Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 10

Chapter 10 – She Ran?


I was cursing out my dad for installing such sturdy and well-made doors as I was about to ram the door with my shoulder once more. I froze, along with Astennu, smelling the fresh scents of the mountain as well as her intoxicating aroma of spiced vanilla. Her smell alone made me want to claw the door down. I knew the mate bond drove a wolf nuts, but this was a whole other level.

‘Don’t tell me she’s jumping from this height!’ I exclaimed through our mind-link. Although it was the first floor, it was still ridiculously high up.

The look of horror on my twin’s face was plain to see, as was the flash of fear that zapped through our bond as though it was my own. He was reliving his nightmare from nine years ago; the day he thought he had killed Evie by accident when we were 16.

‘f**k, maybe we do need that axe!’ My own wolf, Baniti, howled, needing to get to our mate before she hurt herself.

The door wasn’t giving, but the doorknob would. Taking it in my fists, I bared my entire weight down and snapped it clean off. Kicking the door open, both my brother and I raced to the open window, seeing a flash of dark blonde moving with impressive speed through the trees.

‘I wonder why she didn’t shift. Mom said she got her wolf, didn’t she?’ Baniti said in confusion.

My thoughts were the same. Her pheromones and scent were far stronger and that musky edge denoted her wolf spirit’s emergence. Perhaps she couldn’t shift and her wolf was only a presence, like

the few other shiftless werewolves?

“EVIE!” Astennu hollered from my open window, desperately trying to call her to stop.

“Come on!” He shouted, climbing through the opening. “We can’t let her stay out here, it’s freezing.”

And she was only dressed in some thin knitwear and slip-on shoes.

My brother landed with ease, followed by myself not far behind. He didn’t wait for me and took off immediately, completely out of character; he was the planner, he never reacted so impulsively. Evie only had a few minutes’ head start, but already she was nowhere to be seen. The only thing that indicated her direction was the trail of footprints in the snow. I managed to catch up to my twin and we shifted together, ripping through our clothes without a care to chase down our mate.

‘I know this is serious and all… but I can’t help feeling totally psyched for this!’ My wolf inappropriately enthused. He always was an excitable pup.

Although I would admit, the thrill of hunting out our mate had a certain primal exhilaration to it.


I really could have done with a wolf form right about now. I would have been able to put far more distance between me and my mates than I had on foot.

‘Oh, I’m so sorry I couldn’t help you make a bigger fool of yourself,’ Evva snapped. ‘Have you even thought about where you’re going? Or are you just going to run clear to the ocean?’

…Where was I going to go? I couldn’t go home. I’d run into them!

My wolf snorted, ‘I think they’re the ones who’ll be running into you. Watch your back, human.’

I turned at her warning, hearing the footsteps pounding behind me and seeing a huge pitch-black wolf with shimmering sapphire eyes leap.

Badru. His scent of nutmeg and cinnamon was stronger in his wolf form and just as maddening.

He shifted midair, catching me in his human arms. The tingles of the mate bond were indescribable. A happiness I couldn’t imagine erupted within me, a bitter reminder that my mates were more than likely about to destroy me with the very bond that felt so wonderful.

As we hit the ground, I managed to bring my legs up, planting them on his stomach and sending him sailing over my head. He rolled and sprawled through the snow, naked, hitting a tree. I managed to get to my feet, but no sooner had I stood, a second pair of arms wrapped around me. His sweet tree sap aroma enveloped me, like his arms, lifting me completely off of my feet.

Astennu. The other one had caught me. The tingles from his touch were just as beautiful, equal in strength.

The younger twin shook off his dazed state and tried to approach, but I kicked out with my legs. My right foot, accidentally, connected rather violently and directly between his legs, a direct hit to his family jewels. He folded, instantly dropping to his knees and almost tearing at the impact.

I crashed my head backwards, still determined to fight my mates for my freedom. I felt like I had made contact with his nose and he dropped me instantly. Stars erupted in my vision as I cradled the back of my head from the pain. That move looked far easier in movies.

“Ok… timeout,” Badru wheezed, making a ‘T’ motion with his hands and went back to clutching his crotch.

“Are you hurt?” Astennu asked with what sounded like concern. Even though his nose was trickling with blood, he still tried to reach for me as if to inspect my head, but I slapped his hands away.

“Don’t f*****g touch me!” I shrieked, a little more dramatically than I actually meant to.

He raised his hands and backed away, scooping up a handful of snow to wipe the blood from his face and chest, and to ice his nose too with a grimace. Badru did the same for his groin, sighing in relief.

“Sorry about chasing you down, but we couldn’t just leave you out here,” Astennu’s muffled voice sounded from behind his hand.

