A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 7 Chapter 4

Chapter 7 Chapter 4

Kavi's POV

The four hours flight helped me a lot to finish my work. I closed it before an hour and been enjoying the

view from the window. My mom didn't wake during the flight. I woke her up when we were about to

land. I could see the beach before landing. It has been a while since I went to the beach. First I need to

find a secret spot for my training. My instinct tells that I need to face that monster really soon as I am

back to the Pack where all horrible things happened

We finished the formalities and fetched our luggage and proceeded out. I didn't pay attention to who

was there to pick us up. But my mom noticed them and dragged me to the direction where her brother

was waiting. Her light grey 'bored' aura turned into bright yellow 'happy' aura on seeing them. Even

though I felt a pang of hurt on realising that I could never bring out this happiness to her, I am very

happy for her.

I quickly masked my aura to a normal calm one. My mom's brother scooped her up like a small girl and

swirled saying he missed her so much. The woman I remembered to be her mate was smiling so

happily with tears on seeing her mate's happiness and also she was my mom's bestie.

As soon as Aryan uncle put her down, Inba aunt pulled mom into a hug. I stood a good few feets away

and watched their reunion. I found my uncle coming towards me with his hands open. No way! I took a

few steps back and he halted on his steps as if he remembered something and gave me a warm smile.

He was well built obviously being the first son of Alpha and currently Beta of this pack. I gave him a

small smile and pretended to look around to avoid the awkwardness that I intentionally created. Inba

aunt irrespective of me backing away, gave me a bone crushing hug. I just patted her shoulder

awkwardly. I remember both of them from my grandparents funeral. That's when I met them last. They

have a son, but I don't remember his name nor his look.

"How are you, honey? Do you remember us? I am your mom's best friend and sister in law, Inba. This

big man is your uncle and my mate, Aryan."

Inba aunt spoke excitedly.

"I do remember you guys"

I said with a small smile.

Aryan softly stroked my hair as if any more pressure would break me. The sincerity, love and adoration

in his eyes hit my mental barriers like a strong wind. I clearly remember my childhood when he spent

more time with me. I subconsciously raised my fist to him. It's our routine to fist-bump for every small

thing. His eyes welled up on knowing I remember our best time in childhood and he slowly touched his

fist with mine softly. I gave him a quick hug and pulled away. My mom looked happy on seeing me

opening up to them. Both of them were so talkative and my mom too surprisingly talked equally and

teased them while we drove to the pack house.

They gave us masking scent to get rid of our awful scent. I silently watched them with a smile. I never

have seen my mom so enthusiastic like this. I knew she loved her brother and missed her home. But I

didn't expect them to bring this drastic change to her. I love them so much but I only use less filter with

them. Because their true love and care would easily break my walls which should never happen and

my filters and walls are the only protective bubble of me.

Tonight there is a welcoming ceremony for us. Some pack has this tradition to throw a party to welcome

and send off pack members. It would keep the relationship between the pack members close. We need

to stay at the pack house until we join the pack. And we have to do some paperwork for joining the

pack which were almost completed by Aryan. Suddenly I felt the field of strong vibes and recognised

that we entered the pack territory. The pack house was the same cream coloured three storey building

but had the renovated look. And small to big houses were situated all around the pack house. I could

see the Green hills from here which made my mind unwantedly flash the hazel green eyes before me.

Aryan uncle walked us inside and stopped before a big brown wooden door which had the golden

name board with black letters stating 'Alpha Sezhiyan'.

A smile crept on my face as I remember him very well. He used to play with me in our wolf form. He

was the one I was with when I first shifted as a pup. He helped me and taught me to walk in my pup

form. He was the first person I mind linked and taught me how to contact and block a person. His mate,

Luna Mithra was like the epitome of patience, smartness and love. They had a son and I think his name

is Dhayalan and their daughter, Tamizhini. I am embarrassed to meet him now as I remember a

particular situation where I attacked a she-wolf who was flirting with him. I was so protective and

possessive of him. I could even tell he was my first crush. Any she-wolf other than Luna had faced my

atrocity for invading his personal space. Luna appreciated me and also made me her signature

chocolate cupcakes as a reward for me.

