A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 5 Chapter 2

Chapter 5 Chapter 2

Kavi's POV

I jolted awake when I heard my mom's scream. I quickly searched for my black sunglass and the

injection and wore the glasses before descending to her room. I saw her thrashing around in her bed

and yelling for help. Same nightmare! I quickly straddled her holding her hands below my thighs and

quickly injected the liquid in her left upper arm. Her struggles died down as she passed out. I ignored

the tears flowing from my eyes and quickly went to her restroom and soaked the towel in warm water

and dabbed her sweat from her body. After cleaning her, I went to my room. I removed my sunglass

and kept it safely near the injection.

Tears broke out as I still remember the first time I accidentally walked into her room while she was

having the nightmare. I was just eight years old then. My grandpa is trying to control her wolf but on

seeing my eyes her wolf gone mad and she clawed my left thigh. But immediately her wolf recognized

me as her pup and whined for hurting me. She gave control back to my mom who treated my wounds

with tears. After that, I never went near her without glasses to cover my eyes also mostly her wolf won't

take control over her. In fact, it has been a while since I met her wolf. I sobbed silently for my

inefficiency for not able to do anything to heal her heart. I may heal some physical pain but I don't have

the power to heal ugly emotional scars.

I couldn't sleep anymore. I changed into a sports bra and shorts. I took my hand wraps and wrapped it

securely over my hands and started hitting the sandbag to let out all my anger on it.

Oh Moon God!

When will you answer my prayers? *punch*

I have been praying to you for the same thing for the past four years! *punch* *punch*

I want his blood. *hard punch*

I want to kill him by tearing limb by limb. *punch* *punch*

His death should be the cruellest death in this history. I want to give him that. *punch* *punch* *punch*

I will give him the most painful death. I WILL! *hard punch*

*bag torn and sand fell with a 'whoof' sound*

Yes! Just like this bag, you will fall on my mother's feet, lifeless!

I promised that faceless monster in my imagination.

I sighed and removed the layer hanging and replaced it with a new bag and continued to work out my

anger. While I was at the verge of breaking the fifth bag, The door to my small gym slammed opened

and my mom sighed in relief.

"I was scared when I couldn't find you in your room!"

She walked near me and pulled me into a tight hug without caring about my sweaty body. This is why I

love her more than anything. I placed my head on her shoulder and greedily breathed in her vanilla


"Sorry, mom! Couldn't sleep!"

I said in a small voice.

"Sorry, Kavi. I'm the reason for..."

I shushed her as she will blame herself for everything. I pulled away from her and turned around so she

doesn't need to see my purple eyes.

"What's the time mom?"


I nodded and started cleaning the mess of sand without making eye contact.

"Kavi, we need to talk about something."

I furrowed my eyes as this is the first time she is asking me like this.

"Okay, mom. But please wait for a few minutes. Let me get cleaned up."

I heard she hummed in response and walking out of the room.

I took a quick shower and dressed up in a full hand grey t-shirt and black jeans pant. I wore my brown

cosmetic lenses and checked my moonstone pendant and walked out. I inhaled the heavenly aroma of

my favourite chicken curry and rice.

It's been a while since she cooked something at home as she was too busy with her work and I will

cook sometimes but mostly order something out.

'Something is not right with her'

My wolf stated.

I went to the kitchen and focused on her. I learned this new thing on my sixteenth birthday. My wolf

could identify their mood from the colour of their aura. Now she is glowing deep violet mixed with the

green outer layer. She is sad but trying to calm herself.

"What 's wrong with you, mom? Why are you sad?"

I asked while hopping on the kitchen counter. Her head snapped towards me in shock. I giggled a little

on seeing her open-mouthed and wide-eyed reaction. I heard her let out a deep breath. She prepared a

plate for me and gave it to me.

"Luna Laya asked me to resign in a two month period."

She tried to mask her sadness but failed terribly. Her job is everything for her. But why Luna has to ask

her to retire? She is just thirty-three. On seeing me looking confused she continued to talk.

"Actually her niece completed medicine a few years back and the Alpha couple wanted to give her

opportunity here. And also he suggested us to go back to Green Ocean pack as their pack doctor

recently passed away."

I could feel the depression radiating off her.