I could almost be fooled into thinking he cared from the gentle tone of his voice.

‘Did you ever stop to think that they might actually care? I can feel their wolves… they want us,’ Evva urged.

I wrapped my arms around myself, to protect my skin from the biting air… to protect myself from hoping. My teeth clattered as the cold sunk in and the adrenaline slowly left my system.

“You are ok? You’re really not hurt or anything?” Astennu tried again, wiping the melted snow from his face. Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

I shook my head, not trusting my voice and unable to meet his damn hypnotic eyes. Oh goddess, and they were both so naked too. They were built like gods, there was no other way to describe them. Their identical deep golden skin glowed from the reflection of the snow around us and accentuated each dip and ridge of pure muscle of their bodies. Each had a perfect cover of ebony chest hair across their pecs that descended in a thin line along each chiselled ab of their stomach and my eyes couldn’t help following that line all the way down… damn those Alpha genes. They were equally hung and perfect… and rigid to attention. I turned my head, feeling my face heat and not wanting to be caught staring, no matter how much my mouth watered.

“I don’t want to ruin this moment, but can we do this inside? I’m gonna have to chisel my balls free if we stay out having this heart to heart,” Badru stood, wincing.

“Will you come back with us? We just want to talk, is all,” the older twin asked.

“…Fine. Let’s go,” I begrudgingly agreed and tried desperately not to stare at the bare bodies, or their bare other things.

I moved to start trudging back, my arms still wrapped around my torso for warmth. It was Badru’s voice that halted my stride.

“Why don’t we give you a ride? You might actually enjoy it,” he tried to smirk, but he looked uncomfortable and probably still in pain as he stepped forward.

I was guessing he thought he was being slick. His lame-ass come-ons might work with other girls. I, however, just found it cheesy and kind of gross. His brother rolled his eyes at him and the two looked like they were having some internal debate.


‘Would you cool it with the s****l innuendo?’ I glared at my brother.

‘What? She’s s*x personified and should know it!’ He tried to defend himself.

‘Goddess, I swear you’re so dense at times,’ and he glared back at me for my remark.

We were already in a precarious situation with Evie and he wasn’t helping. I knew the instant our eyes met that this was going to be a fight, I just didn’t know it would turn into a literal one. Her scent was driving me insane, I couldn’t inhale it fast enough. My wolf, Aasim, was virtually strung out on its potency. And the tingles from the bond? It was everything I had dreamed it to be. She set my very skin alight with warmth and desire. It was everything I could do to stop myself from engulfing her back into my arms and devouring her neck; the very site her scent was strongest and emanated from her marking spot, or spots considering she had two of us for mates. I was unsure whether the cold air was

helping to cool my heated cheeks at realising my blood flow was heading elsewhere and fast. I kept my hands in front of myself to hide how much I was battling, and losing, to keep a raging erection at bay. Badru, on the other hand, had no shame in showing it wasn’t just myself completely turned on by our stunning mate.

“Your lips are already getting a little blue. Just jump on one of our backs and we can get you inside and warmed up quicker,” I offered, shifting to my large black wolf and praying, selfishly, that she would choose me.

Badru shifted too, and now we were no longer naked in front of her, she seemed to find it easier to look at us. She truly was so breathtakingly beautiful. Her dark blonde hair captivated me before, but now? It was like I was seeing her for the first time, wanting to memorise each and every golden tone.

To my glee, and my brother’s whining, she chose me and actually climbed on my back. She was trusting me with her safety, and that notion alone made that viscous guilt twist like a knife once more.

I ran at a slower pace, making sure Evie maintained a firm grasp of the scruff of my neck. At the back of our Alpha wing side of the pack house, I approached the base of Badru’s window. His had trellis underneath that made a handy escape when we were younger, and far dumber, to go sneaking off to parties and such.

I dipped down to let her off my back and shifted at her side, along with Badru.

“I can carry you up if you want?” My brother pleaded, desperate for contact as I had just received.

“I can climb just fine!” She snapped back, staring him straight in the eye without a hint of submission.

‘Holy f**k, is our ammar (moon) glorious or what,’ Aasim fawned, loving our mate’s fire.

“Come on, just humour me, would you? I’ll even let you have the option of clinging to the front,” he wriggled his brow. “Just keep in mind it’s cold out if you’re wondering about the size.”

She shivered, involuntary, grimacing and grossed out. I punched my brother in the arm. Once again, he wasn’t even trying to use his head. We glared at each other, but I was done with his idiocy. I pushed him aside and made my way to climb up. If he asked her like she was an actual person, maybe he would get somewhere.

‘That is a tall ask of our moron,’ Aasim sighed.

Our brother could be a moron at times, but he was our moron and he just needed the right nudge… and the odd smack up the head.

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