A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 17 Chapter 14

Chapter 17 Chapter 14

Kavi's POV

If you remember, I have mentioned that I met a 'nutcase' on my visit to the Were's education

department. He was here and he has brought three bulk warriors with him. I entered the room and

looked at Alpha Sezhiyan questioningly. He showed the seat beside that nutcase and signalled me to

sit. That nutcase has silver hairs near his ears but his stong built and the dominating stance displayed

his power in his look and aura.

"Meet Manohar. He is one of the heads of our Supernatural council. And sir, this is Kavi you asked to


Sezhiyan introduced us. My eyes widened as I didn't know earlier he was one of the heads of the

council. The council has two of the strongest members from the supernaturals like Werewolves,

Vampires and Witches/Wizards. And he was one among the mighty six. I slightly bowed my head in

respect and he smiled at me with a nod.

"I want to take her for a mission, Sezhiyan. Maybe for the next week, she might be needed with me. I

will ensure her safety and I knew your concern for her. If you want, you can send someone with her.

This is a highly confidential mission and council feel that we need to keep the matter within fewer

people. So I can't tell you the details. I will be staying here tonight. I want to see your training methods

tomorrow. Then I will take leave with her for the mission. Do you have anything to say?"

He spoke to Sezhiyan.

I was more confused as I didn't know why he had chosen me. Because there are many warriors with

their wolf out there. Then why me?

"You know Manohar, I respect you and I won't ask for any details. I am proud that you have chosen one

of my pack member for your mission. We can decide who would be accompanying her after tomorrow's

training. I will make sure you get everything you wanted. It's an honour that you decided to stay at our

pack house."

Sezhiyan spoke with genuine expressions. That Manohar smiled at him and looked at me.

"Shall we go dear. I need to talk to you alone."

Manohar asked me. I nodded and stood up.

Logan came inside and bowed his head slightly at him and lead us to the second floor where already

Mukilan and other three warriors have been guarding. I smiled at Mukilan while passing them and

found the whole floor has been vacated for their use. He entered a room and his bulk warriors stood

outside. It was creepy to be with a completely strange old man.

"As I already told you, this is a highly confidential mission. I want you to make a blood oath for non-

disclosure of any details of this mission."

He asked me.

I nodded and took the knife kept with the fruits and cut my palm to pronounce 'I will never disclose any

details of the mission to anyone in my lifetime'.

He had a satisfied look and sat on the sofa and asked me to bring the laptop bag that was placed on

the bedside table. I obliged. He opened the bag and placed the laptop out and took a big envelope. He

gave the envelope to me. It has pictures of several screenshots of similar web pages but I noticed it

has different URL in each image. But the content was what shocked me the most. The page was 'an

invite to welcome the Darkness into the world again'. And to show the support for 'his' return.

Oh Moon! I looked up at him with wide eyes. He was looking at me calculatively.

"What does it mean, sir?"

I asked him calming my nerves.

"Someone has been doing this and there was one thing that the council feels threatened. Which is..."

"The increasing number of supporters!"

I finished for him as I saw the supporters count increased with each URL. He nodded his head.

"I think you are blocking the URLs but they are starting the page in different URL. You might have tried

tracking the device from where it was operating but the location might be changing within seconds. Am

I right, Sir?"

He looked impressed and nodded his head.

"Can I use this laptop?"

I asked him.

"Yes, dear. The hackers in the council office couldn't crack this. I knew you are an expert in online

hacking. So go ahead. I trust you."

I looked at him for a few seconds wondering how much he knows about me. I shrugged it off and I Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

switched on the laptop and connected it with my pack's WiFi and plugged in the USB drive that I

always carry with me which would look like a charm in my bracelet but it was a micro USB which has all

the .xap(app) files I might need.