Actually, he had just finished one meeting and four years old me went to meet him as usual. I saw him

awkwardly trying to get away from a woman but she was almost drooling at his sight. I politely asked

her to go away but she pushed me and started touching his arms. His face turned into a scowl and I

knew he wouldn't use his alpha tone on his pack members for unwanted issues. But that angered me

more as I shifted and dug my canines into her leg biting a good part of flesh from her ankle. She

howled in pain and when she tried to shift and attack me, Luna stepped in and forced her to go out.

Later I got a big lecture from Alpha but Luna rewarded me for protecting her mate from that woman.

A deep voice of 'Come in' broke my thoughts as I realized that I have to face the man I was once

obsessed with. Shyness isn't in my dictionary. I should behave like an unattractive silent girl!

Remember Kavi! Don't let your walls fall down. He is one smart Alpha; you have too many secrets to

safeguard so keep your guard up! I reminded myself.

Alpha Sezhiyan has few grey hairs but he looked the same with his signature 'dimple-displaying' smile

and his eyes were sparkling in excitement like a kid in a candy store. He walked towards us and shook

his hand with my mom. He halted in his step and looked at me with wide eyes. His aura showed silver

meaning, shock. But it was quickly turned bright yellow. I let it go why he was shocked as I can't ask Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

him about it anytime soon.

"Welcome our new pack doctor and my favourite girl! No, she is not my favourite anymore. She never

contacted me in this past five years."

He looked away in fake anger.

"After my parents' death, she's never been the same Alpha."

I cringed as I hate my mom blaming my grandparents for everything I do. Basically, they raised me, and

I was devasted after their demise. But my multiple masks are now weighing on my grandparents.

"Sorry Sezhiyan, I didn't mean to avoid you. I got busy with something else. But I never forgot


I bit my tongue as I called him by his name like my old self. And my mom glared at me with her

narrowed eyes.

"Forgive her for disrespecting you, Alpha. I thought that I had taught her better manners for her."

I closed my eyes to calm my wolf as she was pacing inside me. She loves my mom but after all these

years of hostile treatment and not letting her out often, her Alpha genes overtook every time someone

disrespects me. Also, it hurt that she didn't even think about my self-respect before speaking like that.

"Hey Anu, she has all the right to call me by name. We are buddies. You shouldn't be harsh on her like


Alpha Sezhiyan stated calmly. My mother bowed her head.

"Where is Luna, Alpha?"

I asked him with a smile. His face brightened more at the mention of his mate. My heart still has some

respect for 'Mates' because of the couple like them and my uncle and aunt.

"She went out to get something for the ceremony tonight, Kavi. She missed you a lot as she lost her

little spy to save her hot mate from unmated she-wolves in her absence."

He replied cockily.

"So you are still letting unmated she-wolves to touch you in her absence."

I asked innocently. He looked at me wide-eyed before shaking his head frantically.

"No way! This hot body is only for my Mithra."

He replied dreamily. My uncle chose this time to enter the room and handed us the folder. My mom sat

on one chair and started filling her folder. We need to completely disclose every detail about us. It's like

a database and I am recently working on an app for an online high-security database. I sat down on the

sofa and Sezhiyan sat next to me. I filled my academic skills which were average. I filled my knowledge

about karate, kick-boxing, archery and firearms training. I heard a 'good' from Sezhiyan. I smiled and

looked at his pride filled eyes.

"Without my shifting ability, its best to learn these to defend myself."

I stated and his eyes showed sadness but not any trace of pity. This is why I love Sezhiyan. He is

always a great leader.

"Can you be able to communicate with her?"

He asked me.

No one has asked me this. They were just concerned about the shifting ability. I knew he could find the

disturbance in my aura. So I quickly masked it with sadness rather than guilt.

"No, It's been almost five years."

I lied smoothly. I hear him inhale a deep breath.

"She is one beautiful pup. She would be strong and brave just like you. Don't worry. She will make her

appearance soon."

He stated but his voice held some strong meaning behind his words. It's an Alpha thing to not reveal

everything which would purposely confuse others.

"How could you be so sure?"

