A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 49 Chapter 46

Chapter 49 Chapter 46

Kavi's POV [Layla's POV]

I teleported back to earth where Kathir was trying to stop the coven of vampires. Their eyes had a glint

of gold and their face held fury and rage. I appeared to the side of the approaching coven in my

invisible form to first see what was happening.

I saw Kathir's back stiffening and he muttered 'She is here'. It's always puzzling to me how he could

feel my presence. On the day he was into an argument with his sister, I thought he would sense me like

he always does but he was so engrossed in the topic that day. I smiled and made myself visible and

the coven stopped abruptly and turned towards me.

Kathir had guessed it right. They are infected. Their eyes were displaying the proof and their rage

increased on seeing me. Their mind was blank and I had a bad feeling about it. I could feel they have

something that had been cursed and their target is me.

Kathir and a few of my people were trying to catch a vampire to check what was wrong but they were

acting as a team and not letting anyone near them; like a very well preplanned strategy. Killing them

was not in our plan. Kathir would have done it by himself but we need to keep them alive and find the

reason for their strange behaviour. And most importantly we need to cure them. That's why Kathir

sought my help. It was a well-known rule that Vampires shouldn't interfere in Humans life. A human

kingdom was very close to the place and I can't risk the order of our creator.

They had known that they could make me come before them if they create chaos. All of them

approached me in quick strides and I knew fighting against them won't get me anywhere but I need

them to come near me so I could do what I should do. I used my powers to form an invisible portal in

front of me to teleport them to my realm. They approached me and the portal teleported them to my

realm. I turned around to see Kathir but he wasn't there. I told my men to clear the area that coven's left

their trail. I have teleported them to a specific hall because I knew teleporting for the first time would

make people dizzy. Aadhira was already there and the vampires were lying on the floor unconscious.

I went near a vampire and used my powers to find her problem. I scanned every part of her body. My

eyebrows furrowed when I found the strange crystals in her kidney. I scanned all the vampires and the

same yellow crystals were in everyone's stomach or kidney. I closed my eyes and raised my hands

gathering the crystals from their body. The magic made the crystals tear apart their flesh making the

flesh and skin to bind back flawlessly and the blood got disappeared in the air and the clean crystals

floated in front of my face taking a shape of a rectangle. I turned towards Aadhira and she instantly

gathered them in a jar to do her duty. I teleported back to my room because I knew Aadhira don't need

to be dictated to put a few guards there.

I have been busy with spending time for the man who left me as a friend and lost my focus on my duty.

I need some time to focus my mind. Then I want to talk to Kathir about this incident. It wouldn't have

happened all of sudden. And if he had seen some signs before why didn't he approach me earlier. I

pushed the questions aside and went to meditate.

I connected with celestial with full concentration. The ever blissful feel engulfed me and I could feel the

knots within me untying and letting loose. After some time I felt the need to go back to my realm. I

slowly opened my eyes and found a shadow walking restlessly in front of the closed door. I felt it was

Aadhira and called her to come in.


She looked unsure.

"I couldn't believe this Goddess. Please take a look at this."

She handed me a vial of yellow and silver powder. I opened the lid and the scent hit me hard. My mind

spun at the recognition and revelation of the cause. This can't be true!

"I crushed the crystal and this is what I get from them, Goddess. I never thought he would go to this

extent to put you in trouble."

She spoke with rage and disbelief.

"We can't just jump to a conclusion. Don't discuss this with anyone. I will handle this. Ask Kathir to meet

me soon."

"Sure, Goddess. I will let you know when the Vampires wake up."

I nodded and made my way to the library with the vial in my hand.

Before I could reach the library, I got telepathy from Sun asking me to meet him in his realm

immediately. I know this is going to happen soon but not immediately. I teleported to the coven where

Kathir was currently in. I am not going there without knowing what had happened here. I knew they will

accuse me.

The vampires fell on their knee seeing me and Kathir sensed me before seeing me. He bowed at me

and the head of the coven lead me to his hut leaving us alone. I narrowed my eyes at his silence and

he gave me a small apologetical smile.

"I am sorry, Goddess. I should have reported to you earlier. But I wanted to warn the entire covens

personally to avoid something like that happen in future."

He was doing the right thing. I can't scold him now. He has a team and every member of his team has

the responsibility to look after each Vampire coven. The team will update Kathir about the daily status

and he will report to me. Also, he wanders different places to update the strange things happening

around the earth.

"That's Good. But now tell me how it all started?"

I asked him calmly.

"One of my men was supervising them. And the people were normal until noon. Suddenly all the

people started shouting one by one and their eyes turned golden shade and they started thrashing their

place. My man reported to me and I made my way there and asked Aadhira to send some people here

to control the situation. She did. When I arrived, I saw they already killed a herd of horses. They

weren't feeding off them but their motive is to kill and they work as a group. Not letting anyone near

them. We tried to knock them off but they seem to have possessed inhumane strength. Then they

moved into the forest and killed every living being caught in their eyes. They tried to decapitate some of

our people and I asked for your help then. They seem possessed. I never seem something like this


He finished and ran his fingers through hair thinking about the incident.