I tried using the normal tracking method but it seems the firewalls were designed well. I installed a few

firewalls in that laptop to avoid any virus. I tried reverse hacking and failed with that too. I asked him to

give me time till night to try a few methods. I got into the next room thinking my ways to crack this

problem. I knew he has given me a week time but solving this sooner is better for everyone. We need

to know the power of the opponent to defeat them. Searching for the unknown opponent is always a


That thought boosted my rage as I too have such enemy and struggling for years to find him. I was

deep in thoughts as many high hacking programs were failing to crack the firewall. I recently studied

something about this in the book Mukilan gifted me for last birthday. The thing is sometimes we would

try highly technical things to hack it but we might be missing small thing which was the real loophole.

So I tried cracking it with a combination of the old method and to my surprise the firewall allowed me to

get inside. But the main problem is it may take some time to load the details as it needs to break

multiple firewalls. I went to Manohar's room and told him about my progress. Logan came in to call us

for dinner. I asked Manohar to go as I need to be here as soon as the loading completed. He agreed

and went to have his dinner after leaving two of his warriors for guarding the room. On returning,

Manohar brought me food. I thanked him and waited for the loading to complete. I doubt that it might be

a trap too. But after an hour, I found this had actually worked and the device was located in the

freeman land in between our Green Ocean pack and the other side neighbouring pack, Crimson Moon

Pack. I told that to Manohar. He gave me a proud look and his aura showed wonder and happiness.

He called the council to inform the progress. The council decided to survey the area tonight and make

move if the risk was less and their people were on their way to help us in the mission. I need to go with

them to pinpoint the location. Manohar informed his need for some warriors to Alpha Sezhiyan. He

arranged Aryan Uncle, Dhaya, Mukilan and Akhilan along with few warriors. Mithun and Logan would

be staying at the pack to ensure our safety along with Alpha. Soon the warriors came from the council.

The ten pack members were assembled in Alpha's office and he instructed them to keep the secrecy of

this mission and to obey all commands from Manohar.

"I want one of you to keep Kavi safe. Everybody will go to the field and even though she was a good

fighter, I want a person to be with her all the time."

Manohar stated in common to all the guys. My eyes went to Akhilan who has looked at me exactly at

the same time. My wolf purred just for our mate looking at us. And as I feared he stepped forward.

"If you don't mind, I will protect her, Sir."

Manohar looked at me for approval and sensed my hesitancy. I know his instincts will make him

protective over me but keeping him closer to me will spoil my plans.

"What do you say, Kavi? Do you think he is capable of protecting you?"

He asked me but I felt there was inner meaning in it because his look and aura showed curiosity. I

shrugged it off and replied with a deep breath.

"Sorry Manohar, Akhilan is the future Head warrior. He is fully capable of protecting me. But I prefer

Mukilan to be with me. He knew me well and it would be easy for me to work with a friend rather than a

person whom I just knew the name."

I sensed Akhilan nose flaring and his happy aura when I said he could protect me changed to rage and

sadness when I said I want Mukilan to be with me.

"Very well then. Who is Mukilan? Come forward and take charge!"

Manohar instructed.

Mukilan stepped forward and walked my side and smiled warmly. I returned the smile and we

proceeded to the jeeps. Manohar has told everyone the plan to sense how many people were there

first before proceeding to inquire and he want everyone alive to enquire the sudden reason for the

invite and he wants to know the full details as most of the people didn't even know the name of the

darkest creature as his history was buried with him. So he wants to know what was the reason to

spread such news among the people.

We reached the freeman land where I was getting the signal and the place came to be an open land

and there was just single hut in the centre of the two miles radius. Few people shifted to their wolf. I

transferred the tracking details to my mobile and left the laptop there and turned night mode to avoid

unnecessary lighting at this midnight. We surrounded the place and there was no sign of any guards

around there. From the backside, we circled the hut. I found some satellite dish on top of the hut and

the place was awfully smelling. The person must be a rogue wolf.

Aryan uncle and Akhilan opened the unlocked door and we entered inside. It was a big single room. A

very old man was sitting with his legs crossed and hands in meditating posture on the bed and the

other side of the room were filled with computer and batteries. Five wolves quickly surrounded him and

growled loudly to wake him up.