Green Ocean pack is the pack where my Granpa merged and handed over his title and that's our old

pack. My mom's brother, Aryan is beta there. My mother and I born there but due to one bitter incident,

we transferred here. My Granpa offered to train the pack warriors in Mountain Shadow pack while my

mom studying. And I was born while she was doing her first year, in medicine. After her studies, she

joined the pack hospital and worked hard all these years. But it seems Alpha couple didn't consider any

of these things. And they want us to leave in a two month period! Also, my eyes welled up

remembering a pair of hazel green eyes whom I sincerely trying to forget but it only leads me to

remember him more.

"What are you going to do, mom?"

I asked her blinking back my tears.

"I know we both have some memories in Green Ocean pack, but it seems we don't have other better

options. My wolf won't take the new girl's order and it might lead to conflicts. That's why they want me

to resign the job. "

"That makes sense, mom. But isn't two months a short period of notice? And what if Green Ocean

Pack didn't accept us? Do we have to go to rogues?"

My wolf growled in anger with the Alpha couples. This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

"No, I already got an appointment letter from the Green Ocean pack. Aryan arranged everything. He

even made arrangements for us to get an individual house in the pack land. So we don't need to stay in

the packhouse."

She said nonchalantly.

"Wow! Someone is so eager for the return of his sister!"

She smiled genuinely.

"Yeah! It's been eleven years since I meet my elder brother. Inba(Aryan's wife) would be mad for not

visiting her all these years. We used to be close friends in school."

She said dreamily with a smile. I could tell she is remembering their good old time. I smiled and hopped

down from the counter to wash the plate. She took her plate to the dining table and started eating but

her eyes had a distant look and her focus is not here. She knew better than me to not let the past haunt

her present but I knew that she couldn't help it.

I took my bag and packed the lunch and walked out shouting a 'Bye mom'. My final exams are due in a

week. I have been waiting for this for a long time as I couldn't prove myself in the previous tests, my

only chance to show my real smartness is to give my everything in this final exams. It will make my

mom feel proud of me, I hope. Anyway, we are going to leave the pack before results. So I won't get

more attention and it would be fun to see the smart student's face when I get good marks and they

wouldn't even recognize my name. And that would be my final trace in that school; to achieve a place

in the toppers list. I don't have a big dream about a degree but my mom told its mandatory. So I will do

what she suggests to me. My main focus to find that sorry ass wolf and take my revenge. But no one

knows anything about that man. Maybe going back to Green Ocean pack might help me to get some

clue about him.


I opened the door enthusiastically as I was going out of our territory tonight to attend a fighting

tournament. I changed into a black t-shirt and blue jean. I stuffed my usual black ski mask into my

pocket and checked my moonstone pendant and tucked it safely inside my t-shirt before making my

way out. I walked towards the border and climbed up a tree to ensure where are our border patrols


After calculated a loophole, I threw two stones in different directions past the place where patrol wolves

were hiding as soon as I heard the shuffling sound of them making their way towards the sound, I

silently crossed the border and ran using my wolf speed into free land. After reaching a safe distance, I

stripped my clothes and kept it into my bag and shifted into my whitish silver coloured Alpha wolf form. I

picked my bag in my mouth and made my way towards the tournament. My wolf enjoyed her freedom

and let out a happy howl. Before a mile to the tournament, I shifted back into human form and put on

my clothes and mask.

I paid for my entry and walked inside the ground. Its a barren land with a lot of space where humans

usually don't come across. Few light posts were illuminating the dark place. The place is heavily

stinking rotten meat with so many rogues gathered in a place. But I got used to it. There were no

seating arrangements as every wolf would stand in a circle across the line drawn for the fight and cheer

the fighters. The fight usually starts from sunset and go on till sunrise.

I walked closer to the circle and a brown wolf and red wolf were fighting neck and neck. And the red

one was bruised badly. I leaned on the light post and watched them. The brown wolf makes an attack

aiming for red wolf's right paw but red wolf jumped left to dodge the attack but the brown wolf seem

predicted his move as he swiftly turned right and captured his throat and snapped it without waiting for

the other to get a chance of submission. Few wolves were merciless like this brown one. All the

younger wolves took a step back from the roaring brown wolf who is howling for a challenge to defeat

him. I heard that he is fighting for the past two hours and killed seven wolves so far.

Good! I would get a nice practice tonight. The tougher the competition; the stronger I get.

I walked inside the circle and clapped my hands to gain his attention towards me as he was facing the

opposite direction. His wolf turned towards me snarled.

"I accept your challenge."

I said in a loud voice.

His wolf barred teeth but soon a wolfy grin appeared on his face. He shifted into his human form and

pulled a pair of shorts thrown towards him.

