A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 45 Chapter 42

Chapter 45 Chapter 42

Dear Cupcakes, I haven't really dug into science to write this chapter. So the following chapters may

not match with the discoveries or research made on the earth. Try to read it with the flow!

*sheepish smile*

Kavi's POV [Layla's POV]

That annoying buzz made me wake up and I was surrounded by complete darkness! Some things

sparkle around me but I know those sparkling things were far away from me. My mind supplied they

were stars and I am alone in the space. I looked around and I moved around the place. A voice ringed

in my mind telling that 'Time' didn't come to existence as the solar system was yet to be formed in a few

hundred years. I didn't understand anything at the moment. I have no form but I do exist. I roamed

around the place and defined a certain circle of the place make me feel good.

After a certain period, a huge cloud of gas and dust formed in the centre of the place which I claim it as

home. Then the solar system formed. The voice again asked me to go and see the bright burning ball

in the centre. To my amazement that burning ball spoke to me. That invisible voice introduced us to

each other as Aadhavan, The Sun God and Layla, The Goddess of darkness. I loved my name. Then

that voice told that we are so powerful and in the next few millennia life will form in the third planet to

the Sun and we have to support their life system and to manage the souls form there. We both were

confused but we were told to wait till it happens. I visited every planet and wondered about them. But

the third planet already had my interest. Also, I am happy that I am no more alone as I got a new


Then one day that invisible voice called me near the Sun. I went there and the voice introduced us to a

white gas like a thing was there. She called that as soul and it was going to be the new addition to us.

He will be Moon for the planets to bring the balance among them and it will make the better habitat for

the life going to form here. In a few years, the moons started forming for the planets. Climates formed.

And many fascinating things happened followed by the birth of Chandran, The Moon God.

And our creator explained that we can ask the souls to aid us in the process and also give them certain

powers to do their duties. Moon asked about his duties but that invisible voice asked he was already

doing his duty of keeping balance among the planets. The Invisible voice gave us form and called it as

human-alike form which was a species to be formed in the earth, the third planet in the next few


Soon the earth started showing signs of land surface emerging from the water melted from ice. Plants

sprouted out and grew up into sky-high trees. My fascination grew more and I was so happy when life

started forming and evolving into different forms of animals, birds and fishes. The invisible voice

summoned us and now we knew she is the one created us all and guiding us. She ordered that I

should manage the death and purify the soul for the mistake they commit during their life. And the

purified soul will reach the Sun. The soul will stay there until it gets allocated to re-born. The souls

which did many good deeds would either serve Sun or it can turn into a star. The purification is required

so that the soul will start anew and free from the sins. It's a part of how the universe work.

Every life had done something wrong with or without their knowledge and the food chain made their

soul taint more by developing the habit of killing one soul for food. So every soul will come directly to

me to get punished. Initially, it was easy for me but later I wanted some aid like that invisible voice as

the population of lives in the earth started to increase day by day. Sun and Moon have a defined place

as home. I too wanted to create a fixed place to do the duty of soul purification. So I decided to create

my realm near the earth. The earth is the most beautiful thing I have seen in all these millennia. Either

covered with green or reddish plants which habitat various lives with the massive green oceans and

colourful creatures. It was an enjoyable change.

Moon asked me to find a different place as he felt that I was invading his personal space as the realm

was close to his orbit. But I liked the place and brought a big meteorite there and raised a castle in the

middle and made the volcanoes on the left and ice on the right side of the castle. I want to re-create the

replica of the earth here without living being that could form naturally. I loved purple trees on earth and

created them around my castle too.

I started recruiting souls to serve me. They will aid my duties and I granted them human form similar to

me and gifted their soul with immortality. They have high healing power and enhanced strength as they

would have to deal with the rebellious souls. They no longer need to participate in the circle of birth and

death. But I can change that status anytime I wanted. Sun did the same in his realm. These people

were my pride as they were the definition of loyalty, responsibility and devotion. I granted them strength

and enlightenment and they behaved well and organized. As time passed they saw the changes in the

earth and adapted to time to time. A few natural calamities made my realm filled with souls and

something better happened from every massive destruction. Humans evolved and civilizations started

to develop.

I would go to earth to admire the nature and the captivating creatures. They do recognise me as their

goddess. And the most heartwarming character was they would show their love to me. Whether I am in

human form or sometimes I would disguise in their form, they never failed to show they have a heart in

them. I stopped interacting with humans as they started developing pride that they are superior to all

other creatures and started using them for their personal growth. Greed and envy rooted in them and

nothing was enough for them.