He slowly opened his eyes and his eyes surveyed the room. His eyes landed on me and his eyes

widened making me confused. He stood up and knelt in my direction ignoring warning growls from the

wolf surrounding him. I was startled at his behaviour. But what he said next took my breath away.

"He is waiting for you!".

The same words I use to listen to my every birthday night dreams. I backed away and my back hit the

computers filled in the room. The screen came to life and the familiar website on display came to life.

"Who is waiting for me? Who are you talking about?"

I asked in a whisper. But he didn't reply. Manohar looked at me curiously.

"Do you know her? Who is waiting for her?"

Manohar asked him in dominant voice but he just smiled at him and looked at me.

"Don't take long to go to him. Let the world get prepared for his arrival!"

With that said to my direction, he drew a dagger from his pant and stabbed his heart. I felt my heart

stopping at the sight. I have killed wolves before but never seen a suicide before and his confusing

words were scaring me for some reasons. Was he talking about the darkest creature or someone my

destiny had planned to?

I was holding my mobile tightly near my chest. Aryan uncle and Mukilan were trying to shake me off the

shock. After a few seconds, I muttered that I am okay and turned towards the computer to type the

codes to stop the automatic regeneration of websites and deleted the pages without any trace of its

presence. The system was clean except for the details of the website. No traces of anyone

communicating him. I tried rebooting with recovery mode but nothing useful. I went to jeep without

waiting for anyone as Manohar ordered for spot autopsy.

Who is he? What does he mean? Who the hell is waiting for me?

"Are you okay?"

I was startled with Manohar's voice.


I replied honestly.

"Have you ever seen that wolf before?"

I nodded my head negatively. He sighed and patted my shoulder.

"There wasn't any clue regarding who he is and why he did that. He had poison before we come. Even

if we caught him alive, he would have died before reaching the pack lands. The doctor was telling he

doesn't look like a mentally stabled person. Maybe that's why he created such confusion among


He tried to make me calm.

"But why he said that to me? Wait! He had poison? So how did he know we are coming for him? What

if we missed the real culprit and caught this insane man?"

I spoke nervously.

"There was no other scent other than him for the five-mile radius and there were no traces of masking

scent. Mukilan ensured it. I knew he was the best tracker in our state. So trust me. He was too old and

all these might be a coincidence. Don't get worked up. Trust me. You are telling he was a total stranger

and I believe you. I will look up his history and let you know if I find anything. Moon God will let the

council know if there are any chances for 'him' coming back. Thank you for your help. But now go home

and sleep. We will speak everything tomorrow."

I just nodded my head as his answer was convincing but still, there was a nag at the bottom of my

heart. But I took his advice and went home with one of the warriors.

I couldn't get a blink of sleep with the image of the old man's death kept on flashing before my eyes all

night. When I went to the training ground, I saw Manohar taking push-ups. I walked to Mithun and

teased him that he got a new student. He let out a nervous laugh as the presence of council head

member using his ground has really made him nervous and excited. I could feel that in his aura and

looked at the training ground which was filling with people. My wolf perked up and the scent of rain and

pineapple filled my lungs. I looked up at the ground and found my mate coming our way but he was not

alone. A certain shameless she-wolf was clinging on to him. Manohar came our way and looked at me

with a smile.

"We got some information on that man. And I hope you would be relieved after knowing that. Now I

want to see how Mithun has been training this pack. Whom should I call?"

He asked playfully and it was so strange to see this side of his. He was so full of business last day.

"Maybe my son would help you to prove it, Sir."

Mithun stated proudly and I noticed Akhilan reached near us. My throat dried on seeing his delicious

body so close. With all my remaining self-control, I looked away with a sigh. The last thing I want is to

someone smell my arousal early this morning. I stepped back and looked at them. My wolf was so

eager to watch him in action.

"Yes, Mithun. You could count on my mate. See his muscles."

Pooja openly flirted with him pushing my wolf on edge for touching what's ours.

I glared at her and looked up at his face. Akhilan had a smirk but didn't speak anything. My wolf wants

to rip her away and claim him as ours. I looked at Manohar to divert my wolf's attention. He cracked his

knuckles and winked at me before entering the circle. Soon they were fighting neck to neck.

