A Moment in Destiny

Chapter 823 Extra Story 3 Impostor

Chapter 823 Extra Story 3 Impostor

Five years ago.

City B.

The radio was announcing the news of City B in a summer afternoon. According to the station’s news, “A woman's corpse was found at the intersection point of the Western Suburbs of River City B and JS Road. The woman’s age was about 20 years old. Her death time was approximately 72 hours. The possibility of homicide was not excluded as the corpse’s identity was still under investigation…”

Natalie Graham’s heart skipped a beat after hearing the news. Her heart was beating vigorously a few times of a sudden. Homicide? Suicide?

Before Nat took some time to think more about it, suddenly, the door of her house was opened. Her father, Kane Graham walked in sullenly.

Nat slightly shook the radio and then spoke to Kane, “Dad, there is a murder case appearing again over the Western Suburbs!”

Kane said nothing. He went straight to the sofa and sat down. He seemed hesitant to say something.

“Dad?” Nat didn't know what happened to her father. She thought maybe he was recalling the sad things again. Therefore, she just kept quiet.

Then, Kane broke the silence out of the blue, “Nat!”

“Dad, anything?”

“...” Kane’s hesitant speaking mode made Nat feel uneasy. She was looking at her father with her breath being held.

While she was thinking, she finally heard Kane’s words in his long sigh, “Nat, two of us have been relied on each other for 20 years. Do you think dad being nice to you?”

“Dad, to me, you are the best person ever. Nobody loves me more than you!” She felt guilty when she thought of her father who hadn't remarried for her sake.

“I am going to take revenge for your mum and brother!” Kane continued his words.

Nat’s heart did a flip, “Dad, I also share the revenge. Just tell me, is there any evidence for it?”

“No evidence!” Kane rubbed his forehead, “But there is a great opportunity!”


“The female corpse in the River City B is actually Rae Baxter!” Kane said.

Nat’s eyes were widened suddenly. Rae? The woman who looked 100% alike as Nat herself? The woman was actually Rae? She was the enemy's daughter! It turned out that she was the deceased woman? !

Nat couldn't describe her feeling at the moment but she felt bad and her heart shuddered of a sudden.

Kane looked up and took a glimpse at Nat with an observing look in his eyes.

“Dad, how did she die?”

“It doesn't matter how she died. The most important thing now is that I want you to become the impostor, go to Rae’s house and become their daughter!”

Nat’s almond-eyes became wide again when she heard Kane saying that, “Dad, this is absurd!”

“Don’t you want to avenge your mother and brother?”

Nat was stunned and became speechless again.

According to Kane, she would be an impostor and go to Rae’s house. From that day onwards, she would need to give up everything in her past and sustain the great responsibility of avenging her mother and brother. Even if she did it successfully in the end, she knew that it was difficult for her to be back to her normal life. Another important thing would be, how did she meet Marcel Hopkins again?

Nat felt that she was suffocating when she thought of the result that she might never be able to have any interaction with Marcel in the rest of her life. She had been waiting for so long and she finally had a little chance to interact with her Mr. Right and yet it went to an abrupt end. How could she deal with it?

Her silence had drawn Kane’s dissatisfaction out. His brows were already frowned and the dissatisfaction in his eyes had overflowed.

When Nat thought of the tough time that her father had gone through, she looked at the grey hair on his temples. She tightened her lips. Then, it seemed that she had made her decision and said deliberately, “Dad, you have my words, don't be angry!”

Kane’s brows finally relaxed a little bit after hearing the good news. However, the frown on his face which looked like three deep gullies in between his brows had been formed long ago as he had been depressed for many years. It also indicated that he was having so much grief in his heart.

Kane’s eyes were filled with satisfaction when he heard of Nat’s answer. Then, his tone was changed to a helpless old tone, “Nat, I will not be able to live well for the rest of my life if I can’t take revenge for your mum and brother. Please forgive my selfishness. I'm sorry, Nat!”