I blurted out.

"Trust me, Kavi. This is the place you shifted for the first time. I am the one witnessed that beautiful

moment. She will show up soon. My intuition never failed."

He added the last part assuringly at my unsure look. Everyone will shift with the same pain. What's

beautiful in it?

'Oi, why did he say that you would show up soon?'

I asked my wolf. But she was just as confused as me.

'Only Moon God knows!'

She replied nonchalantly.

I quickly gave Alpha Sezhiyan a small smile and proceeded to read the rules and terms.

On crossing mate's name, my heart skipped a beat as the handsome face of Akhilan flashed before

me. His smile, his eyes, his sharp nose, perfect jawline, kissable plump lips... no this should not be

happening! I bit my lip to stop the blood rushing to my face. My wolf shut me off as she got sad on

remembering our mate. Yet she was a little calm after reaching this pack. Maybe as Sezhiyan said, she

feels home here. I finished the folder and waited for my mother to finish her folder. Sezhiyan got a

phone call and excused himself. My mind got alerted and slowly walked toward her and glanced at her

folder pretending to be looking around. But to my disappointment, she has written a hyphen against

mate's name. And I knew she wouldn't lie unlike me.

I handed over my folder to Aryan uncle and went out. I walked towards the kitchen but still had the

doubt about my direction. Fortunately, my memories didn't fail me and no one was in the kitchen. I

walked to the fridge and took some cold water. While I was making my way back, I found Sezhiyan's

hand closing Luna Mithra's eyes while he signalled me to be silent and lead his way to me. I smiled at

his actions. He is still behaving like a lovesick puppy but he was a father of two children. When he

opened her eyes telling surprise, she blinked a few times and she had the same shocked expression

which quickly covered by happiness and love. She softly caressed my cheeks while tears flowed from

her cheeks.


She said as if she couldn't believe I was here. It's eleven years I met them and almost five years I

stopped contacting them. I just nodded and she pulled me into a hug. She pulled away and turned and

glared at Alpha Sezhiyan.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would have made arrangements for my little girl"

She scolded him.

"Hey! How can I ruin my surprise, after all, you did the necessary arrangements already. Anu and Kavi

are here to rejoin our pack, Love."

She jumped like a kid and hugged us both before started ranting about her incomplete work. She

denied my offer to help and went to overlook the arrangements.

Alpha showed us our room and asked us to get some rest. I pulled my mobile and messaged Kalai

about our arrival. I checked my mail and found a few forwards from Kalai regarding new orders for

website designing. The websites I design couldn't be accessed by humans. It will like a boring site at

preview but after logging in you could see the world of supernaturals related site. I made website

hacking-free as I learned from the best hacker who is No.1 internet criminal in the human world to hack

any type of protection and I knew exactly how to protect a website.

I currently received a request for creating an online shopping portal with some werewolves stuff

included in it. And we have our own social media like Facebook which we call WereTimes, it was

created by a group of genius werewolves with more firewalls. It had more facility than Facebook and

we wolves love it. I don't have an account in WereTimes, but I maintain the 'New-tech park' official

page. We use our page to promote our products.

I finished work and went to take a quick shower before the ceremony starts. I was so deep in thought

about the new app that I am designing and I forgot to bring clothes. Thankfully, I found a towel near the

mirror and draped it quickly. As I went near the door, I sensed the door opening. I thought it would be

my mom and carelessly opened the door without sniffing. But I came to see a fair, tall and well built

young man with his six-pack standing in the middle of the room making everything look smaller. He

awkwardly cleared his throat and I looked at his face. I have seen him before. His cheeks were pink

and his eyes had a glint of gold showing his wolf surfacing and that's when I realised my state but kept

my stare blank. The towel is a big one which started above my breast and ended below my knees.

"May I know why you are here?"

I asked softly.

"Sorry! I..I didn't know... you are in.. bathroom..."

He paused took a deep breath to compose himself.

"Kavi, right? I'm Mukilan, Third in command of the pack. Alpha Sezhiyan asked me to guard you to the

ceremony and also he told that your mom already went to the clearing and I will be taking you there."