Irrespective of his age, Manohar was fighting well and in their wolf form, I recognized Manohar is an

Alpha and it made me feel proud that my mate could engage in a fight with an Alpha. The whole pack

was watching the fight. But at last, Manohar managed to pin him down and let out a victorious howl

after Akhilan's submission.

I was happy however as Akhilan gave his best on the fight. But Pooja had a different plan. She shouted

at him that he couldn't even defeat an old wolf and left the place. Everyone silently left to their places.

But I could feel the joys of watching the match disappeared from her behaviour. Akhilan stood there

inside the circle in his wolf form with his head down. Leave my wolf, my human part couldn't bear to

see him like this.

"Hey Akhilan. I knew we are not always in good terms. But you did put up a great fight. Victories and

defeats are normal in life. And you have tried your best. He is an Alpha wolf and well-experienced

council member. Standing against him for this long shows your efficiency. You didn't submit on his look,

you stood on your grounds and fought the challenge well. Don't take her words to your heart. We have

all our life to get better. Cheer up. Go for a run and let the frustration out and come back in your real


He nodded his big head with his eyes twinkling with determination. I wanted to run my hand across his

golden fur and hug him to make him feel better. But the time hasn't come. And I have my mission to

accomplish. I smiled at him and decided to go back inside. I freshened up and went to the second floor

and knocked at Manohar's door.

"Come in, Kavi."

I looked at him curiously for the details he found.

"The old man's name is Sreedharan. His parents were also rogues and he was born as a rogue, He

lived all his life in that hut and only came out to hunt and to learn computer. He has craze over

computer and internet. The rogue circle confirmed that he was deranged after his parents' death. He

did his degree in computer. He will always speak about the darkness to all the passersby. Soon the

rogues avoided going there. Even though they were criminals, all weres were loyal to Moon God. So

they stopped passing through the place and it was like his territory for the past few years.

Sometimes he would go to the human city to sell the things he gathered from hunting and would always

buy notes on the computer. Like that he used the money to buy those computers. There seems no

threat with him. He is just one insane wolf. So let it go and continue your life peacefully like it never

happened. Okay?"

I nodded my head as only I knew that it was related to my dream.

"Do you want to tell me anything? I could help!"

He stated on seeing me thinking. I gave him a small smile and thanked him for telling the details to me.

He might have just left after his work had done but he told me these details to give some peace to me.

But I wanted to ask him something.

"I want to ask you one thing. It's nothing about this mission though. Can I ask?"

I asked politely. He smiled and nodded.

"You might have known about my birth. And no one knew about him. You are well experienced and you

might have come across lots of people. Do you remember seeing someone similar to me? It need not

be him. Maybe his relatives and from them, I could find who he is. I have been searching for him for the

past six years..."

I breathed out deeply not wanting to show my rage to him.

"Why are you searching for him?"

He asked in a blank tone.

"To avenge my mother and for my life!"

I told him in a calm tone hiding the amount of desire I have for doing the same. He gave me a calm


"You are young. Life has so much for you. Leave this vengeance and concentrate on finding your mate

and start a life with him. And I can't tell anything now. Destiny will soon put him in front of you."

My eyes lit up as soon as he said the last sentence. A wave of determination engulfed my form. As if I

sucked the energy of a bunch of peoples, my body was so filled with power. I heard his sigh.

"We can't stop something destined. Be ready for whatever the future brings. We will meet soon! Take

care, dear."

He took his briefcase and went out.

I followed him and went home to get ready for my college. While I came out to go to the college, I found

a bouquet of my favourite red roses with a note in front of the door stating

'Thank you very much, Wolfie! We are always on the wrong foot but your words helped me to get a grip

on the situation. As you said, I will work on getting better. Thanks once again for helping me in my low


Wow! I got a romantic mate! So chweet!

A big smile made its way to my face. I kept the flowers in a vase and his note inside my special box

which has my special things. I dreamily did my chores and went college resuming my regular life.

[To be continued...]

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