A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 38 Chapter 35

Chapter 38 Chapter 35

Kavi's POV


I was consumed into darkness and all I could see is black and my mind feels like spinning. I closed my

eyes and let the teleportation complete. Suddenly my butt hit a rock hard stone and another thud

indicated my mate was here. I went to him and found him blacked out. I checked his vitals and

analysed that he was normal but got lightheaded with the teleportation. I let out a sigh in relief. Why

would that mad man force my wolf out of my body? Won't Gods be kind and good-hearted? How could

he do such a cruel thing? Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

The place was pitch dark but I could see with my werewolf vision. I couldn't smell anything except a

faint smell of mist. I looked around and couldn't seem to find any source of light or door.

Where the heck I am?

But I instantly recognized the place when I saw a staircase behind me. I confirmed it was a cave-like

structure but was sealed without any gaps. I was teleported to the place where I use to meet that

mysterious man in my dream. And this teleportation power must be gained on my nineteenth birthday.

I realized if there was no ventilation, we will suffocate and die unless I find the way out soon. I

hesitantly placed my foot on the staircase and I felt a slight vibration. After checking my weight on the

stair and looking at my passed out mate one time, I started walking up using wolf vision. The place

started to vibrate as if the place was so sensitive to any move. I moved so slowly and climbed the

stairs. When I was on the last stair, I saw a vault-like door made of stone looking so new with this tightly

sealed place.

'Where are you?'

I whispered to myself but I couldn't hear him anymore.

I went near the vault and there were some symbols on the sides of the door. I could feel the swelling

happiness in my heart. An unknown excitement! Suddenly, my head started pounding and random

visions started flooding head. I couldn't recognize any. It was complete darkness. When I started

feeling normal, I looked at the door again. With that light-headed feeling, I extended my hand to touch

the symbols and before I could touch it, I felt a wave of electricity passed through me.

I withdrew my hand instantly and now I am fully sober from all the teleport and the visions invaded my

mind with that shock treatment. The place shook a little and I balanced myself till it got steady and

looked at the door again. But to my surprise, I could now understand the meaning of the symbols.

'A man was cursed here with the powers no one can imagine and bound by a spell to keep them within

here. Call his name and tell the words he wanted to listen to release him from the spell. Also..'

The lower part was damaged and I couldn't read the rest of the sentence. I sighed with a dry chuckle.

I don't know his name. I don't even remember his face. Maybe everyone had mistaken me for his

beloved. If I was his beloved, I would have remembered everything right? At least by now!

I know I am going to die here without oxygen. Maybe I should have submitted to that old man. Now

because of my stubbornness, my wolf and mate were also going to die with me. My hand slowly

caressed my bruised mark. I can't see Akhilan dying!

Maybe I should teleport back! That's right!

'Can you take us out of here?'

I asked my wolf. She was silent for a few seconds.

'We can't, this place has some spell that stops me from using teleportation. I think this is a one-way

route. We need to open that door if we want to survive.'

She said in a thinking tone.

I groaned and sat up next to that door in the darkness. I started thinking about that Mysterious man. He

always calls me Cupcake but never mentioned his name nor revealed his identity. I thought he was

helping me not to lose my wolf but here I was going to die because of him and I dragged my mate here

along with me into this mess.

Why I have to be so unlucky? This is why I didn't want anyone close to me. Misfortune always follows

me and the people close to me. No! I won't let my mate die like this. I have left everything in the hands

to destiny to decide and blamed it so far. But I can't leave it like that now.

I closed my eyes and tried to connect with him. But it was of no use. I walked back to my mate slowly

and transferred all my energy to him. I think this will work. He used to connect with me mostly when I

was asleep or unconscious. So I am going to try it that way. When I started feeling dizzy, I quickened

the pace of transferring my energy to him and fell into darkness.

I was so aware that I was unconscious. Though my mind was awake. I couldn't see anything other than

darkness but I could feel the presence of someone. My wolf vision wasn't helping me to see anything.

"Is that you?"

I asked into the darkness.

"What else do you expect?"

His voice came with a little sarcastic tone.

"What should I do to open the vault?"

I asked him. I heard him laughing. Even though the situation was critical, I could feel my heart reacting

to the sound of his laughter.

"You know what has to be done, Cupcake"

"I don't know what are the words I have to say neither your name. You are the reason why I'm here.

You should help me out."

"I can't do any help with that, Cupcake. You have to find it... for us!"

"No! I don't know who you are. Everyone had mistaken that I was your beloved. If we are so close, why

aren't you showing your face to me? I don't remember anything. Why my past had to haunt my

present? And what did you tell? For 'us'? How did you think I would leave my mate for you? I shouldn't

have trusted you and teleported here..."

I coughed and woke in my wolf form.

My body feels like freshly recharged. But my heart was paining. For a minute, I was confused but the

tingles on my right made me realise, my mate was awake. I turned and licked his face. I realised I was

forced out of the dream by him. He might have got angry with my harsh words. I can't bring myself to

be angry with him for forcing me out. I was too emotional and lashed out my inefficiency on him. I

mentally apologised to him.

