A Girl Adopted

Chapter 25- Amara

Chapter 25- Amara

We all sat down in the living room of the meeting house in almost a circle. Leo introduced me to the

rest of the people which were Stanley who is second in command of the pack, Riley i.e. Stanley's mate,

Stella who is Leo's mate and Mathew. Abigail is Mathew's mate. Leo found his mate last Saturday

morning when he went for a run. She was in Greycoast on a vacation but now is moving here to live

with Leo. Well that was kind of fast. Way too fast actually. Caleb is sulking because he is the only one

in the pack who didn't find his mate. I sat in the middle and told them everything from the beginning till

the present. There was pin drop silence in the room. Asher spoke first,

"Now I know why I felt so familiar when we went to your place." He said thinking.

"So you are trying to say that you have met our wolves before." Leo said still confused out of his mind.

This guy is too slow for an Alpha.

"Yes." I agreed.

"That is impossible. I don't believe this." He said a bit outraged. Well that was a much unexpected


"I can prove you wrong." I said smugly.

"How?" he asked narrowing his eyes at me.

"I know how everyone's wolves look like and I have seen only Asher's wolf form so far."

"I get where you are going." He said calculating the situation.

"Leo your wolf is honey brown in colour." I said simply.

"How do you know that?" he asked getting off of his chair.

"I told you everything but you don't believe me." I said irritated.

"I still don't believe you." He added stubbornly.

How stupid can you be? I might be overreacting though. I mean this whole thing sounds unbelievable.

How should I make him believe? Should I tell him how everyone’s wolf looks like? Maybe that way he

will believe that I am telling the truth.

"Sam's wolf is pitch black. All the others are a mixture of grey, white and black." I said patiently.

"She must have seen us shift sometime." Mathew shouted. Grumpy much.

"Yeah and you didn't feel or smell me while I was snooping on you. Isn't that impossible with your

heightened senses?" I rolled my eyes at him. He got up and stood right in front of me, huffing loudly.

"Are you questioning my ability? I am only tolerating you because you healed my mate. That doesn't

mean you can feed lies to us and I will stand down. You can be a witch for all we know." This guy is

really pissing me off. He is even shaking with anger. He seems to be in a dire need of anger

management sessions.

"Do you mind moving back a bit, your spit is flying on my face? I feel really sorry for whoever of my

family is stuck with you." That sounded mean. Oops! But he started it. I mean I didn't do anything to


"Oh I will show you, how whoever is stuck with me will not feel bad after cutting you open." He snarled.

"ENOUGH", Leo ordered.

But it was already late. Mathew started shifting. We all went outside as the space was limited in the

house and crowed with so many people. The guys stood in front of their mates and Caleb stood in front

of Abigail. But why are they protecting his mate from him? He won't hurt her right. Holy shit!! Does

those burn mark on her face has anything to do with Mathew? I will ask them later. Out came a wolf. He

is none other than Logan. How did the calmest wolf of my family, got stuck with a ticking time bomb?

He looked straight at me and growled. I can feel Asher getting tense.

"Back off Mathew and shift. We don't want a repeat of your anger episodes." Leo ordered but Mathew

or Logan wouldn’t listen.

Will I be able to calm him down like Oliver? But for that I have to go near him. That seems nearly

impossible right now. He growled again, louder this time. Did he just disobey his Alpha? How could he

dare to do that? He will not insult my brother. I moved Asher to the side and stepped in the front.

"How dare you disobey your alpha?" I said, anger and dominance dripping from every single word," I NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

did not expect this from you Logan. How could you let some arrogant person control your emotions?"

I was fuming by now. He wasn't like this before. I know he doesn't remember anything about the past

but it's worth a try. Logan or Mathew whimpered. Does he remember anything? He shook his head and

growled at me.

"Logan calm down. I know you remember me. I am not a threat to you." I started moving towards him.

I have to get near him to calm him down. He didn't move from his position and is shaking his head.

That means Logan is trying to take control. Others were still quiet but ready to attack any moment. I am

only five foot away from him now. He stopped shaking his head and growled barring his teeth at me. I

lifted my right hand and took a step forward. He jumped on me pinning my both hands to my side with

his sharp teeth right in front of my face. I heard someone scream and two dangerous growls. His nails

dug into my arms. He growled at the others, daring them to come near us and he will kill me. I can get

out of his grip. Papa trained me for all this but I want him to trust me. He might remember anything this

way or at least won't attack me after this. Last option will be using spirit power.

"Get off of me Logan or I will set your tail on fire. Last time you were a spirit but now you have a body.

So you can't escape this time." I said smirking at him.

Yes I tried to set fire to a spirit wolf's tail and it is the most idiotic thing a person could do but he tripped

me in a ditch and I was covered in green plants and mud when I came up. I know hilarious, isn’t it? I

was just twelve at that time and that was the best revenge plan I could come up with. It was the

dumbest idea though as the spirits can't be set on fire. They were making fun of me the entire summer.

He looked at me confused. Just back off dude. He narrowed his eyes at me implying 'you wouldn't'.

"Try me.", I said narrowing my eyes as well.

He stared in my eyes growling. His nails dug even further. I winced. He looked at where his nails were

digging and his eyes widened. He got off of me and shook his head in disbelief.

'I am sorry. I didn't mean to do this.' he said in the mind link and I know this was Logan speaking.

He licked the blood on the wounds and I got up. He put his head on my shoulder and around my back

hugging me. I hugged him back.

"It's okay Logan. Your human was controlling you and you didn't remember anything (which is how it is

supposed to be)." I said burring my face in his soft fur.

I stepped away from him as I heard someone growl and I know it is Asher.

'Were you really going to set my tail on fire?' He asked trying to hide his fear but I saw it in his eyes.

Wow! I feel like a devil.

"Yup." I replied grinning.

He gulped,' Why didn't you fight back? I mean you used to easily get out of my grip when we trained

with you.'

"Just wanted your human to trust me." I said shrugging.

'He is trying to take control back. You know what to do.' He said struggling.

"Yes" I replied smiling. “I hope I could meet you again.”

“You will princess. I am right her.”

I wish I see every one of them again. I miss them a lot. I put my hand on both sides of his head and

focused. My palms started to glow.

"Calm down. I am not a threat to you.” I felt him let go. “Shift." I said firmly.

He started shifting. Leo gave him shorts after he shifted into his butt naked self. I turned around. Don't

want to see him naked do we now. Asher hugged me really tight and buried his face in the crook of my

neck. Too close. It tickles. I am really ticklish. I tried to move but he wouldn't let go.

"You were not lying." Mathew said.

"Told you." I am still in a tight grip of Asher. Does he want to squeeze my organs out?

"I am sorry." Mathew apologized.

"It's o..."

Before I could complete my sentence, we heard a really loud growl from the woods. I know who they

are. Asher finally let go of me but held my hand. Papa and Ryder came out of the trees. They look

ready to kill anyone, they get their eyes on.

"Crap" I said terrified. Not for me, for them.

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