A Girl’s Diary

Chapter 24: Chaptet 23 - Two Birds, No Stone!

Chapter 24: Chaptet 23 - Two Birds, No Stone!

I was having a major panic attack. They knew my school, the year I was in... the only thing left was

revealing my name... That was surely a nightmare. Real-life couldn't be like that!

"Her name is... Fabia." Bryan said. I sucked in a breath. I didn't even notice I stopped breathing but my

lungs sure noticed and minded.

"What the bloody hell? That idiot, how can I be that queen-bee?" I was now offended actually. He could

have picked any other girl but no, he chose Fabia. I didn't look like Fabia nor did I have the same


"Cinnamon looks like one, nerdy." Loca giggled. "It's so obvious." That crazy girl!

"Girl, what are you talking about? I'm drop-dead gorgeous." I stood on the couch posing while she

continued laughing. "How could he not figure it out?" I said dramatically. "I'd prefer Alice over the new

girl. Since Fabia is just her minion, Alice is better." I dropped back to the couch making it bounce


"Roger that, nerdy." Loca saluted. "Your secret is safe now." She sighed hugging me to her small

frame. I hugged her back letting all my stress fade. "I was so worried about you." She mumbled against

me. Me too, Loca. Me too.

I was so ready to get to bed but to my utter dismay when my eyes got heavy and my brain ready to

shut down, my door was swung open. Whoever that was, I was murdering them.

"I come in peace, Twinkle." I squinted my eyes shut as he opened the lights. Why would we need light?

Why was he even here?

"You're in so much trouble if you don't let me sleep." I covered my face with my pillow hoping it was

enough to block the lights and hopefully the sound too. News flash: it didn't.

"But I got you your birthday present." I could literally feel him pouting. I knew him that well. And

apparently, he did too. I'd never say no to a present.

"Okay, show me." I grinned.

"It's not much but for the record, I didn't know what to get for the girl who had everything. You're even a

star. What do you get that kind of person?"

"Whatever it is, I love you." I smiled. He sighed and handed me a small box. I was feeling stupidly

happy while I opened it. I was a way too cute anklet. I had never worn one but this. This was going to

be put on forever.

It had little musical notes in silver with a tint of electric blue and flashes of white. It was woven at the

top like a braid with a darker shade of grey.

"Tommy!" I lunged at him, hugging him so hard. "I love it." I almost cried.

"Look at the clasp." I did. There written on it 'T&T' Tommy and Twinkle. I laughed so hard and he

grinned. That boy was childish. "But you can't have it unless you give me my present." What was I

saying? Ah yes, childish.

"Who said I got you one?" I asked putting on my anklet. He looked at me with sad puppy eyes while

pouting. Okay, okay, I was giving in! "Here." I moved towards my walk-in closet to get him his gift.

Tommy was obsessed with one thing. And that was watches. He followed me in and when he opened

the box, he gave me a tight hug. It cost me a fortune since only three of it were made but well, he

deserved it!

"Ooh, you wrote something there!" He threw his head in laughter. Yep, I was even more childish than

him. I ordered 'Twinkle is za coolest' to be engraved on it. "The irony, the girl who's never on time got

me a watch!" Hey, sometimes I got on time!

I was dreading Monday. But it came anyway. I tried to prepare myself with a good cup of black coffee.

Its bitter aroma filling my nostrils. I almost moaned at the taste. But then my mind started swirling with

ideas. Why would I have to see Fabia and do nothing? So messed up! Maybe the earth would crumble

and swallow her?

When the sky falls...

Fabia will die...

And I'll be so happyyyy...

No wait, that was messed up!

Eventually, I had to go to school. Almost everything went alright. Keyword here: almost. Classes went

fine. However, during lunch break, Fabia kept getting fans. It was peachy! I was sitting with Sky at our

normal table with Jason, Tommy, Cici, Louis and Dave. I so did not belong to this table, but whatever.

"Do you really think Cinnamon is Fabia?" Sky asked. Nope! But I couldn't tell them.

"No," Tommy said. No, best friend, you shouldn't do this. "She doesn't have that aura around her."

"Well, I think it's her. I mean look at her, dude. She's gorgeous." Dave replied. Staring ahead at Fabia

who was surrounded by admirers. Enjoy it while it lasted, honey.

"But what about her eyes?" Louis asked. A point to Louis!

"Maybe they are just contacts," Jason said. My eyes were not contacts, I wanted to scream. Could they

stop talking about me? "I mean who has that eye colour?" Me! I did!

I tuned them out for the rest of lunch break. I had a free session and so did Louis and I was bored. So, I

decided it was time to make him suffer a little. Just a little bit.