He had guessed it perfectly. They were controlled by someone. The crystals were proof of them. But

how that thing did go inside those vampires? They were instructed to feed on the animals or humans

and their saliva will help the host to regenerate the lost blood within the day. The host will not

remember the incident and spell was cast to conceal the bite mark which would usually leave within a

day. And they won't touch the same host twice in a month. Blood keeps them alive and powerful. As a

part of humans, they also eat fruits and vegetable. But Blood was their life source. The people in my

realm weren't so fond of blood but their offspring was a big parasite.

"Had he noticed anything strange happening around the place? Did they eat or drink anything


He looked at me in wonder but I kept my gaze normal. I don't want to pressure him. But Sun and Moon

would be waiting for me; to blame and scold me.

His silence only increased the feeling of the slight self-hatred for being irresponsible. I huffed and

closed my eyes. The vision of the kiss I shared with Maayan flashed before me. A smile came to my

face but my heart weighed with pain and desperation. I shouldn't think about him to get back to normal.

It will become a habit. He will mature and eventually leave the earth and his soul would reach my

realm. And I will in the position to purify him and let him choose the way he wants to go. OK! Stop it,


I looked at Kathir who had tight facial expression. I should let him know what he was dealing with.

"I found this inside the organs of Vampires."

I handed the vial to him.

He opened it and his nose flared and looked up with a scowl.

"I was called for a meeting with Sun and Moon."

I mentioned to him as I need to leave soon. He handed me the vial.

"Goddess, Now that I have seen this. I want to let you know, there was rainfall near the coven

yesterday but none of the places surrounding it had rainfall. I thought it might be due to the overheat

and their place was vast. But I suspect it now. I will go there personally to check the place."

He promised me in a determined tone. I smiled at him wanting to get some proof and I have the

intuition that something big gonna happen.

I closed my eyes and teleported to Sun's realm. With a snap, I changed my outfit to a black and walked

graciously with my darkness radiating off me. I went to our usual meeting chamber. I saw Moon's smirk

while Sun was showing his back and burning more than usual. Aadhavan sensed my presence and

turned around with a red face. I kept calm and sat in my place.

He sat on his place and let his flame radiate more. I extended my hand towards him and let my

darkness cool the fire off. His face twisted more in fury but the calm look in my face hit him and he

shook his head and cleared his throat.

"You have agreed to take care of the mistake committed by your people. But yesterday they roamed

around like some ferocious uncontrollable beast. I let the creature live on the earth because you agreed

they won't do any harm to anyone. Now, what are you going to tell?"

Aadhavan fumed with rage. I looked at the moon and he kept smirking while Sun vents out his anger. I

smirked back at Chandran which made his face turn confused.

"Cool off, fireball. They didn't do that on purpose. And I was close to finding who might have done that.

Don't spit the words. You can't take it back."

I said softly to him which was totally against my nature. Aadhavan narrowed his eyes and turned

towards Chandran who was keeping his face without any emotion. I stood up and stretched my hand.

"You can't walk away with that. You should let us know what was happening there. We three are

responsible for the things happening around the solar system. I don't want you to handle things alone

and keeping us in dark."

Aadhavan questioned me.

"Okay. If that's what you want…"

I dropped the vial on the rock situated in the middle of us. The glass vial broke into small pieces and

the silver and yellow mixture splattered around the place and some over both men. Moon flinched and

fisted his hand to his side and glared at me. Sun touched the powder and raised his eyebrow realizing

the content.

"I found some crystals inside the mind-controlled vampires' body. Their mind was controlled by the

person made these crystals go into their body. Aadhira ground the crystal and found the Titan

Moondust inside the crystal. I am not assuming anything before getting material evidence. But no

human can bring the dust from Saturn's moon here.

And that idiot who planned this should have known that Vampires were offsprings of my people who

have my blessing and also they worship me. So their body collected the foreign things in their stomach

and kidney to the excrete them. But that particular someone took control of them before that could

happen and hence the event of yesterday happened.

Is that enough for you, Aadhavan?"

I questioned him sarcastically and he looked at Chandran with a slight hint of disbelief and suspicion.

As I expected, Chandran stood up with an angry face.

"Are you trying to blame me for the murderous act committed by the offsprings of your people? I

already warned you guys about their instability and the need to eliminate their type from the world. But

you never listened and now you are trying to frame me in this to divert the attention. I know why you

are doing this Layla. You became more irresponsible. It's been a while since you involved directly in

your duties. You have been attracted to the earth and recently got attracted to a human which made

you so inefficient to do all your duties and here we are. Accept your mistake and apologise. That's what

a genuine person will do. Don't cook a non-sense story to escape from this issue."

He spat out without any shame or guilt. And he was so natural in lying.