I looked at my mate and he was unbuttoning his shirt. My wolf was drooling at the sight and his face

had a knowing smirk. I growled playfully and shifted. I wore his shirt and hugged him tightly. I could feel

that we are running out of oxygen and we started struggling to breathe. I shared what happened so far

through mindlink to my mate. He pulled me closer to him with a possessive growl. The place vibrates

for our every move and we got used to it now. I took in a deep breath and intertwined my fingers with

him before walking up the stairs to the vault.

I re-read the legible sentence on the vault door.

'A man was cursed here with the powers no one can imagine and bound by a spell to keep them within

here. Call his name and tell the words he wanted to listen to release him from the spell.'

"If I could recognize this language, then everyone was true about me being his beloved. He never did

any harm to me. So now all I have to do is to find a way to bring him out. Else, either way, we will die

out of suffocation or from the wrath of Moon God."

I whispered to my mate. He nodded his head in understanding and tightened his grip around my hip. I

closed my eyes and let my mind search the answer within the darkness of my closed eyes. I tried to

recall the vision I had before recognizing these symbols.

I could see a few images now.

A sparkling magnificent castle...

A shining black empty throne...

A garden with dark purple trees...

A silver swing...

A pond with black lotus...

I gasped when an image of my replica sitting on the steps of the pond with knee immersed in the pond

water. I focused on my replica and saw her smiling at something. My focus turned to the direction.

A man was facing at my replica and he was extending a big dark lotus to my replica. His fair broad

shoulder had a big tattoo of the snake behind the clouds! The same one I saw in the hall of the council


The images started taking the motion and I could now closely view them. He walks up to her and with

his free hand he scoops her up and kisses her lips holding her tightly against his wet body. His neck-

length black hair covers his face from my vision. They pulled away after a few seconds and he gives

those flowers to her. My replica was smiling widely and her purple eyes have nothing but love. The man

turns to the side from where I was looking at the vision. I try to focus my vision on his face. Time was

moving so slowly for my liking.

I opened my eyes when my eyes met with a pair of enthralling red pupils. I couldn't remember his face

but... his eyes! My heartbeat was on erratic rate and the breathing was so hard for me. The panicked

words of my mate weren't reaching my ears. The wetness on my cheek confirmed that I was crying. I

closed my eyes once again and tried to give figure to those mesmerising red eyes. I have come across

many rogues. But no one had such a pair of beautiful eyes. A wave of sadness of separation hit me

hard. My wolf was also sad and I could feel a presence of something within me. I opened my eyes and

looked at the worried pairs of grey eyes. I blinked a few time swallowing the feel of a block in my throat

from the sadness and stood up from his hands. I focused all my energy on my palm and extended my

hand hard towards the door.

Unlike last time, I could resist the shield now. I pressed it harder and shouted at the pain passing

through my body. I blocked my mate-bond to not make him completely feel what I was going through.

He wanted me to stop but a shield of a bubble was stopping him to come near me. I felt all my energy

was going away from my body. I pulled my hands exhausted, concluding the only way to open the door

is to solve the riddle.

I recalled that enticing red eyes. The presence of something within me was growing when I was

recalling the vision. I reminded the whole vision and stopped at his eyes. I feel like my head was

pounding when I focused on his eyes.


My lips automatically muttered his name. A wave of overwhelming feeling engulfed me when I said his

name. I want to chant his name and lose myself in that sweet sensation.

"His name is Maayan, Akhilan."

I said with over-excitement and tears in my eyes and he looked worried at my excitement.

"Akhilan, I could feel a strange connection with him. I know you are my mate, but I can't stop the love I

could feel for him in my heart."

I confessed him honestly. His eyes showed a painful expression but he sighed and nodded his head

understanding me. I hugged him. Our oxygen supply was getting low. Now I have found his name,

What were the words he wanted to hear from me?

"Maayan, I love you. Please come back to me!"

I muttered softly not wanting to show the trueness and sincerity in those words to my mate. I knew the

feel of how it would be when your mate is in love with another. The door remained still. If he didn't want

me to confess my love for him, what were the words he actually wanted me to say?

I closed my eyes and recalled everything with Maayan. I still couldn't remember his face. All he did was

to save me whenever my life was at stake and wanted me to come to him but I have scolded him


Would I have been the same in my previous birth? But why does he still love me even after all these


He is the God of darkness but why I couldn't think anything negative about him. So there was love for

him in my heart. I should trust him. I blinked my eyes open. He got angry and pushed me out of the

dream when I said...

"Maayan, I trust you. I trust you whole-heartedly. Please come back to me."

I waited for the reaction but the door was still.

I sighed and extended my hand. To my surprise, there was no more electric field guarding the door.

Akhilan touched my shoulder and looked at me encouragingly. I placed my palm over the knob like

structure on the door. The rough surface had some sharp stone which scraped my palm and my blood

oozed out covering the knob. I hissed and withdrew my hand but the door started glowing from the

corners and the brightness increased by every second. May be my blood was what had been

mentioned in that incomplete sentence on the door. A sound of loud thunder could be heard inside the

sealed door. I covered my eyes with the back of the hand and moved in front of Akhilan protectively.