"Ha! See who we have here! The famous black mask!"

He said sarcastically and laughed himself and looked at me with a deadly glare. He is humungous with

his muscles with intimidating size even for my 5'7 figure. But my wolf and I eyed him as good prey.

"No one has seen your face right? I will tear that mask today! Not only the mask...."

His eyes turned black and travelled over my body. I gulped the disgust and maintained my calm


"Are you afraid to fight me? Why are you wasting time in your bullshit speech? Kneel down and submit,

I may leave you alive. "

I said with a smirk.

His nose flared as he let out a growl and walked towards me. I reflected his loud growl and stood in a

fighting stance. It's not my style to attack first. So I let him throw his hands and legs at my direction for

a few minutes and managed to dodge everything without taking a blow. His frustration increased as it's

a big damage to his ego to not hit a small girl even after all these tries. My wolf was watching his every

move and waiting eagerly to dig her claws into his filthy skin.

I swung my leg to his left side but he ducked his head and dodged the attack. I tried to punch him but

he used his wolf speed to dodge. The real fight starts now. He started throwing punches with his wolf

speed. While I was calculating his punches to dodge he kicked my left thigh making me lose footing.

He punched my left rib. Before his second punch, I punched his thigh hard making him groan and take

a step back. He laughed out loud.

"Ah! Not bad pup! But remember if you lose, I will ravish your sexy body in front of all these rogues and

let them take you after I am done with you"

I let out a loud growl not liking his disrespect. My wolf scratched for let her take control to put him in his

place. But I want to broke a few of his bones and before she takes control.

"You have signed your death wish "

I growled out and launched myself towards him.

I raised my right hand in punching stance but swirled and kicked his face with my left leg taking him by


Taste your own medicine, bastard!

He roared out and ran towards me. I kicked his thigh and held his long hair and landed a few punches

repeatedly making sure to break his nose. His wolf took over his human form as his wolf dug his claws

into my thigh. I yelped and backed away. I could feel my wound healing. I can't waste my healing

powers on this small wound as it would drain my energy. I let my wolf participate with me as my claws

and canines came out. I snarled at him. His wolf tried to claw my mask to fulfil his challenge but I dug

my canines into his forearm and bit there hard to damage few nerves. I spit out his foul blood and

rushed towards him. He jumped up and kicked me in the stomach and locked my hands from behind

over my head and laughed out loud at my struggling body. He ran his tongue over the exposed part of

my neck.

"A strong she-wolf! You are perfect to bear my pups. And you smell so sweet, bitch. Be mine. I will

forgive you and let you live."

His wolf growled out making me shiver in disgust.

Another unfaithful wolf to his mate!

You don't deserve to live!

My eyes started showing red as I let out the loudest howl. His body shook at the sound of my wolf's

growl. I stomped on his foot and bumped my head backwards strongly. His grasp on my hands

loosened. And turned around and dug my claws into his throat on his stumbling form. He withdrew

reflexively and shifted into his wolf to heal quickly. I didn't want to play anymore with this filthy unfaithful

bastard. I captured his beast's throat and tightened my grip. His neck bone broke with a sickening

sound and I let his lifeless body fall on the floor.

I let out a victory howl and growled out for the next challenge. Two rogues cleared his body.

A man jumped into circle shifting into his cream coloured wolf. My wolf gave me a wink as I made my

way towards my next target. After a few hours and making three more wolves submit, I let out my

challenge howl.

"Will you accept a friendly challenge? Umm... I lost the bet with friends. The bet is to make you accept

my challenge and to fight with you. Will you accept my request?"

A teen boy around my age voiced out confidently scratching his neck but his aura showed slight fear.

And he didn't step into the circle yet. He looked me up and down as my dress was almost torn near

tighs and hip with constant clawing and soaked in red with my own blood and also my opponent's

blood. He didn't stink, that means he belongs to some pack.

In friendly challenges, we don't do any intense damages. I need someone strong to improve myself as I

am preparing myself for that unknown monster. But he is trying to be confident. Shall I? I asked my

wolf. She agreed with a grin as she seems curious about this pup.

"Step in. I won't kill you"

I assured him.

He grinned and about to step inside the circle but a tattooed muscular hand caught his wrist and

stopped him. I looked up at the person who is stopping him. Time stilled when I looked up into a pair of

grey eyes.

My wolf sadly muttered 'MATE' and curled up inside my head.

[To be continued...]

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