Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 – What’s This Thing?


The dream still hovered in my mind, along with the tingling sensations across my skin of what I thought I had just experienced. My vision darted between them, disbelieving whether they were actually there, even though the strength of their auras, scents and the clarity of the surroundings told me this time it was real. But the first deception felt incredibly real too.

“We didn’t wake you, did we?” Astennu asked, concerned and confused, most likely because I was staring at them as though they were ghosts.

There was only one thing to do in this situation, just to make sure it was the real deal.

I sent a strong and swift jab to Badru’s left bicep, hitting him square in the muscle.

“Ow! If you want me to go, just tell me to f**k off. No need to get violent!” He whisper-yelled, rubbing the spot I had punched.

“Sorry. I just needed to make sure,” I muttered under my breath, which only seemed to perplex them more.

“So… can we stay h-” Astennu began to lean forward and ask again, only to stop abruptly, his twin doing the same.

Both of their noses twitched, their nostrils flared and their eyes flickered and swirled black. There wasn’t a single chance they couldn’t smell my arousal from before. Neither of them said a thing and I wasn’t sure if that was any better than if one of them made a comment. Their silence only added to the erotic charge in the air that crackled between them and me.

‘For the love of goddess! Will the three of you get in the room already?!’ Lucy’s sleepy and anger-filled voice boomed through the mind-link and, judging by the expression on the twins’ faces, they had heard too.

I grabbed both their wrists and yanked them inside. Suddenly, the cold didn’t seem as icy as it did a few moments ago, with two hulking Alpha bodies inhabiting the space.

It was the shiver down Badru’s back that gripped him out of his heated stare. “Damn, it’s like an icebox in here. Why don’t you turn the heating on?”

This was not helping in making me believe this was a reality.

“It’s broken,” I bit out, as if I was sick of repeating it. I sighed, pinching my brow a little, knowing I was being ridiculous because my mates couldn’t be held responsible for what their imaginary counterparts had said. “Just get under the blankets and you’ll be fine.”

I clambered over my mattress and settled in before my nerves made me change my mind. Badru enthusiastically moved forward to slide in next to me, as I expected. Astennu was slightly more reserved in stepping forward.

“You’re definitely ok with this?” He hesitantly eyed the bed, his hands itching to grasp the quilts.

“Feel free to sleep standing up if you want,” I flicked the blanket back to encourage him.

My subconscious, apparently, was happy for him to eat me out till I screamed, so this was tame by comparison. His twin had already ripped his t-shirt off, but, thankfully, kept his sweatpants on. Astennu finally slipped under the sheets, tearing his own shirt over his head and lying on his back, rigidly. My king-sized bed with two huge Alphas now lying in it no longer felt as large or as empty. I felt like I was home, with their hot skin shielding me on either side.

“I’m thinking ‘standing up’ may have been a more comfortable choice for you?” I shifted slightly to my side to face Astennu and propped myself up on my elbow.

“More room for us,” Badru pressed himself to my back, his thick arm sliding around my waist.

I reached around with my free hand to slap what felt like his ear, “behave, animal!”

His arm retreated but not his body and what was overtly detectable was how quickly his shaft hardened, pressing against my rear.

‘See! I f*****g told you. One good smack,’ Evva huffled in laughter before retreating just as fast to continue linking with her wolf counterparts.

“I’m just not used to having a wo- I mean, someone else other than Ru beside me,” he turned a little to give me a sweet and rather shy smile, which rapidly shifted in discomfort. “Wait, what is that?”

His arm slid down the side… holy f**k, no! I had forgotten completely what I had stashed under there!

I scrambled over him, desperately trying to grab what his fingers had gripped hold of. A huge devilish grin broke out as his eyes landed on the hot pink object, all trace of sweetness on his lips had vanished.

“Guess we know why your spicy vanilla scent was extra spicy,” his eyes gleamed, as I gripped his shoulder, trying and failing to hide my embarrassment and reach for the vibrator at the end of his long arm.

“Don’t think you’ll be needing that now you have two of the real things,” Badru whispered in my ear while gripping my waist, his entire hard body pressed to my back.

I elbowed him in the side and he dropped his hold on me instantly, flinching a little. I turned just enough to give him a hard stare, “ yeah, because I’m clearly in need of the real ‘D’.”

All the words did was make his grin deepen, thinking I was being serious.

“I swear, dad dropped you on your head,” Astennu shook his head, sniggering at his twin.

I snorted in laughter, forgetting my current position, “it’d explain a few things.”

“Are you making fun of me again?” Badru frowned in an almost pout.

‘Ugh, no one should be this cute when they’re stupid,’ Evva fawned and even though I couldn’t quite make out her form yet, I knew her tail was swishing around.

“Why don’t I put this away, so he doesn’t get any more ideas,” Astennu nodded towards his brother. Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“No, wait…!” I grasped his arm, but he pulled at the drawer before I could stop.

“What’s this thing?” He asked slowly, dropping the vibrator in the drawer and picking up my other toy, my rosebud.

I wanted to crawl in a hole and all my wolf did was howl in laughter, letting me know their wolves, Aasim and Baniti, were doing the same. And to add the sprinkles on top of my mortification, he turned it on, sending the silicone tongue on top of the rosebud undulating in its rhythm.

“Stop going through my things!” I shrieked, making another attempt to grab the object.

He held it up high, out of my reach behind him, laughing at my futile attempts to reach around. He tossed it to his brother, avoiding my snatching hands, and who held it high up above him too.

“I think we’ll hang on to this one,” Badru laughed, his free arm gripping my waist, both their eyes sparkling in mischief.