Nat could barely remember how long her father hadn’t called her nickname ‘Nat’. She felt strange to hear that kind of pampering tone from him. Nat felt sad in her heart and bit her lip. “Dad, can I have my identity back after then?”

Kane looked at her and said, “If you are able to get the evidence successfully, I will help you recovering your identity. But if you failed to do so, just be Rae for the rest of your life, and we, father and daughter would not meet each other since then!”

“Dad!” Nat cried out in surprise.

“Anyway, you must get the evidence. Bare in your mind, you are Rae, the only heir of Leonard Baxter from now on. I have shown you all the information about Baxter family. I will let you know the detailed information of Rae in the police academy later. I will ask someone to collect and send the data to you. Just take all these things and go to Rae’s house now!” Just as Kane finished his words, he gave a bag to Nat. Nat was surprised to see Rae’s identity card in the bag.

Nat was staring at the photo on the identity card. It was a young face that looked exactly same as herself. Nat wondered how could they looked so alike! When Nat was staring at Rae’s photo, her eyes were struck by an inexplicable sadness. She thought maybe she just felt weird to see another face that was highly similar to hers, especially that young woman had already left the world.

From the day she went to Rae’s house, she would live a totally different life. Nat just felt lost and she couldn’t see through her own future.

City B.

Five years later.

Just as Rae got back to the police station, she received a task.

It was a homicide. The scene of the crime was located at South Road which was the area with the most inconvenient traffic and trading.

When Rae reached the scene with her captain and team members, she saw a young woman with her lower part of body naked lying in the grass. The woman’s head was stained with blood and they could see that her blood was drying up.

Although Rae had been a criminal police officer for three years, she still couldn’t control herself but sigh for the pity woman who had been dead for a while in such a miserable way.

Rae took a deep breath after spending a moment on sighing. Then, she put on a mask and a pair of gloves to check the state of the deceased woman together with a forensic doctor.

Afterwards, Rae reported to her captain, “The victim, female, aged around 20-22 years old. There were no clothes placing next to the corpse. There were blood stains on the east side of the road and a blood stained wooden stick with 29 mm diameter on the south side of the road. The deceased woman was beat by a blunt weapon on her head for several times and her death was caused by head injuries. There was semen in the deceased woman’s vagina. The preliminary analysis indicated that the first crime scene was here, but the possibility of this place as the second scene of crime wouldn’t be excluded too. According to the state of the corpse, the death time of the deceased woman was analyzed as 24 hours before the inquisition!”

The captain frowned and said seriously, “Keep looking for evidence. Don't let go of anything!”

“Yes, Sir!”

Rae inspected the crime scene again carefully. There was no footprint except the wooden stick. If the place was the first crime scene, it should be some traces over there. However, it didn’t seemed to be like that.

The deceased woman was lying in the grass and facing the sky. Her clothes were messed up and her face was hideous. She probably had been tortured before death. At that instant, Rae felt she was unsure whether the deceased woman was hit to death or being raped to death.

Rae and her team members were searching for clues at every single corner of the scene. Rae guessed that it was not the first scene of the crime.

After a round of inspection, the captain commanded, “Let’s go back!”

Then, all of them got ready to be back.

When they were back to the police station, the captain gave her a command, “Rae, go to the forensic doctor and wait for the confirmation of the deceased’s identity!”

“Yes, Sir!”

Three hours later, Rae was back. She knocked on the door of her captain's office, “Captain, the identity of the deceased woman has been confirmed. Her name was Philippa, 8-level student from the Communication University with major of broadcasting. The initial results of the autopsy showed that she was raped before and after her death. The semen has sent to the laboratory for testing and the result of DNA will be out tomorrow.”

“Let’s go to the Communication University!” The captain grabbed the key and brought Rae to the Communication University after putting on his plain clothes. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Soon, they arrived at Philippa’s dorm of the Broadcasting Department.