I blinked my eye open again adjusting to the darkness. The door has vanished like magic. I intertwined

my fingers with Akhilan and we entered the open passage. It was a small room like structure and the

other side of the room was covered in darkness. We looked at each other and I looked back at the

darkness again. I gasped when the darkness displayed the same pair of red eyes. I slowly walked near

it, ignoring Akhilan's warning. He held my wrist just before I felt touching something and the second my

finger touched it, I was pulled into it and I cursed myself for acting without thinking. I held onto Akhilan's

hand tightly and I felt him engulfing me in an embrace while we teleported to somewhere. The feel of

tingles was something which made us calm down a bit.

I realised the whirling in my mind stopped but I still feel like floating. I inhaled the very fresh air around

me with my eyes closed. I heard him taking in deep breaths. I opened my eyes and looked around. The

place smells lifeless. I was floating above the castle. It was really fascinating to float but I have much

more important things to take care than to enjoy this feeling.

"Where the fuck we are?"

I heard Akhilan's confused and annoyed voice hiding me behind him in air.

"If my calculations are correct, we are in the realm of Darkness."

I said to him in whisper remembering the vision I had. Everything looked the same but the only thing is

the trees and the place was lifeless.

"Yes, Cupcake. You guessed it right. This is our realm."

I heard his voice behind me. My heart skipped a beat. My senses were in high anticipation to see him

for the first time. Or maybe after a long time. I slowly turned around hearing every beat of my heart loud

and clear.

It was like time had frozen when our eyes met. I never have seen so much love and adoration for me in

anyone's eyes. I took the time to study his features closely. He is shirtless but his waist was wrapped

with a loose pant like a costume. His black hair waving with the wind making my fingertips urge to tuck

them behind his black stone studded ear. His flat forehead had two dots near his left eyebrow. His thick

eyebrows and his red eye was something anyone would want to get lost forever. His perfectly shaped

nose makes my imagination go wild as my mind want to know what it would be like when he traces his

nose across my neck and down... Stop Kavi! His thick moustache and beard failed to hide his perfect

wide smirking velvety lips. He smells like water. Very fresh water! I licked my lips and let my eyes roam

around his neck, muscular chest, biceps and abs. He was huge. Almost seven feet in height. Bigger in

size than my mate.

My mate! Damn Kavi!

I turned around and saw Akhilan's nose flaring and realized the scent of my arousal was heavy in the

air. I was lusting for him and my wolf wasn't denying the fact that we are lusting for someone other than

our mate. But I can't help the way my body was reacting to this man in front of me. His raw scent of

fresh rain was so alluring to me. I knew I wasn't in the heat but just looking at him and his smell had

made me aroused like never before. Blood rushed to my cheeks at the thought. I was in the realm of

Darkness with my werewolf mate and the God of Darkness who claims me as his beloved. Very great!


I looked up at him.


He said in his deep voice making my body shiver. Even though I have heard his voice in dreams, the

real vibration of his voice travelling over the air to me had given my whole body a slight shiver. Our

connection was something on a whole different level. I took a step forward but my hand was pulled

back by Akhilan. His eyes were reflecting jealousy.

"What are you doing, Anjali?"

He asked in a scolding tone. I looked at his eyes with mixed emotions of anger for stopping me, guilty

for going to another male in front of his eyes, love and confusion as to not knowing what I should do.

Before I could talk, I heard Maayan's deep voice coming out in a hiss.

"If you want your head stays in its place, take your hand off her at this instance. You might be her

werewolf mate, but she is my beloved for eternity."

His words had the dominance that even made me cringe. But Akhilan didn't take his hand. I sighed and

looked up at Maayan.

"I really don't know what I should do now. My heart beats for both of you. I can't leave one of you for

another. Remember that first."

I sighed out my words in a whisper. I was replied with a groan and growl.

"I won't share you with anyone. You are mine."

Akhilan pulled me closer to him and looked at Maayan in a challenge. I moved away and looked at both

of them.

"Stop this now! We have greater problems than to discuss whom I belonged to."

I raised my voice and reminded them of the problem we have in our hand.

"Moon God is after us. He might know you were released and he would come to..."

I stopped before finishing it as it was too painful even to say.

"Anjali, our kind was loyal to Moon God. We can't go against him."

Akhilan looked at me concerned. Yeah! That's right. I can't even safeguard my wolf from him.

"You should gain back your power to fight against Moon God. I will be always staying by your side and

protect you."

I looked at him puzzled.

"Don't drag my mate into this. This is your war. You should fight it."

Akhilan growled out and his wolf was on the surface. I thought Maayan would get annoyed with my

mate's overprotective behaviour.

"Who told you it was my war? It wasn't mine. It was hers. She started it and she is the one going to end

it as well."

He said with a smirk making both of us confused.

"What do you mean?"

I asked him.

"The history what you were taught was wrong. The real war had happened between Chandran, the

Moon God and Layla, the Goddess of Darkness and it is you who was born as Kavithanjali now!"

[To be continued...]

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