Our creator asked us to let nature take care of things and we shouldn't get affected by the human

behaviours as it was most likely tend to affect us being in similar form. Moon God always complained

about my realm was invading his place. As time passed, we three realized the powers we have over

the planets. The humans made my character loosen up a bit and I love to play with Sun and Moon.

They will get irritated for sure but that didn't stop me. The Sun was also got temperament issues but he

always supported for what is right when Moon complain about me doing playful things in his realm.

Moon's powers were limited as he didn't have special duties like me or Sun. I felt like he was feeling

low about it and tried to lighten him up with little playing. But he never enjoyed them. Sun will sometime

lash out on me and sometimes he would enjoy it with me. Once his anger reached its limit and even

gave a curse to me that half of the humans will start fearing or repel my presence i.e., Darkness. He

expected me to apologise or beg him to take the curse back. I am all playful and naughty but I have the

attitude to not bow my head before anyone and can be so cruel enough to not melt for the mercy cries

while the souls cry out while they get purified. Punishment is the best form of purification which often

mistaken as cruel act. Karma make sure you get back what you give!

I don't have pride about my powers which I put to test and learned it's magnificent strength over the

years but I never hesitated to use them to keep up my self-esteem.


I was spending my sunny afternoon with the herd of deer in the earth. I have responsibility but never

liked to sit in the pits of the volcano to grant punishments for the souls or to sit in my throne and

discuss the affairs all day. I studied the people serving me all these years and I created a hierarchy

there. The humans were aware that their living was controlled by three Gods and they worship us. A

few will take the path of spirituality and if we think their efforts were true, we will grant them immortality

and take them to our realm to fulfil their wish of serving us. The top and my most favourite people in my

realm were Aadhira and Kathir. They have almost access to everything in my realm and I can blindly

trust them with anything. They were so efficient in running errands there. They were twin baby souls Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

died in an accident without even coming to the surface of the earth. But they have always felt the love

from their parents and they chose to serve me. They trained hard and overpowered many of my

warriors in a few years and also earned my trust. Aadhira overlooks the realm and Kathir have control

over vampires living in the earth.

The birth of vampires was a separate story as some of my warriors got attracted to human females and

it leads to the birth of dangerous creatures. I never denied people having a companion in my realm as

the basic need should not be denied. A few people were loyal to their companion and cherish it for

eternity but a few enjoys one night stands with a clear mutual agreement to take off their pressure. I

never involved in their private life but how can they take advantage of merging with humans? It created

the extended life span among such bred off-springs and they crave blood and it is their main life


Sun and Moon were very angry that I was causing an imbalance in the earth but the invisible voice, our

creator asked them to calm down and these things are happening as it was destined and we can't

change that. She supported that I have no fault in the matter but asked me to take responsibility for

them to which I agreed. These meetings would happen in the realm of the Sun. Unlike my place, his

realm would be filled with everything golden and crimson. Him being the main source of energy

developed him into a powerful God and I have lots of respect for him. He is always a responsible

person and never let anything go wrong.

After the humans came into the scenario, there was a lot of changes happening on the earth. They are

deviating from the spirituality and searching answers practically. Also, their behaviour has an impact on

our behaviours. Conflicts arise often between me, Moon and Sun. Moon thinks I am irresponsible and

playful which affects my duties and I am not fit for such responsibilities which always get on my nerves.

If our arguments go beyond control, our creator's voice was needed to calm us down. Yet there are

times when Moon or Sun might want to spend some time with me alone. I know what they want but I

don't have any feelings for them.

My thought process interrupted when a deer calf nuzzled my sides and dropped a white lotus on my

lap. I smiled and stroke its neck lovingly. Lillies and lotuses are my favourites. I leaned on the tree and

looked at the river running in its way calmly. My intuition and heart were sensing about something from

this morning but I couldn't understand the ache within me. I closed my eyes and listened to the music

of nature and wondered about my recent recurring vision about receiving a gift from celestial. The

vision always brought goosebump across my skin. I don't usually sleep. The way to regain our energy

is by connecting to space in the way of meditation. And I use to have visions while doing them like

people have dreams while sleeping.