"Louis, I need a drink," I told him and headed to the bleachers. It was so hot but ideas for my new

album were pouring out of me. I got my notebook out and started scribbling. Louis came back a few

minutes later with my drink. He got me orange juice?!

"You know, I wanted a coke, not juice." I smiled and his eyes widened but then he hurried back with a

groan. Yeah, I was going to do this for a while. After the fifth time of sending him for a cube of ice. He

looked flushed and sweaty. So, the kind girl I was, decided to give him a bit of break. I even offered him

one of the drinks he got me which he downed in mere seconds.

"You're bossy." He said after collapsing beside me. I grinned at him, increasing his irritation. "When is

this going to end, exactly?"

"By Friday. Don't worry. I wouldn't want to keep you around for more." I shrugged.

"Do you know how many girls would kill to be in your position?"

"Nearly every airhead. So a lot." I replied he smirked. This was not a compliment, idiot. Ugh!

When classes ended, I was so ready to go home. But then I remembered, I had a class to teach. A

class full of a-holes. Well, not all of them but the majority. There were Louis, Sky, Adam and four others

I didn't know their names yet. Tommy was asking if I needed a lift home. I came with him this morning.

It seemed like a good idea not to drive my car and since we were practically neighbours, it was Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.


"No, I, unfortunately, have a chemistry class to teach." I sighed in frustration.

"That's something I want to see. I'm coming." I eyed him up like he'd grown a second head. Who was in

their right mind to waste their time on this? Oh, wait! Tommy didn't have a mind!

When I entered, they were all already there with the exception of Adam. Good, I didn't need to see him.

And nor did Sky! I didn't bother with introductions, this was temporary until our next chemistry exam.

"Did you hear about the chemist who was reading a book about helium?" Tommy said the moment I

was about to start. "He couldn't put it down." They all snickered secretively while I glared at him.

When they finally calmed a little, I decided to start with the basics. It would be better since their grades

were awful. I made everything as simple as it could ever get. Damn, I was proud of myself.

"Elena, why is potassium K when it starts with a P?" Tommy asked. I swear I was about to kill him. That

was why he wanted to come? He was a chemistry genius, I knew something wasn't adding up. He

chuckled while trying to muffle the sound with his hand. I ignored him and turned around to continue my

lesson. "One atom as-" He started to say but when I turned around glaring at him, he shut up.

"Continue the damn joke then shut up forever." He gulped visibly.

"One atom asked the other are you alright?" They were all looking at him now. Where was that

attention while I was explaining. "So the other said: No, I lost an electron." He was laughing so hard

now. "So the other replied: Are you sure?" He took a deep breath to calm his hysterical laughing. "So it

said: Yes, I'm positive!" He threw his head back laughing his heart out. He was such a dork!

"Now, back to our lesson..." I began once more explaining and asking questions to everyone every now

and then to make sure they understood. I was taking this very seriously.

"What the hell?" I heard Tommy exclaim. Now what?

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't throw you out right now?" I crossed my arms.

"Umm..." He trailed. Then I noticed something in his hand. Was that a note?

"Thomas Baker, what's in your hand?" I approached him.

"Nothing!" He shrieked tossing the paper to Sky. Her eyes widened like a frightened rabbit when I

lunged at her but she threw him the paper back.

Tom looked around then before he could do anything, I snatched it.

'Her ass looks great from here' Was written in the paper.

"Who the hell wrote this shit?" I had a suspect, Louis? "You know what? We're done today." I was


"Can I tell a joke now?" Tom asked. No, idiot. You can abso-bloody-lutely not!

"Shoot." A boy said softly. Now, I felt bad I didn't even get to know their names.

"Why do white bears dissolve in water?" Tommy asked. I swear he was getting on my nerves. Was that

how teachers felt? Now, I felt sad about them.

"Why?" Louis asked him.

"Because they're polar!" He laughed like a maniac. I sighed in disbelief and started to collect my things

to get out of here.

"If only we were learning about James bond!" Sky giggled high-fiving Tommy as if they were the joke

masters. Of all the people in the world, these two were my best friends! Why?

Teenagers are idiots. Even if I was insulting myself too that way. It had to be said. No, these bunch

were an insult to stupid teens. This was going to be a very long month.

I was waiting for Tommy by his car when I noticed Fabia. Ugh! Not her! Again! Guess what? My blood

was boiling. She was surrounded by paparazzi and telling lies. I was so freaking ready to scratch her

eyes out.

She had three seconds to admit she wasn't Cinnamon.



She was done now!

"Don't you even think about it," Tommy said the moment I hopped off his car hood. Ugh!

"I wasn't going to do anything!" I raised my hands in surrender.

But Cinnamon was!

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