the damn brownie,” Astennu emphasised each word, the smouldering heat of his eyes made me gulp.

“You wanna play a drinking game?” Badru polished off his now smaller piece of cake.

He produced a bottle out of a duffle bag behind him that I hadn’t noticed, along with three shot glasses.

“Crescent Paw Tequila?” I turned the bottle in my hand.

The label was a midnight picture of a crescent moon shining on a pawprint in the snow.

“It’s brewed by werewolves for werewolves. Care to give it a try?” Astennu took the bottle from my hand and filled two shot glasses, hovering over the third.

Evva twitched in my mind, ‘alcohol and hormonal wolves? This will be an interesting night.’

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