My attention was attracted towards a group of children's giggle to my left a few feets away from here. I

made myself invisible within a blink and looked at the human children running towards the bank of the

river and playing among themselves. My lips curled on seeing the children laughing untroubled. A few

tribes are residing here in the forest. They must belong to one among them. But it seems they didn't

bring any elder to supervise them. I changed my form to a little girl and went to them. Children never

question my belonging; they enjoy my company. I made my way to them but paused a few steps

before, on seeing someone there. A man. He was sitting in the middle of them and that's why I couldn't

see him earlier. His broad tan back was facing me and for some odd reason, I am getting nervous. His

beautiful wavy black hair ends near his nape and I could get a glimpse of his black stone studded ear

when he tucked his hair behind his ear. I could sense he wasn't a normal human. He is different and


His back stiffened and I knew he sensed my presence behind him. He slowly turned his head sideways

and looked at my direction. I sucked in a deep breath at the sight of so handsome man I ever laid my

eyes on. The feminity which I almost believed as non-existent within me, made it's presence prominent

for the first time in my life by making my heart race! Yes, Gods do have the same human body part but

we have magical powers. I always liked all the living and non-living things exist on the earth. But I

never felt this intense of attraction towards any of them. I gulped hard and stared at him without

blinking. A thunder echoed behind me.

His lips curled beautifully and he displayed his perfectly rowed teeth at me. I just looked at his eyes.

What a unique eye colour for the handsome man. His cherry-red eyes made him more charming and

the feeling I never felt before was stirring inside me. I like him; as a man. Eyes are always the gateway

to the soul. And I know he has a wonderful soul but has some minimal stain common for any living


My fingertips were itching to touch him and caress his hard skin. He stood up and straightened up. It

was like I am seeing a man for the first time; my attention was completely focused on him. He has a

nice body; better than anyone I could remember. The blend of cotton and the skin of a deer was used

to cover his hip to knee.

My mind was fogged with his masculine smell when he knelt before me and held my shoulders with his

large hands. the warmth of his skin was seeping into my skin and making my blood boil. He leaned

forward to my surprise but I stood there shell shocked and closed my eyes tightly when his pink petals

touched my skin. Another thunder had struck. Nature was reminding me of my desire toward this ripe

forbidden fruit in front of me. I was never kissed before. People like me but they never dared to touch

me or kiss me. Animals too held their distance from me except a few nudges and a few nuzzle. This is

so new to me and I don't know how to handle this feeling of affection from this handsome stranger.

He mistook that I was fearing thunder and rubbed my back soothingly.

"What's your name, Cupcake?"

His deep voice directly sent shivers to my spine. I have been living here for so many millennia but

never felt this alive.

Was I maturing slowly as my lifespan was longer?

But why the damn do I feel attracted towards him?

Moon and Sun have much better built and have charming looks too. Yet I never accepted their

advances. And this human was effortlessly making me feel things which I believed as unreal. I realised

I was in a human girl form. A wave of disappointment rushed to me as his forehead kiss was meant to

a small girl but not me.

'I shouldn't be wanting this. This is wrong'

A rational part of my mind supplied. But my heart was already smitten by him.

"What are you doing here alone?"

He asked me cutely by tilting his head when I didn't answer. Damn! I couldn't think straight with him just

a few inches away from me. The children were now standing behind him and watching the scene

silently. I looked around them and tried to cook a lie.

"I think she is afraid of us. Do some magic and make her your friend, Wizard!"

Wizard? So he is the one whose father got a boon from Sun God to make his off-springs shine uniquely

in the earth!

He smiled at the cheering boy who asked to perform tricks to make me fall in their friendship. But I

have already fallen for him. How much true the Karma is! I used to tease a few people in my realm

when they have fallen head over heel in love with some person at first sight. Here I was infatuated to

this fine human at the first glimpse.

He playfully rotated his hands and snapped his finger. To my surprise, a dark black lotus appeared

between his thick fingers. This colour of the flowers doesn't exist! He really does have the magical

powers. He blinked in confusion and scratched his head. He was thinking that he did cast the wrong

spell. But he didn't.

"Thank you"

I said in a small voice. He looked at me without saying a word.

"I always liked dark flowers."

I whispered with the overwhelming feeling. He eyed me calculatively and before he could inquire

anything about me, I took off into the forest ignoring his calls.

I traced the silky petals of the flower he gave to me and touched my forehead where his lips touched


Why does something forbidden feel so right?

[To be continued...]

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