After showing their identities to the students there, they finally entered Philippa’s dorm. Rae saw that Philippa’s bed was arranged neatly. The dormitory was prepared for four people to live in. The computer desks and cupboards were underneath the beds. Philippa’s things were organized neatly.

Rae put on her gloves and checked Philippa’s relics carefully. She packed the things into boxes as she wanted to bring them back for sorting and analysis. Finally, they carried the things away after they had organized everything.

When they had made a final check and ensured that nothing was left there, Rae saw a small sequin placing under the computer desk. It looked like a memory card. Rae was stunned for a while. Then, she walked over and picked it up. Since the thing was so tiny, she just assumed it was not evidence and simply put it in her bag. She had no idea what information contained in the card and she couldn't judge it at the moment. Thus, she decided to bring it back and take a look of it!

The relics of Philippa were brought back. Then, it was followed by an interrogation towards the students in the same dorm of Philippa. The other three girls in the dorm said that there was nothing unusual before Philippa’s death because Philippa had always been very cheerful and they even sing karaoke together before the tragedy!

A transcript was made but there was no favorable testimony.

After that, Rae went back to her team.

Rae checked the information in the memory card just as she got back to the station. After turning on the phone, Rae was stunned when she saw the picture.

It was a picture of the woman who had the same face as her. Rae was astonished and closed her eyes abruptly. Then, she turned off the phone, kept the card and tried to conceal her increased heart rate.

She was exhausted when she returned home as she had worked overtime until late night. Her habits from work always kept her on alert. She felt a little strange tonight. She was still thinking about the case of the day. ‘Who was the one raped Philippa to death? What was going on with the pictures kept in the memory card? Hadn’t the woman in the picture have been dead for five years? How could her photo be kept in Philippa’s memory card?’

Rae was feeling a little tired and hungry due to her overtime work at that night. She just walked into a ramen restaurant and ordered beef ramen when she saw that there was a snack bar opened by the

street. Then, she got ready to go home after she finished her meal and became full.

She stayed in an old house which located at a remote area. Thus, she needed to enter an alley. She had been fighting with Leonard for five years and she just stayed outside recently as she was a bit tired of it.

The street light in the alley was defective and it was quite dim. She was walking on her way home. Her instinct brought numbness to her back. She felt something wrong. It seemed that someone was following her. She didn't stop walking and continued to move forward.

Out of the blue, she stopped and turned around as fast as lightning.

There was a tall figure behind her who was standing ten meters away from her. Since the place was too dark, she couldn’t see the person's face clearly. However, she was sure that the person was following her!

At the particular moment, another idle, well-recognizable man’s voice came from the other side of a sudden. To her surprise, her heart was thumping vigorously after hearing his voice.

What he said was, “Miss, your things dropped!”

Rae turned her head and saw another tall figure standing on the other side of the alley. He was standing there with a determined outline. Eh? Why didn't she hear the sound of his footsteps just now? Where did the person in front of her come from?

She looked back and then only she found that the person who followed her just now had disappeared!

It was strange!

Then, the person who just told her that her things dropped came over and stood still in front of her.

Rae was startled as the man who was standing in front of her in the darkness had a strong aura. His strong magnetic field that could just make people suffocate let Rae take one step back subconsciously.

Then, she could hear a faint laughter above her head. It was so husky, euphony and it seemed very familiar to her as if the voice had been engraved in the depths of her mind.

“I didn't drop anything!” She was getting a little frustrated. What did he laugh at?

The man nodded and he seemed to stop laughing. He said, “I know it!”

Rae was not stupid. She got his point immediately, “Did you see someone following me just now?”

“Yeah!” The man hummed softly.

“Did you see the person clearly just now?”


“Then why are you calling me?” She was astonished.

“Why not!” he replied.

She took out the torchlight from her pocket and turned it on.

Rae was trembling when she saw his face, she was so nervous and shocked. Marcel!

He was Marcel Hopkins, the man she hadn’t seen for many years.

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