He gave said with a smile. I nodded.

"Okay. I will wait outside. Call me after you.. got dressed"

I nodded again ignoring his curious look. I closed the door and wore a blue Superman t-shirt and black

jean and combed my hair into a ponytail. I wore my contact lenses and ensured my moonstone

pendant's presence and made my way out. I found Mukilan standing opposite to the door and whistling

some tune. He looked at me on his eyes almost popped out of the socket.

"Really? Are you going to wear that for the ceremony? Why can't you wear some dresses? Not that you

are looking bad, you look beautiful in this..."

I looked at him annoyed and cut him off.

"I wear what is comfortable for me. Do you have any problem with that, Mr Third in command?"

He raised his eyebrow with an amused look and nodded his head negatively with a smile.

"Why are you wearing contacts? As a werewolf, it is impossible for getting eye defects. Also, you have

a rare and attractive colour of the pupil."

"I am comfortable to wear them. And I don't want to attract unwanted attention."

I replied slowly. He just nodded in response.

He leads me to the clearing that I clearly remembered from my childhood. The whole pack was present

there. Food and drinks were stacked in one corner and people are socializing. I thanked Mukilan for

helping me and walked near the stage where my mom should be. I was shocked to see my mom

wearing a cute blue coloured gown. Her face turned red on seeing me. Her red and violet aura showed

her rage and embarrassment.

"Are you intentionally wore this to embarrass me in front of everyone? I have given you enough money.

Why can't you wear some dress? At least you should have asked me?"

She whisper-yelled at me and walked in a different direction. Yes! She gives enough money. But I

never bought dresses. She didn't even know about my wardrobe.

I was trying everything to get her affection. But why she only notices my imperfections? Tears welled up

and my wolf was shaking her head as I was stupid in her view to get affected my mom and she was

used to her behaviour in all these eleven years. I took a few deep breaths and noticed Aryan uncle's

concerned stare. I gave him a small smile and looked away. Luna found me and told I look cute in my

outfit. My eyes automatically searched my mom who was busily talking to a lady. I thanked her for the

compliment. She introduced me to her ten-year-old daughter, Tamizhini who is such a sweetheart. I

loved to spend time with her.

The ceremony started and first, my mom was accepted into the pack. I was called upon the stage.

Alpha Sezhiyan gave me a warm smile.

"I, Alpha Seziyan of the Green Ocean Pack accepts Kavithanjali into my pack. I will be responsible for

your safety and welfare in this pack and I demand your loyalty to this pack. Do you Agree,


He asked in his alpha tone and his wolf was in the surface making his eyes shine in gold.

"Yes, Alpha. I pledge my loyalty to the Green Ocean pack and I will protect this pack with all my might."

He smiled at my last part as just an 'I do' is enough but my wolf wanted me to tell this. So did I. He

slashed his palm and I did the same and we joined our palm to seal the deal by joining our blood. I felt

a wave of electricity travel from my palm to heart. Soon I could feel the bond to the pack and I already

had my mind link blocked. My old chocolate smell returned back. Alpha Sezhiyan circled his arm

protectively over my shoulder.

"My dear family, I wanted you guys to know that Kavi's wolf hasn't shown up in the last five years. I

want all of you to accept her and protect her like we always protect our family."

The crowd turned silent as I knew all of them will turn me down just like Mountain Shadow pack.

Because wolfless werewolf is just a burden. I looked up at everyone and shocked to see them cheering

and vowing to protect me. I looked at the pack with gratitude. This is what a real family. My mind

quickly alarmed that I had got a lot of attention. I need to keep my distance. I thanked my new family

and went to Luna Mithra who was in a phone call.

"I was talking to Dhayalan. He will come tomorrow with your cousin."

She said with a glint of excitement.

Dhayalan being next in line to be Alpha and my cousin whose name was never mentioned, being next

in line to be Beta has gone to the Blood Warriors pack, our neighbour pack to some ceremony

happening there as Alpha and Luna were needed here to welcome us into the pack.

I genuinely smiled in response but her next sentence wiped my smile clean off my face.

"I highly hope him to be your mate as you both were unmated."

[To be continued...]

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