"How dare you talk to me like this? It won't take me a minute to expose the dirt in your mind. Don't

challenge my power when you know what I am capable of. If you want to prove I am inefficient, do it

right in front of my face. I don't have to prove anything to anyone when everyone knew what was the

truth. You were brought here to bring the balance; not to create new problems. Never think about

disturbing the living beings on the earth."

I vent out my anger radiating my darkness in a very dangerous level making the chamber almost go

dim in darkness. I didn't hear anything in protest and I took it as my cue to go back to the summoning

hall. I never intend to speak these things to them but they made me. And I don't regret it. I teleported to

my realm as soon as I reached the summoning hall. I went to see vampires. They seem awake but

confused. I looked at Aadhira trying to calm a young vampire. She looked at my direction after

successfully consoling her and noticed me coming inside the hall. The vampires bowed before me and

they seem afraid.

"They don't remember anything happened from yesterday. All they remember is the rainfall happened

in their coven. And they are afraid because they were brought here with no memory assuming they

were here for punishment."

I nodded my head in understanding. I turned toward them and smiled brightly.

"You don't need to worry about anything. The rain which you remembered last infected your system

and you guys lost control over yourself. We stopped you before you could reach the human kingdom

but you have killed a herd of horses, a couple of elephants and a few birds. I excuse you this time

because it happened beyond your control but your souls will be purified for the sin you caused

unconsciously. That's how nature works. I will send you guys back to the home after confirming your

place wasn't affected anymore. Aadhira will show you the rooms. No mischiefs; even though people

here were your ancestors, they will expect discipline from you."

I spoke softly not wanting to increase their tension. They smiled and followed Aadhira. I teleported to

my room and sat down near the window looking at the landscape of my realm. I inhaled deeply taking

in the smell of the familiar surrounding around me. The question to which I would never get an answer

popped in my mind:

Why does Moon hate me so much?

Chandran's POV

When she asked to choose between being a satellite to the planets of a solar system which has life and

being a sun of a solar system where no lives exist, I made my decision to be a natural satellite even

though that position was not equal to my efficiency.

I expected the other Gods there to be more efficient and responsible. Aadhavan had met with my

expectation but not that Goddess of darkness. And to think I have limited powers compared to that

untoward woman, made my blood boil. I wanted to make Aadhavan and our creator to understand how

much she was irresponsible and mismatched for the position. But they never listened to me. Gods

should be an example for people living there. They shouldn't go and mingle with the living creatures.

Then how they would value a God? Creatures should have respect and fear for Gods. And it's so rare

to have a living being in a solar system but it was getting spoiled here.

I planned to join hands with Sun to get rid of her. But his morals won't let him do that. She has to be

controlled. So I decided to lure her into my trap with the feeling of Lust. That was a great failure as she

remained like a rock to all my advances and even Aadhavan's advances were wasted. So I decided to

show how she was careless and lacking the qualities of being God.

Even though, it was my choice to be in a lower position I hate that I don't have much duties and powers

here. Initially, my feeling for her had remained indifferent. But her behaviour after the creation of life on

earth totally threw me out of my circle. She got the purification duty and Aadhavan got the duty to hold

the souls till they were sent back. I was left with emptiness. All the years of emptiness turned the void

into hate; hatred for the Goddess of darkness. Her arrogance and dominance always tortured me every


I couldn't understand why our creator let those blood-sucking creatures to live among the people. It

also bothers me that she had originated the powerful creatures who were the offspring of her people.

And the fear of how powerful her offspring could be, made my peace fly away. I increased my efforts to

make her mine; make her powers mine. Unfortunately, I know she won't fall for me. And after hearing

her distraction for a human, I knew I have zero chance. But I can use the same distraction to get rid of

her. And I can take her position to set the things right.

I started my game with her people's offspring by making them inhale a part of my dust to have control

over them and create an imbalance in the world. But she had interfered before I could do the honour.

Not only that she found the remaining particles of my dust in their body.

I have warned my commander so many times to do the job without leaving any clues. I altered the

climate and added my essence in the rain cloud. After the vampires took off, I ordered my commander Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

to clean the place without any trace of my essence. But who would have thought that Vampires body

had crystallized the dust I made to mingle within them. That's a great failure. I stripped the soul of my

commander into pieces in front of all his subordinates. They should know what they are getting into. I

tried many times to do something to prove her inefficiency and for the first time, I got the opportunity to

breach her armour. But because of this idiot's overconfident words, I believed there was no evidence

and I almost got caught.

I knew my ways to conceal the truth from the Sun. He is the main key as I can't do this alone. And it's

also a doubt to take her down even if we put our powers together. I should stand next to Aadhavan and

make her pay for all the frustration she was causing me for billions of years. I am tired of all my tries.

Maybe I should wait for her to commit a mistake. Also, she has a distraction now that let me take a

chance to interfere with her affairs. Love will make people blind. I have seen that happen from animals

to humans. Goddess won't be an exception for the rule. My time will come and I will prove my efficiency

to this solar system and my creator.

[To be continued...]

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