0 Celsius: To thaw a frozen heart

Chapter 20: 12 degree Celsius

Chapter 20: 12 degree Celsius

Deal with the devil

I closed my eyes with my arms engulfing myself trying to protect me from the unknown.

My heartbeat was increasing with each passing second and I could feel my hands starting to shake.

Minutes passed and my condition worsened in anticipation.

A panic attack was in making and me forgetting today's dose of my medicine was a catalyst.

He was silent...only his strong cologne and cigar smoke intermixing could be felt.

Finally after waiting for too long I decided to open one eye.

He was very close...his fingers held my brown locks with which he was playing..

"I....I...a...m so..rry...I... didn't..meant.to...."

"Just shut up your pretty mouth belle"

I zipped my mouth shut and breathing became difficult.

My chest started moving up and down faster as tears stinged my tears..

The pain is starting....sh**....this panic attack seems worse than others.

Within next minute I was sliding down the wall holding onto my chest. My legs felt heavy and my

energy was draining.

Before my body could hit the ground a hand on my waist supported my weight.

My face was pressed on his chest as my body was completely left at his mercy.


I felt cold fingers hold on to my wrist to check my pulse rate

"Sh**!! It's a panic attack!!"

I was lifted up bridal style and placed on the sofa...through teary eyes I could see him ransacking my

purse .

The next minute my head was placed in his lap and he raised my head a bit

"Open your mouth...here take the medicine.."

The medicine was placed on my lips followed my him placing a glass of water on my lips.

I gulped enough water to swallow the medicine and my body fully collapsed on him exhausted.

Just before my eyes closed down I saw him looking at me with gentle eyes while wiping my tears .


Henry was a playboy

There was no doubt in this

And most of the girls with whom he played also liked to play his games.

They liked to be with such a handsome and influential person even if it's for a short time.

But today sitting on his office chair staring at the cute little unconscious girl he questioned himself

"Why would Alessandro send a girl like her?"

Alessandro as per him was a very intelligent person ..with no time for love and emotions...he was cold

and he never did anything wrong..

Then why send an innocent girl like her to convince him. Earlier the girls that came to convince him

knew what they came for and did it well..

But this girl...she wanted to do business by talking and not with her body..

Unlike others who came.

There was no doubt that he was intrigued by her...by her bravery and her actions...

But she was too innocent for her own good.

And he will use this innocence of her to his best advantage.

He looked at her and smirked.

The brilliant idea that he just came up with will not only make me grab the 5 millions deal but will also

destroy his only business competitor Alessandro.

And she will be his Ace in this game of cards.

A businessman is always an opportunist and today this opportunity itself knocked on his door in the

form of this innocent girl.

How can he let her go?

Get ready belle...you won't even know what you did that caused the entire deck of cards to come

crashing down.

He thought as she opened her eyes.


I woke up with a heavy headache

I looked around to see that I was still in Henry's office and he was sitting on his table looking into some


"..s..orry...for ....causing you ...trouble I'll take...my leave"

I lifted myself up and was ready to leave when his words stopped me

"You want me to sign this deal ...right belle?"

I turned around and looked at him shocked.

Will he sign it?

If he does will Andro forgive me?


"Well then you have to do something for me in return.....there is a file ...file no 211 in Andro's office...I

want it within next 24 hours "

A file?...

Well that is a very easy task...but it sounds fishy....

"So what do you say? Do you accept devils deal belle?"

".......okay......but...first I need to know what's inside it...that's so .... important...?"

"It is a deal we both decided to do few years back...but he backed out of it...the deal documents are still

with him and he refuses to give them to me ...if you can get me the file I can amend some clauses and

carry it out with my other partners.."

I don't understand business....but this file seemed harmless to me.

If it can help me get forgiveness by Andro then why not.

"Okay...I'll get it by tom"

He smiled and signed the file I bought him...

"I have done my part ..now you need to do yours"

I nodded and left with a broad smile on my face.

Andro will be very much surprised..

I will love to see his defeated face..

As I showed Andro the file his face was flabbergasted. And so was everyone else's.

He covered his shock look and placed the file aside.

"Get the meeting started..."

Everyone was whispering while staring at me...I passed all of them a smile and made my way to my


Mr Ronald was already waiting for me at my table.

"Sapphire...thank God you are alright....Henry didn't do anything....right?"

"No Mr Ronald he didn't ....I directly refused and he understood...but I didn't expected mr Alessandro to

send me...."

"That's why I was stopping him! I don't know what has happened to him these days...he knows what

Henry expects but still he sent you...those girls are.....anyways you are fine...that's what matters..."

"It's okay don't worry...I am perfectly fine.."

He nodded and left while I decided how to get the file now..

It was evening now and most of the members were busy packing up their stuff..

I decided to first search for the file in the store room

It was stocked in files from top to bottom and my eyes randomly searched for the number nearest to


I reached the sequence....there was 210...212...but no 211...

I sighed in fatigue and frustration...

Lifting myself up...I made my way towards his office.. NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

This is my only chance of forgiveness...

I need to get that file.

The room was empty...the meeting was still going on and now was the right time.

The drawers in his office table were locked as expected...

I searched for the key but it was no where to be found

This is wrong...my conscience scolded me..I was stealing something

But I want his forgiveness....

My eyes landed on his chair and to my luck his coat was hanging on it...

Placing my hand in the pocket I felt the keys.

But instead of happiness...fear entered my mind...

What if Andro comes to know of this...

No he will not know...there are no cameras here in his room...it's safe.

I opened the drawer and there were around 8 files there.

File 211 was the last one and I didn't waste much time and locked the drawer back

Placing the keys back into his pocket.

In a hurry the file slipped from my hands and landed near the table.

I was going to pick it up when the door to his office was slammed open and his eyes directly met


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