“Give it back!” I demanded, almost snatching it.

He tossed it back to Astennu in this stupid and childish game of ‘keep away’, with a vibrator, still switched on, and I was losing. Why couldn’t this humiliating nightmare have been the dream?

I lunged at Astennu, gripping his shoulder to boost myself up. Only, a pair of deep dominating growls halted me. I looked down to see I had pressed my breasts into his face and because they were bouncing around freely under my shirt, they rolled around his jaw, encasing his face. My thighs sat astride his lap, grinding against his strained erection. Badru’s hands snaked around my waist, his rumbling chest pressed once more to my back. This position was familiar. Too familiar.

Astennu’s arm lowered and I knew if I didn’t move now, the dream would become a reality and I doubted it would stop at oral. I snatched the rosebud from his hand, turned it off and threw it in the drawer, slamming it closed so hard the whole nightstand jostled.

‘Wuss,’ Evva snickered. ‘Maybe if you got some double d**k, you wouldn’t be so angsty.’

‘But out, wolf, and go rub yourself up your own mates!’

‘When I get a physical form, trust me, I will. Possibly after I fight them a little first.’

“Can we just get some sleep, please?!” I cried out and pulled the blanket over my head, feeling far more flustered than ever before.

“We were just playing around… are you mad at us, nour el-ain?” Badru peeled the covers down and nuzzled the side of my cheek.

“No,” I squeaked. “…I’m just embarrassed, is all.”

“Why, ammar?” Astennu wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. “It means you know what you like when you are ready to play with us. Goddess knows, I’m gonna need as much help as possible in that department.”

Even in the dim light, I could tell there was a faint blush to his cheeks. Yet, the eagerness in his tone suggested he was excited and hungry to learn.

An awkward silence encapsulated the three of us, that was until Badru opened his mouth.

“Who were you thinking about?” His hand massaged my hip from behind.

“What?” I lifted my head, though I knew his meaning.

“You know, when you were using your toy,” I felt him smirk into my neck. “Was it both of us? Just one? It was me, wasn’t it?”

“Goddess, could you fondle your ego any more?” I snapped, completely crimson. “And if you must know, I didn’t use it. You knocked before I could.”

“But you were thinking about us, weren’t you?” Astennu propped himself up. “Both of us felt a huge tug towards you through the bond and it felt pretty heated. It’s why we came to you. It was keeping us up.”

They felt me having a s*x dream about them? Where was that pit for me to crawl into again…

The two of them chuckled at my silence and snuggled in at either side of me.

“Why does my mattress have your scent on?” I blurted out, wanting to change the subject and remembering what occurred to me earlier.

They both tensed, “you… picked up on that?” Badru asked hesitantly.

“It was kinda there when I got it, but it faded after a while. I only really picked up on it again after I got my wolf and, once I knew we were mates.”

“It was Badru’s idea,” Astennu nodded towards his brother with a soft smile. “He overheard you talking to Lucy that your old one was giving you trouble. We bought a new one and slept on it for a while to put our scents around it, hoping they’d make you happy… even if you couldn’t identify the scents as ours.”

“What would you have done if I hadn’t picked it up?” They had gone through so much effort with no guarantee that I would have even been the recipient. It was kind of a free for all when something was up for grabs.

“We’d have just kept going till you got one, even if we kitted out the whole pack house. I… I know you would have never accepted it if we had given it to you directly,” Badru whispered into my shoulder, kissing where his lips brushed.

He was right. I wouldn’t have. I was so fixated in my dislike for them while simultaneously battling my enormous crush on them, I would have resorted to sleeping on the floor rather than accept any gift from them.

“Don’t feel bad or guilty. Back then, we deserved it,” Astennu nuzzled against my forehead, wrapping a lock of my hair around his fingers.

“Me especially,” Badru sighed. “Just get some sleep for tomorrow.”

With that, he snuggled himself in behind me, wrapping his muscular arm around my waist. Astennu tucked my head under his chin, nestling me to his chest. Their strong combined scent of an exotic forest lulled sleep upon me so much more easily than when I had been alone. The sparks of the mate bond tingled everywhere we made contact, surpassing the comfort any quilt could bestow. I had never had a home, a real home, and that was exactly how I felt between my twins.

‘And you said you wouldn’t be sandwiched anytime soon,’ Evva snuffled, yawning and drifting off to sleep.




I woke up the next morning, stirring gently and finding I was still sandwiched between my mates. Astennu lay on his front, his head towards me and his arm dangerously high on my chest. Badru remained on his side with his arm over my hip; his fingers had sneakily slid under the hem of my panties. I slowly removed their limbs and turned, kneeling back on my heels to admire their features as they slept and to ogle every exquisitely handsome feature of their faces. One difference I noted was the tiny line next to Badru’s mouth, like a dimple, that grew with his dumb and devastatingly attractive smirk. The stubble on his jaw was heavier also, highlighting his sharp cheekbones. I don’t think I would like anything longer, it would hide his beautiful face. I noticed Astennu’s ebony hair had a more pronounced wave to it and was slightly longer too, just past his shoulder, whereas it was just above on his brother. His plump lips were slightly parted, with a hint of a smile. I wondered if that smile was for me? Because he had slept with me in his arms?

I would have loved to wake them, to see their midnight sapphires in the first light of daybreak, but they looked so sweet sleeping soundly. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Managing to extricate myself without disturbing them, I slipped into my bathroom to quickly shower and brush my teeth, ready for the day ahead. I wrapped a towel around me and hustled back into my bedroom to get dressed, yet I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight on my bed as my two mates started to groan and wake up.

“Are you two spooning?”

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